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【科技】人格分裂、疯狂示爱:一个令人不安的微软机器人  Help, Bing Won’t Stop Declaring Its Love for Me   2023-02-17 11:15
  Last week, after testing the new, A.I.-powered Bing search engine from Microsoft, I wrote that, much to my shock, it had replaced Google as my favorite search engine.

【新闻】“切尔诺贝利2.0”?俄亥俄火车脱轨引发多重阴谋论  ‘Chernobyl 2.0’? Ohio Train Derailment Spurs Wild Speculation.   2023-02-17 05:27
  Since a train carrying hazardous materials derailed in Ohio nearly two weeks ago, residents have feared for their safety. A controlled burn of the toxic materials has filled the air and covered surface waters and soil with chemicals. Dead fish have floated in nearby creeks, and an unnerving aroma has lingered in the air.

【新闻】【双语财讯】专家:供给侧改革对促进经济复苏至关重要  Supply-side reform key to boosting recovery of economy, experts say   2023-02-16 17:48
  While expanding domestic demand has been touted as an important means of promoting economic growth in China, experts noted that a recently released guideline has stressed the importance of simultaneously deepening supply-side reform.

【新闻】迷雾中的间谍气球和它引发的中美外交危机  How a Fog of Questions Over a Spy Balloon and U.F.O.s Fed a Diplomatic Crisis   2023-02-16 04:39
  WASHINGTON — Senior American officials increasingly believe the Chinese spy balloon that was shot down off the coast of South Carolina in early February was originally supposed to conduct surveillance over U.S. military bases in Guam and Hawaii, but winds carried it off course to Alaska, Canada and finally the continental United States.

【新闻】武汉爆发大规模示威,数千名退休人员抗议政府医保改革  Thousands of Chinese Retirees Protest Government Cuts to Benefits   2023-02-16 03:59
  WUHAN, China — Thousands of retirees confronted local officials and the police outside a popular park in the central Chinese city of Wuhan to demand the repeal of recent cuts in government-provided medical insurance for seniors.

【新闻】专家称地球上空气球无处不在  A Rising Awareness That Balloons Are Everywhere in Our Skies   2023-02-16 03:05
  The United States is going to need a lot of missiles if its fighter jets are to shoot down every stray balloon that sets off a radar warning in American airspace.

【经济】北京:支持头部企业打造对标ChatGPT的大模型  Large models benchmarking ChatGPT to be built   2023-02-15 17:14
  Beijing will support leading companies in building large models to benchmark ChatGPT this year, The Beijing News reported on Tuesday.

【经济】国家统计局:2月上旬35种产品价格下降  Means of production prices mostly fall in China   2023-02-15 15:23
  The majority of capital goods in China posted lower prices in early February 2023 compared with late January, official data showed Tuesday.

【新闻】美国称此前被击落的三个不明飞行物可能无害  Flying Objects Could Turn Out to Be Harmless, U.S. Says   2023-02-15 12:07
  WASHINGTON — A top White House official said on Tuesday that three unidentified flying objects shot down in the past several days might turn out to be harmless commercial or research efforts that posed no real threat to the United States.

【新闻】俄亥俄火车脱轨事件引发污染和健康担忧  What We Know About the Train Derailment in Ohio   2023-02-15 04:05
  This month a train carrying toxic chemicals derailed in eastern Ohio, igniting a fire that covered the town of East Palestine in smoke. Fearful of a major explosion, the authorities carved out an evacuation zone and carried out a controlled release of toxic fumes to neutralize burning cargo inside some of the train cars.

【新闻】受种族歧视、教育高成本等影响 美国非裔大学生毕业率低于其他族裔群体  Discrimination and caretaking contribute to lower college completion rate for Bl   2023-02-14 17:33
  Black students reported facing barriers that prevent them from completing their undergraduate studies in six years or less, regardless of the type of certificate or degree program, according to research published Thursday by Gallup and the Lumina Foundation. The most significant factors contributing to the lower rates among Black students, the study found, were experiencing acts of discrimination and managing multiple priorities that can interfere with completing coursework.

【经济】国家能源局:风电、光伏发电创历史新高  New wind and solar power capacity hits record   2023-02-14 16:05
  China's newly installed combined wind and solar power capacity reached a record 125 million kilowatts last year, bringing the tally of total installed capacity to over 1.2 billion kW, as the country stepped up efforts to ensure energy security while facilitating green energy transition, the National Energy Administration said on Monday.

【新闻】北京称美国气球曾十余次飞越中国领空  China Says U.S. Regularly Sends Balloons Into Its Airspace   2023-02-14 10:39
  In the latest jab over aerial surveillance, China said on Monday that high-altitude balloons from the United States had flown over Chinese airspace without permission more than 10 times since the start of last year.

【新闻】出境游有序恢复提振全球对中国经济的信心与期待  Orderly recovery of outbound tourism boosts global confidence in Chinese economy   2023-02-13 18:29
  After a three-year hiatus caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, China's outbound group tour has pressed the "restart button," and the first batch of Chinese tourists have arrived in, among others, Thailand, Cambodia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

【新闻】北京年内“上新”一批博物馆、文化公园  Beijing to boost museum, park construction in 2023   2023-02-13 18:00
  A batch of museums and parks will be built or opened in Beijing this year, the Beijing Municipal Cultural Heritage Bureau said Sunday.

【新闻】美国在加拿大上空击落不明飞行物  U.S. Jet Shoots Down Flying Object Over Canada   2023-02-13 10:49
  WASHINGTON — An American fighter jet, acting on the orders of President Biden and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada, shot down another unidentified flying object on Saturday, Canadian and American officials said, in the latest installment of the drama playing out in the skies of North America.

【新闻】美国在北美上空击落多个不明飞行物体  What’s Going On Up There? Theories but No Answers in Shootdowns of Mystery Cra   2023-02-13 05:35
  WASHINGTON — If the truth is out there, it certainly is not apparent yet.

【经济】服务业消费复苏开局强劲  Service consumption recovery gathers speed   2023-02-10 16:39
  China's economic recovery is on the right track and the recovery of consumption of services has gotten off to a strong start, said experts at foreign institutions.

【新闻】美中关系阴影难消,得州拟禁止中国公民及企业买房购地  How U.S.-China Tensions Could Affect Who Buys the House Next Door   2023-02-10 09:59
  HOUSTON — After a Chinese billionaire with plans to create a wind farm bought up more than 130,000 acres of Texas land, some of it near a U.S. Air Force base, the state responded with a ban on such infrastructure projects by those with direct ties to China.

【新闻】中国间谍气球到底在收集什么?  What Was the Chinese Spy Balloon Trying to Collect?   2023-02-10 05:16
  WASHINGTON — The U.S. government is combing over a variety of intelligence — debris, reconnaissance plane photos and old observations — to learn what the Chinese spy balloon was after as it made its way across the United States in early February, before being shot down by a Sidewinder missile fired by a stealth fighter jet last weekend.

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