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【新闻】韩国首次将寻求核武器列为政策选项  In a First, South Korea Declares Nuclear Weapons a Policy Option   2023-01-13 04:42
  SEOUL — President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea said for the first time on Wednesday that if North Korea’s nuclear threat grows, South Korea would consider building nuclear weapons of its own or ask the United States to redeploy them on the Korean Peninsula.

【新闻】中国海外警务站引多国担忧:FBI搜查纽约站点  With F.B.I. Search, U.S. Escalates Global Fight Over Chinese Police Outposts   2023-01-13 02:23
  The nondescript, six-story office building on a busy street in New York’s Chinatown lists several mundane businesses on its lobby directory, including an engineering company, an acupuncturist and an accounting firm.

【经济】多地发放新春消费券促进消费  Local govts issue vouchers to boost consumption   2023-01-12 15:50
  As the Spring Festival approaches, many local governments have stepped up their efforts to boost consumption by issuing vouchers and launching a range of promotion activities, Securities Daily reported on Wednesday.

【新闻】国会共和党人积极准备调查拜登政府,他们会怎么做?  Here Are All the Ways Republicans Plan to Investigate Biden   2023-01-12 04:05
  WASHINGTON — With Washington in a state of divided government, newly empowered House Republicans are all but certain to be unable to enact their legislative agenda into law. Instead, they have made it clear that their primary mission in the 118th Congress will be investigating the Biden administration, including inquiries they say could lead to the potential impeachment of President Biden and several cabinet members.

【新闻】广州男子驾车冲撞碾压行人致多人死伤  Driver Runs Down Pedestrians in Southern China, Killing at Least 5   2023-01-12 03:29
  A driver sped into pedestrians in a busy intersection in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou, killing at least five people and injuring more than a dozen others, according to the police and videos posted online.

【新闻】纽约街头暴力袭击中国移民致死案:凶手获刑20年  Man Who Fatally Bludgeoned Chinese Immigrant Sentenced to 20 Years   2023-01-11 12:10
  A man who pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the fatal bludgeoning of a Chinese immigrant as she swept a Queens sidewalk was sentenced Tuesday to 20 years in prison.

【文化】哈里王子在回忆录《备用》中讲了什么?这里是11个要点  11 Takeaways From Prince Harry’s Memoir, ‘Spare’   2023-01-11 10:31
  “Spare,” the hotly anticipated memoir by Prince Harry, has captivated people across the world, and is shaping up to be one of the year’s biggest books.

【新闻】图片中的上海疫情高峰时刻  This Is What Shanghai’s Covid Outbreak Looks Like   2023-01-11 09:40
  Shanghai is being gripped by China’s massive Covid wave, leading to a surge in hospitalizations and crowded funeral homes.

【新闻】资深HR建议:简历上千万不要出现这些信息  Take these things off of your resume for a better shot at landing the job   2023-01-11 08:00

【新闻】拜登的机密文件问题与特朗普“文件门”有何异同  How the Discovery of Classified Files in Biden’s Office Compares With the Trum   2023-01-11 04:32
  WASHINGTON — The disclosure that classified documents were found in a private office that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used before beginning his 2020 campaign has prompted comparisons to former President Donald J. Trump’s hoarding of sensitive government records, which is the subject of a criminal investigation.

【经济】2022年GDP超两万亿城市已增至7个  More Chinese cities break 2t yuan GDP mark   2023-01-10 16:07
  Seven cities in China registered GDP of over 2 trillion yuan in 2022, according to a report by media outlet Yicai on Jan 8.

【新闻】在东亚超老龄社会,“退休”也许意味着继续工作  As Asian Societies Age, ‘Retirement’ Just Means More Work   2023-01-10 12:16
  TOKYO — All Yoshihito Oonami wants to do is retire and give his worn body a rest.

【新闻】解析巴西首都动乱:究竟发生了什么?  What Drove a Mass Attack on Brazil’s Capital? Mass Delusion.   2023-01-10 05:48
  For the past 10 weeks, supporters of the ousted far-right President Jair Bolsonaro had camped outside Brazilian Army headquarters, demanding that the military overturn October’s presidential election. And for the past 10 weeks, the protesters faced little resistance from the government.

【健康】新冠轻症患者需要吃Paxlovid吗?  Should you take Paxlovid if you are mildly ill?   2023-01-10 04:23
  It is becoming harder to avoid infection, and reinfection, from the coronavirus with each variant that emerges. Omicron offshoots like the latest one, the XBB.1.5 subvariant, are better at dodging antibodies. But Covid cases also seem to be growing milder, either because new variants are less likely to go deep into the lungs or because most people have been vaccinated, exposed or both.

【新闻】科学报告称中国已基本消除违规排放臭氧“杀手”  Restoration of the Ozone Layer Is Back on Track, Scientists Say   2023-01-10 02:59
  The weakened ozone layer, which is vital to protecting life on Earth, is on track to be restored to full strength within decades — the latest success of a global effort by nations to stop using chemicals that had been destroying the critical layer in the upper atmosphere.

【新闻】郭树清:货币政策加大向民营企业的倾斜力度  Financial steps set to boost private firms   2023-01-09 17:58
  China's financial policy will focus on improving the income level of vulnerable groups while stepping up support for private enterprises, in order to spur domestic demand, a central bank official said.

【新闻】中国重开国门之后,人们的喜悦、困惑和谨慎  As China Lifts Pandemic Border Controls, Mixed Feelings at Home and Abroad   2023-01-09 11:35
  HONG KONG — Over the past three years, Zhou Wanhui, a Hong Kong resident, has visited her parents in China just three times. Though they live only two hours away by train, Covid restrictions made it so difficult to cross the Hong Kong border into mainland China that one of Ms. Zhou’s trips included a three-hour flight to Shanghai and nearly a month of quarantine in two cities.

【新闻】春节返乡潮来临,中国农村地区面临大规模感染冲击  China’s Covid Surge Threatens Villages as Lunar New Year Approaches   2023-01-09 01:44
  The infections in Dadi Village, a corn farming community tucked between verdant hills in China’s remote southwest, started in early December when a handful of young people returned from jobs in big cities.

【经济】我国将加快发展绿色能源  China seeks to balance energy needs, green power transition   2023-01-06 15:08
  China is accelerating wind and solar power development for its transition to green energy even as it increases coal, oil, and gas output to ensure energy security this year, the National Energy Administration said.

【商业】电动汽车市场竞争加剧,特斯拉在华销量下滑  Tesla Sales in China Slump as Competition Intensifies   2023-01-06 12:57
  Tesla sales in China, the world’s largest car market and a crucial element of the company’s fortunes, slumped at the end of 2022 as domestic manufacturers like BYD gained ground with lower-priced electric vehicles, according to data published Thursday.

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