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【新闻】中国主导沙伊和解对美国来说意味着什么  Chinese-Brokered Deal Upends Mideast Diplomacy and Challenges U.S.   2023-03-13 02:58
  WASHINGTON — Finally, there is a peace deal of sorts in the Middle East. Not between Israel and the Arabs, but between Saudi Arabia and Iran, which have been at each other’s throats for decades. And brokered not by the United States but by China.

【新闻】【双语财讯】专家:中国“世界工厂”地位不会改变  China to retain 'world factory' status   2023-03-10 15:36
  An eminent Chinese scholar on foreign trade studies has rebutted a claim made by analysts and a section of the media that India and some Southeast Asian countries will gradually replace China's role as the "world factory", a metaphor used to describe its major role in manufacturing.

【新闻】【双语财讯】多国专家:政府工作报告彰显中国“韧劲和决心”  Report shows nation's 'resilience and determination'   2023-03-09 17:52
  The Government Work Report delivered on Sunday to the 14th National People's Congress demonstrates how the Chinese leadership has responded to the needs, aspirations and dreams of ordinary people, according to African and European commentators.

【经济】应急管理部部长王祥喜:我国安全生产事故逐年下降  Improvements reduce workplace casualties   2023-03-09 15:50
  China has experienced significant drops in casualties from workplace accidents and natural disasters, thanks to a reinforced emergency management system following an institutional reshuffle in 2018, said Wang Xiangxi, minister of emergency management. The reshuffle has yielded significant results, as it "has made the country's emergency management system more systematic, holistic and coordinated", the minister stressed.

【新闻】大国博弈棋子的命运:揭秘中国对美经济间谍战内幕  The Daring Ruse That Exposed China’s Campaign to Steal American Secrets   2023-03-09 12:26
  In March 2017, an engineer at G.E. Aviation in Cincinnati whom I will refer to using part of his Chinese given name — received a request on LinkedIn. Hua is in his 40s, tall and athletic, with a boyish face that makes him look a decade younger. He moved to the United States from China in 2003 for graduate studies in structural engineering. After earning his Ph.D. in 2007, he went to work for G.E., first at the company’s research facility in Niskayuna, N.Y., for a few years, then at G.E. Aviation.


【科技】聊天机器人风潮下,互联网行业的兴奋和混乱  The Chatbots Are Here, and the Internet Industry Is in a Tizzy   2023-03-09 10:22
  SAN FRANCISCO — When Aaron Levie, the chief executive of Box, tried a new A.I. chatbot called ChatGPT in early December, it didn’t take him long to declare, “We need people on this!”

【经济】世界肥胖联合会:到2035年,全球一半人口或将超重  More than half of humans on track to be overweight or obese by 2035 – report   2023-03-09 08:00
  About 2.6 billion people globally – 38% of the world population – are already overweight or obese. But on current trends that is expected to rise to more than 4 billion people (51%) in 12 years’ time, according to research by the World Obesity Federation.
  目前全球已有26亿人口(占世界总人口的38%)超重或肥胖。但据世界肥胖联合会的研究显示,按照目前的趋势,12年后,这一数字预计将上升至40亿以上 (占世界总人口的51%)。

【新闻】新冠溯源听证会:共和党推动实验室泄漏说,但缺乏实证  Republicans Push Lab Leak Theory on Covid’s Origins, but Lack ‘Smoking Gun   2023-03-09 02:27
  WASHINGTON — The former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention accused top federal health officials on Wednesday of excluding him from discussions in early 2020 about whether the coronavirus was the result of a laboratory leak — an assertion that one of the officials, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, later said had “nothing to do with reality.”

【经济】【双语财讯】外贸规模再创历史新高 助力经济复苏  Resilient exports keep 2023 trade and growth hopes high   2023-03-08 14:35
  China's foreign trade is expected to keep growing on the back of domestic economic recovery and improvement in global demand, lawmakers attending the 14th National People's Congress and industry experts said on Tuesday.

