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【新闻】美国加强在菲律宾军事存在,拜登政府释放了何种信号?  Biden Aims to Deter China With Greater U.S. Military Presence in Philippines   2023-02-03 05:33
  WASHINGTON — President Biden and his aides have tried to reassure Chinese leaders that they do not seek to contain China in the same way the Americans did with the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

【新闻】中国年度黄金消费量较30年前增长5倍  China holds the crown as gold producer and consumer   2023-02-02 16:34
  China's rise as the largest producer and consumer of gold worldwide was highlighted by statistics in the Gold Demand Trends report by the World Gold Council, ThePaper reported on Wednesday.

【新闻】“焚烧袋”和追踪码:白宫是如何处理机密文件的  Burn Bags and Tracking Numbers: How the White House Handles Classified Files   2023-02-02 12:35
  WASHINGTON — Just hours after the F.B.I. revealed last summer why it raided the Florida home of former President Donald J. Trump, looking for classified documents, a reporter asked President Biden whether it was ever appropriate to take home top secret material.

【新闻】亚洲多国放宽规定,为何人们还在戴口罩?  Asia Is Loosening Rules on Masks. Here’s Why People Still Wear Them.   2023-02-02 02:44
  South Korea dropped indoor masking on Monday. Japan has ditched them outdoors and is getting ready to unmask indoors soon, too. Taiwan is set to jettison its mandate later this month.

【新闻】数字人民币红包成为中国春节喜庆新元素  E-CNY boosts holiday consumption   2023-02-01 17:40
  On Jan 22, the first day of the Year of the Rabbit, Li, a citizen of North China's Tianjin, prepared for her daughter what in China is called a "red packet", a monetary gift traditionally given by the elderly to the younger generation during Spring Festival or the start of the Chinese New Year.

【新闻】IMF大幅上调中国经济增长预期至5.2%  IMF projects China's economic growth to reach 5.2 pct in 2023   2023-02-01 16:15
  The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Monday projected China's economy will grow by 5.2 percent in 2023, 0.8 percentage point higher than October 2022 forecast.

【新闻】【双语看美国】新年一个月,美国枪击案创纪录  U.S. gun violence sets records in first month of 2023: Gun Violence Archive   2023-02-01 08:00
  The United States has suffered 44 mass shootings this year as of January 29, the worst year on record since the Gun Violence Archive, a website that tracks shootings in the country, began tracking mass shootings in 2014.

【新闻】美空军警告北达科他州中资玉米加工厂构成“重大威胁”  Air Force Says Proposed Chinese-Owned Mill in North Dakota Is ‘Significant Thr   2023-02-01 05:05
  After more than a year of debate about whether a Chinese company’s plan to build a corn mill in North Dakota was an economic boon or a geopolitical risk, an assistant secretary of the Air Force has weighed in with a warning that the “project presents a significant threat to national security.”

【商业】美国扩大与印度合作,对抗中国技术崛起  U.S. Courts India as Technology Partner to Counter China   2023-02-01 04:11
  Officials from the United States and India agreed on Tuesday to expand cooperation on advanced weaponry, supercomputing, semiconductors and other high-tech fields, as the Biden administration looks to strengthen its connections with Asian allies and offset China’s dominance of cutting-edge technologies.

【新闻】一艘小渔船、一片汪洋大海:他们在绝望中逃离俄罗斯征兵  A Small Boat, a Vast Sea and a Desperate Escape From Russia   2023-02-01 01:30
  A series of knocks rattled his apartment door one day last fall, and Maksim peered through the peephole to see two soldiers in uniform. They were military enlistment officers, he knew, expanding the vast conscription effort for the war in Ukraine to Russia’s remote Far East.

【经济】春节黄金周 旅游市场迎来开门红  Tourism market a step closer to robust recovery   2023-01-31 14:05
  Tourism operators in China are in high spirits because the market saw a good chance of a robust recovery during the Spring Festival holiday amid relaxed COVID-19 travel policies.

【商业】IMF上调全球经济增长预期,中国重新开放为因素之一  I.M.F. Upgrades Global Outlook as Inflation Eases   2023-01-31 01:27
  WASHINGTON — The International Monetary Fund said on Monday that the global economy was expected to slow this year as central banks continued to raise interest rates to tame inflation, but it also suggested that growth would be more resilient than previously anticipated and that a global recession would probably be avoided.

【文化】《流浪地球2》:流浪到另一个极端  ‘The Wandering Earth II’ Review: It Wanders Too Far   2023-01-31 01:00
  Upon its release, “The Wandering Earth,” Frant Gwo’s 2019 film about a dystopia in which Earth is perilously pushed through space, was minted as China’s first substantial, domestic sci-fi blockbuster, with the box office returns to prove it.

【新闻】中国经济表现在全球仍然突出  China's economy stands out in global arena   2023-01-30 18:00
  In its three-year-long fight against COVID-19, China posted outstanding results in economic development and epidemic control, reinforcing its status as a leading engine for the global economy.

【经济】推动北京城市副中心建设和通州区与北三县协同发展  China to further promote integrated development of Beijing's sub-center, nei   2023-01-30 17:11
  China will further promote integrated and high-quality development of Beijing's sub-center and neighboring areas, according to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).

【新闻】中国需要人们生育,试管婴儿能解决人口问题吗?  China Needs Couples to Have More Babies: Can I.V.F. Help?   2023-01-30 11:46
  It was a cold and overcast morning in November, but one full of promise for Guo Meiyan and her husband: They would finally get a chance to start a family.


【新闻】能源成本飙升!英国威尔士超三成公共泳池或关门     2023-01-30 08:00
  Nearly a third of the 500 public swimming pools in Wales could close due to high energy bills, the head of swimming's governing body has warned.

【新闻】世界翘首以盼,中国游客何时全面回归?  Chinese Travel Is Set to Return. The Question Is, When?   2023-01-30 05:49
  When the first Chinese tourists landed at Suvarnabhumi International Airport in Bangkok this month, they were greeted like celebrities with welcome banners, flowers, gifts, and a scrum of reporters and photographers.

【新闻】无法完工的家:他们掏空积蓄买房,却等来烂尾噩梦  They Poured Their Savings Into Homes That Were Never Built   2023-01-30 05:17
  To Tang Chao, the apartment in northeast China was where he and his wife were going to start a new life together.

【经济】春节期间消费市场呈现爆发增长  Consumers give economy festive boost   2023-01-29 16:10
  Chinese consumers splurged during the Spring Festival holiday, not only on things like duty-free commodities, jewelry and health-related products, but also on experiences such as travel and entertainment, fueled by the optimization of COVID-19 prevention and control measures, industry experts said.

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