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【新闻】中国医保改革个人账户“缩水”,多地老年人抗议  China’s Cities Are Cutting Health Insurance, and People Are Angry   2023-02-24 11:51
  Local governments across China, facing a financial tipping point after three years of expensive Covid measures, are forcing abrupt changes on the country’s health care system, squeezing benefits and angering citizens.

【新闻】内蒙古煤矿崩塌致数十人失踪  More Than 50 Missing After Coal Mine Collapses in Northern China   2023-02-24 10:35
  Rescuers in northern China were working on Thursday to save 53 coal miners who were missing after the collapse of an open-pit mine. At least four deaths had been confirmed, local officials and state media said.


【新闻】为何西方未能成功孤立俄罗斯  The West Tried to Isolate Russia. It Didn’t Work.   2023-02-24 06:47
  After Russia invaded Ukraine, the West formed what looked like an overwhelming global coalition: 141 countries supported a United Nations measure demanding that Russia unconditionally withdraw.

【新闻】美国如何采取新情报战略打击俄罗斯及伙伴国  How the U.S. Adopted a New Intelligence Playbook to Expose Russia’s War Plans   2023-02-24 05:23
  WASHINGTON — A year ago, the United States did something extraordinary — it released previously classified intelligence that exposed Russia’s plans to invade Ukraine.

【科技】科学家提出粮食生产碳中和新路径  Chinese scientists propose way to achieve carbon-neutral crop production   2023-02-23 15:13
  Chinese scientists, in collaboration with researchers from the United States and Germany, have proposed an agricultural carbon reduction solution that could help China achieve carbon neutrality in its food production, according to the Institute of Soil Science under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

【新闻】美国将扩大对俄制裁,中国经济支持成焦点  China’s Economic Support for Russia Could Elicit More Sanctions   2023-02-23 10:28
  WASHINGTON — President Biden and his top officials vowed this week to introduce additional sanctions aimed at impeding Russia’s war efforts against Ukraine. But the administration’s focus is increasingly shifting to the role that China has played in supplying Russia with goods that have both civilian and military uses.

【新闻】美众议院议员访台后呼吁加快售台武器交付  Lawmakers Return From Taiwan Clamoring to Speed Up Weapons Deliveries   2023-02-23 04:50
  WASHINGTON — House lawmakers, returning from a pair of official trips to Taiwan aimed at bolstering ties with the self-governing island, called on Wednesday for the U.S. government to speed up weapons deliveries to shore up the enclave’s defenses against China — and bemoaned that existing channels had not lived up to their potential.

【科技】台积电美国工厂项目引发内部质疑  Inside Taiwanese Chip Giant, a U.S. Expansion Stokes Tensions   2023-02-23 03:39
  Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, the world’s biggest maker of advanced computer chips, is upgrading and expanding a new factory in Arizona that promises to help move the United States toward a more self-reliant technological future.

【经济】【双语财讯】把分散资源聚沙成塔 虚拟电厂受到业内热捧  Virtual power plants manage energy flow   2023-02-22 15:00
  Construction of virtual power plants is on the rise in China as the country continues to move toward a more sustainable energy mix, with renewables taking up an increasing share.

【新闻】谁该为乌克兰战争负责?拜登和普京公开互相指责  Biden and Putin Give Clashing Claims of Who Is to Blame on Ukraine   2023-02-22 05:14
  WARSAW — President Biden and Vladimir V. Putin laid out radically different visions on Tuesday for Ukraine’s future, offering sharply contrasting narratives about who is to blame for the bloody, yearlong war and seeming to agree on only one point: The conflict is nowhere near an end.

【新闻】普京宣布暂停履行核武器控制条约,这意味着什么  Putin’s Move on Nuclear Treaty May Signal End to Formal Arms Control   2023-02-22 01:01
  WARSAW — When President Vladimir V. Putin announced at the end of a 100-minute speech on Tuesday that he would suspend Russia’s participation in the New START treaty — the last surviving arms control agreement between the two largest nuclear-armed powers — it was the latest sign that the decades-long era of formal arms control may be dying.

