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【健康】空腹喝咖啡对胃不好吗?  Is It Bad to Drink Coffee on an Empty Stomach?   2023-03-03 04:02
  Q: I’ve heard that drinking coffee without food in the morning can damage the stomach lining. Is that true?

【新闻】布林肯与俄罗斯外长会面,要求结束“侵略战争”  In First Wartime Meeting, Blinken Confronts His Russian Counterpart   2023-03-03 02:44
  Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken and his Russian counterpart on Thursday held the first private, face-to-face exchange between a U.S. cabinet member and a top Kremlin official since the invasion, and Mr. Blinken said he used the encounter to demand that Russia end its war on Ukraine.

【新闻】从网红到中国版《Vogue》主编:章凝的时尚之道  How to Run a Fashion Magazine in China in 2023   2023-03-03 01:41
  Two years ago, when Condé Nast announced that Margaret Zhang would be the next editor in chief of Vogue China, many in the fashion media were taken aback.

【科技】【双语财讯】工信部:加快布局前沿领域 全面推进6G技术研发  R&D of 6G, other future tech to get high priority   2023-03-02 15:50
  China will "fully" promote the research and development of 6G as well as other cutting-edge technologies — including humanoid robots, the metaverse and quantum technology — this year so as to better support the construction of a modern industrial system, the top industry regulator said on Wednesday.

【新闻】外国学者:美国恶意炒作“间谍气球” 的背后动机很丑陋  Washington's overblown balloon story has lost steam   2023-03-02 15:38
  The whole fanfare of the United States' twists over a Chinese civilian airship is just what the political doctor ordered.美国大张旗鼓地对中国民用无人飞艇误入美国领空一事歪曲事实,正是美政客所需。
  After all, US President Joe Biden's Republican detractors were ridiculing him for quite some time. His predecessor and rival in the 2020 presidential election, former president Donald Trump, as well as others are exploiting his incoherent ramblings, which have provided all the ammunition that conservatives needed to have a field day.毕竟,美国总统拜登的共和党批评者已经抨击他很久了。前任美国总统、2020 年总统大选拜登的竞争对手唐纳德·特朗普以及其他人正在利用拜登的胡言乱语,作为共和党攻击他的武器。

【新闻】乌克兰战争阴影下,欧洲已永久改变  War in Ukraine Has Changed Europe Forever   2023-03-02 04:38
  HELSINKI — A year ago, the day Russia invaded Ukraine and set in motion a devastating European ground war, President Sauli Niinisto of Finland declared: “Now the masks are off. Only the cold face of war is visible.”

【商业】中国经济复苏迎利好,制造业强势反弹  China’s Factories Report Surge in Activity After Lockdowns End   2023-03-02 01:16
  After being brutally battered by the coronavirus pandemic last year, Chinese factories bounced back with unexpected vigor last month.

【经济】【双语财讯】加快算力建设 推动经济高质量发展  Country striving to build up computing muscle   2023-03-01 15:30
  China's computing power sector is expected to witness speedy growth as tech companies are scrambling to roll out ChatGPT-like artificial intelligence chatbots, which necessitates higher requirements for computing capacity in the process of large language model training and operation, experts said.

【新闻】俄亥俄火车脱轨事件:真相真的被掩盖了吗?  Ohio Train Derailment: Separating Fact From Fiction   2023-03-01 05:53
  The derailment of a Norfolk Southern train that spilled toxic chemicals and led to a controlled burn of the substances in East Palestine, Ohio, has become one of the highest-profile — and most politicized — incidents of its kind in the United States in recent years.

【新闻】美国芯片法案详解:不只关于芯片  The CHIPS Act Is About More Than Chips: Here’s What’s in It   2023-03-01 05:29
  The Biden administration unveiled rules Tuesday for its “Chips for America” program to build up semiconductor research and manufacturing in the United States, beginning a new rush toward federal funding in the sector.
  周二,拜登政府公布了“美国芯片”(Chips for America)计划的规则,从而开启对该行业的新一轮联邦拨款热潮。该计划追求在美国建立半导体研究和制造能力。

【新闻】去年160余个涉黑组织被打掉  Chinese police take down 160 organized crime groups in 2022   2023-02-28 18:39
  Chinese police dismantled more than 160 organized crime groups and 1,520 criminal gangs in 2022, amid ongoing efforts to combat organized crime, the Ministry of Public Security said on Monday.

【新闻】【双语财讯】人流物流加速回暖彰显中国经济活力恢复  China unleashes great economic momentum after COVID-19 victory   2023-02-28 17:55
  After achieving a major and decisive victory in its COVID-19 prevention and control efforts since late 2022, China has put its economy back on the fast track, with the vigor of its development impacting the whole world.

【新闻】美国著名反战人士痛斥美政府:在全球引战却忽视国内发展,太荒谬!  It's illogical U.S. spends much on wars, very little on infrastructure, says   2023-02-28 16:37

【新闻】关于新冠病毒起源,我们已知和未知的  What We Know and Don’t Know About the Origins of Covid   2023-02-28 04:26
  WASHINGTON — The Energy Department’s conclusion, with “low confidence,” that an accidental laboratory leak in China most likely caused the coronavirus pandemic has renewed questions about what sparked the worst public health crisis in a century — and whether the virus at the heart of it was somehow connected to scientific research.

【新闻】用中国功夫打破性别障碍的尼泊尔武尼  Kung Fu Nuns of Nepal Smash Convention   2023-02-28 03:03
  As the first rays of sun pierced through the clouds covering snowcapped Himalayan peaks, Jigme Rabsal Lhamo, a Buddhist nun, drew a sword from behind her back and thrust it toward her opponent, toppling her to the ground.

【商业】个人养老金资金账户超2400万户  Over 24 mln individual pension accounts opened in China   2023-02-27 14:10
  More than 24 million individual pension accounts have been opened since China announced the implementation of its private pension plan to supplement the country's old-age insurance mechanism in November last year, the country's banking and insurance regulator said.

【新闻】香港名媛碎尸案引发轰动,其前夫等四人被捕  After Model’s Gruesome Killing, Suspicion Falls on Ex-Husband and His Family   2023-02-27 01:20
  The Hong Kong police have detained four people in connection with the killing of a model and influencer, in a case that has horrified the city.

【经济】那些试行四天工作制的企业,现在都怎样了?  More than 60 companies tried a four-day work week and results show why 92% are k   2023-02-24 21:23

【新闻】【双语财讯】超七成中国企业将维持或扩大对外投资规模  Chinese firms enjoy strong ODI sentiment   2023-02-24 15:15
  Chinese enterprises' outbound direct investment witnessed steady growth last year, with more than 70 percent maintaining or expanding their scale of offshore investment over the period, said the country's top foreign trade and investment promotion agency on Wednesday.

【商业】关于中国医保运行机制及其变化,你应该知道的  How Health Insurance Works in China, and How It’s Changing   2023-02-24 12:11
  Almost everyone in China has had at least some health insurance since new policies were introduced a decade ago. Now China has begun pursuing a second wave of changes.

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