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【文化】中国版《三体》电视剧:忠于原著的平庸之作  ‘Three-Body’ Review: A Chinese Series Beats Netflix to the Screen   2023-02-10 01:13
  This review contains spoilers for the novel “The Three-Body Problem” and the television series “Three-Body.” There’s no way around it.
   本评论包含小说《三体》和电视剧《三体》的剧透。 无法避免。

【科技】神舟十五号航天员乘组将于近日择机执行第一次出舱活动  Shenzhou-15 taikonauts to perform spacewalk   2023-02-09 15:40
  The Shenzhou-15 taikonauts will conduct their first extravehicular activities within the next few days, the China Manned Space Agency announced on Wednesday.

【新闻】临床试验参与者非裔仅占8%,美国医学种族主义令少数族裔对医疗系统失去  Mistrust in U.S. medical system leads to lack of diversity in clinical trials   2023-02-09 09:00
  For decades, racial and ethnic minorities have been underrepresented in clinical trials even though they are disproportionately affected by several health issues such as diabetes and hypertension. According to the Robert A. Winn Diversity in Clinical Trials Award Program, 80% of individuals involved in clinical trials are white, compared to 58% in the U.S. population as a whole, which negatively affects the care that people of color receive.

【新闻】公共领域车辆全面电动化先行区试点启动  EVs to increase in public transport   2023-02-08 15:30
  China aims to increase the share of electric vehicles in the public transport system to 80 percent in key areas, including bus and taxi services, by 2025, as the country accelerates its steps to promote green transformation amid booming new energy vehicle development.

【商业】中国消费支出现回暖迹象,但经济复苏仍存隐忧  Flowers, Fresh Fish and Movies: China Is Spending Again, Cautiously   2023-02-08 12:46
  In downtown Nanjing, China, a fishmonger sold a lot more ribbon fish than usual for Lunar New Year family gatherings two weeks ago. A florist in a run-down shopping mall on the south side of the city sold more roses.

【新闻】香港国安法最大案件:47名民主派受审  Hong Kong’s Pro-Democracy Leaders Held an Election. Now They’re on Trial.   2023-02-08 10:05
  The political candidates represented the vanguard of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement. Numbering in the dozens, they had planned to run for the city’s legislature in 2020, after months of turbulent protests calling for greater freedom from China.

【商业】为何中国企业在墨西哥大举投资?  Why Chinese Companies Are Investing Billions in Mexico   2023-02-08 04:50
  Bill Chan had never set foot anywhere in Mexico, let alone the lonely stretch of desert in the north of the country where he abruptly decided to build a $300 million factory. But that seemed a trifling detail amid the pressure to adapt to a swiftly changing global economy.

【新闻】中国元宇宙相关专利申请数量全球第二  Country No 2 in metaverse patent application count   2023-02-07 17:45
  China is now No 2 in metaverse-related global patent applications with a nearly 30 percent share gathered through its 14,291 applications, a report by South Korea's Korean Intellectual Property Office stated.

【新闻】内地与港澳人员往来全面恢复  Mainland fully resumes HK, Macao travel   2023-02-07 13:22
  The Chinese mainland fully resumed normal travel with the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions (SARs) starting Monday, in what is expected to be a strong boost for the two regions' economic development.

【新闻】关于“香港47人案”,你应该了解的  How China Dealt a ‘Knockout Blow’ to Its Opponents in Hong Kong   2023-02-07 06:01
  Vaguely worded and broad in scope, the law was crafted and enacted from Beijing. It quickly transformed life in Hong Kong.

【新闻】中国真实新冠死亡人数迷雾中,学者们的死亡提供线索  In China’s Covid Fog, Deaths of Scholars Offer a Clue   2023-02-07 03:13
  Four members of China’s two most prestigious academic institutions died in October – in line with the average in recent years.

【新闻】图集:直击土耳其和叙利亚强震后救援现场  After the Quake: Scenes From Turkey and Syria   2023-02-07 01:49
  It was one of the most powerful earthquakes ever recorded in Turkey, even shaking buildings hundreds of miles away in Israel.

【经济】我国将加强贸易合作 推动出口产业增长  Exporters to get help in expanding order books   2023-02-06 15:05
  China will support its exporters to participate in various business exhibitions abroad and closely cooperate with trading partners to put its foreign trade growth on a firmer footing in 2023, government officials said on Thursday.

【新闻】从进入美国领空到被导弹击落:中国间谍气球事件时间线  China’s spy balloon drifted for 7 days across the U.S.: A Timeline   2023-02-06 10:09
  The president had been discussing military options with the Pentagon since Tuesday, when he was alerted by the Pentagon that a spy balloon had entered the continental American airspace near Idaho. By Wednesday, the balloon was hovering over Montana, and a full-blown diplomatic crisis was underway.

【新闻】气球事件前美国机密报告警告空中间谍活动威胁  Classified U.S. Report Highlights Foreign Power Aerial Spying With Advanced Tech   2023-02-06 05:41
  WASHINGTON — The Chinese spy balloon that floated across the continental United States before it was shot down by the U.S. military generated deep concern on Capitol Hill in part because it came on the heels of a classified report that outlined incidents of American adversaries potentially using advanced aerial technology to spy on the country.


【新闻】中国助力全球通胀降温  Nation can help cool soaring global inflation   2023-02-03 17:59
  China, with its benign inflation rate, is capable of playing a pivotal role in helping cool soaring global inflation and will continue to ensure strong economic recovery and mild price fluctuations this year, analysts and executives said.

【体育】国际奥委会发文庆祝北京冬奥会成功举办一周年  IOC hails Beijing 2022 legacy   2023-02-03 17:11
  One year after the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) hailed the social and economic benefits created by the Games.

【新闻】美国与菲律宾军事同盟简史  A Primer on U.S.-Philippine Military Ties   2023-02-03 11:46
  The United States and the Philippines announced a deal on Thursday that will give U.S. forces access to four more military sites in the Southeast Asian country, creating the largest American military presence there in decades.

【科技】警惕!研究发现:挖鼻孔或增加患痴呆症风险  Nose Picking May Increase Dementia Risk   2023-02-03 10:58
  A mouse study suggests an especially disgusting risk factor for dementia: nose picking.

【新闻】美国加强在菲律宾军事存在,制衡中国  U.S. to Boost Military Role in the Philippines in Push to Counter China   2023-02-03 10:16
  The United States is increasing its military presence in the Philippines, gaining access to four more sites and strengthening the Southeast Asian nation’s role as a key strategic partner for Washington in the event of a conflict with China over Taiwan.

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