【新闻】【双语财讯】出口311万辆,中国汽车加速“出海”与世界共赢  Reaching 3.11 mln exports, China's cars gain growing popularity with innovat   2023-02-21 17:34
  Almost one year since Israel Aguilar tried out a Chinese new energy vehicle (NEV), the Mexican believes he may not get back to driving his petrol car anymore.

【教育】大学生睡眠不足6小时影响期末成绩,睡眠减少1小时GPA下降0.07  Nightly Sleep Is Key to Student Success   2023-02-21 16:38
  A multi-institutional team of researchers conducted the first study to evaluate how the duration of nightly sleep early in the semester affects first year college students end-of-semester grade point average (GPA). Using Fitbit sleep trackers, they found that students on average sleep 6.5 hours a night, but negative outcomes accumulate when students received less than six hours of sleep a night. The results are available in the Feb. 13 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.一支由多机构组成的研究团队首次评估了学期初晚间睡眠时间对大学新生期末平均绩点 (GPA)的影响。研究人员通过Fitbit睡眠追踪器,发现学生平均每晚睡眠时间为 6.5 小时,当学生每晚睡眠时间少于6小时时,负面效应就会累积。该研究结果2月13日发表在《美国科学院院报》上。
  Sleep guidelines recommend teenagers get 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night. Many college students experience irregular and insufficient sleep.睡眠指南建议青少年每晚睡眠时间为8-10个小时。许多大学生都存在睡眠不规律和睡眠不足的问题。

【经济】2023年1月全国吸收外资同比增长14.5%     2023-02-21 14:56
  Foreign direct investment (FDI) into the Chinese mainland, in actual use, expanded 14.5 percent year on year to 127.69 billion yuan in January, the Ministry of Commerce said Monday.

【新闻】菲律宾对华政策转向强硬,寻求恢复美菲防务关系  With an Eye on China, Philippines Moves Closer to U.S. Interests   2023-02-21 10:49
  For years, the Philippines largely stood by as Chinese forces rammed its fishing vessels and occupied the reefs and shoals that once belonged to the Southeast Asian nation.

【新闻】中国能扭转人口下降趋势吗?  Can China Reverse Its Population Decline? Just Ask Sweden.   2023-02-21 06:05
  China’s population has begun to decline, a demographic turning point for the country that has global implications. Experts had long anticipated this moment, but it arrived in 2022 several years earlier than expected, prompting hand-wringing among economists over the long-term impacts given the country’s immense economic heft and its role as the world’s manufacturer.

【新闻】当总统走入战区:拜登大胆而秘密的乌克兰之行  Biden’s Surreal and Secretive Journey Into a War Zone   2023-02-21 04:52
  WASHINGTON — As the train rumbled across the Ukrainian countryside through a long night, the view outside the window left little to see, just the occasional streetlight or shadows of buildings in the distance. But neither could those watching the train go by see who was inside, nor would they likely have guessed had they stopped to wonder.

【新闻】【双语财讯】中国出境游升温 提振全球经济  Group tours come back on menu for overseas travelers   2023-02-20 15:05
  China's outbound tourism market, which had been near dormant for the past three years, saw a strong rebound during this year's Spring Festival holiday, as the country optimized its COVID-19 prevention and entry policies in early January.

【新闻】【双语财讯】中国连续第七年成为德国最重要贸易伙伴  China remains Germany's most important trading partner in 2022   2023-02-17 17:45

【新闻】民航局:我国已恢复与58个国家间的客运定期航班  China resumes regular flights with 58 countries   2023-02-17 15:50
  China resumed regular passenger flights with 58 countries last week after the country removed certain COVID-19 restrictions on international passenger flights from Jan. 8, 2023.

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