【新闻】【双语财讯】外资企业对中国市场信心更加坚定  Foreign enterprises find greater confidence in China   2023-03-07 17:29
  China's recovery, along with more encouraging signals and prudent policies introduced during the two sessions, is injecting greater confidence into multinationals operating in China, said a senior executive from Bayer.

【科技】科技部部长王志刚:促进人工智能为经济社会发展作出贡献  Minister calls on scientists for responsible use of AI   2023-03-07 14:35
  Wang Zhigang, minister of science and technology, has called on Chinese scientists and companies to better facilitate the development and ethical use of artificial intelligence.

【新闻】韩国放弃要求日本公司赔偿“二战”劳工受害者  Historical Disputes Kept Them at Odds. Can Seoul and Tokyo Make Amends?   2023-03-07 12:30
  SEOUL — When it comes to South Korea and Japan, historical disputes have long clouded the relationship. The two countries have not had a state visit since 2011 because they couldn’t resolve territorial claims over a set of islets. They’ve argued vehemently over the Korean women who were forced into sexual slavery for Japan’s wartime military.

【新闻】模拟与中国交战,美国海军陆战队演练未来战场新战术  To Prepare for a Pacific Island Fight, Marines Hide and Attack in California   2023-03-07 10:31
  TWENTYNINE PALMS, Calif. — Sitting around a plastic folding table in a dusty tent, a half-dozen officers of the Hawaii-based Third Marine Littoral Regiment took a very short break from days of fighting on little to no sleep.

【新闻】“被染红的”华埠社区:美国亚裔选民为何开始向右转?  Asian Americans, Shifting Right   2023-03-07 05:05
  The Chinatown area of Sunset Park, Brooklyn, was long a Democratic stronghold. The party’s candidates would often receive more than 70 percent of the vote there. Last year, however, the neighborhood underwent a political transformation.

【新闻】新加坡夫妇分享情色视频到群聊,被政府罚款1.7万美元  They Shared Erotic Images in a Group Chat. The Fine: $17,000.   2023-03-07 03:22
  The video shows the woman in a spaghetti strap top and very short shorts strolling outside a mall in central Singapore. She looks around to make sure no one can see her. Then she pulls down her top, revealing a breast to her partner, who is filming her.

【新闻】外国专家:中国“5%左右”的增长目标“切实可行”  Global experts optimistic on China's new GDP goal   2023-03-06 17:27
  China's pursuit of a new growth target and high-quality development as emphasized in the Government Work Report delivered on Sunday by Premier Li Keqiang — will benefit not only the Chinese people but also the global economy, experts said.

【新闻】【双语财讯】中国经济复苏将为全球通胀降温  Economic rebound hopes to cool global inflation   2023-03-06 15:05
  The recovery of the Chinese economy is expected to cool global inflation instead of pushing it up, and China's inflation growth and overall prices will remain tame and stable, according to economists and analysts.

【新闻】为何多个国家试图封禁TikTok  Why Countries Are Trying to Ban TikTok   2023-03-06 05:53
  In recent months, lawmakers in the United States, Europe and Canada have escalated efforts to restrict access to TikTok, the massively popular short-form video app that is owned by the Chinese company ByteDance, citing security threats.

【新闻】情报曝光中国曾试图干预加拿大选举  Canada Knows China Tried to Meddle in Its Elections, but What Should Come Next?   2023-03-06 03:05
  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may have hoped that this week’s independent review of China’s meddling in the last two Canadian federal elections would tamp down debate on the subject in Parliament. Instead, the report seemed to revitalize the opposition parties.

【新闻】全国人大代表李东生:加大技术创新 推动科技制造业高质量发展  Lawmaker: Producers should lift global ops   2023-03-03 11:50
  China's manufacturers should transition from exporting products to exporting industrial capacities, ramp up localized operations abroad and avoid trade barriers, as part of a broader push to expand their footprint overseas, said Li Dongsheng, founder and chairman of Chinese consumer electronics maker TCL Technology Group Corp.

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