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【新闻】美司法部就TikTok涉嫌监视记者调查字节跳动  Justice Dept. Investigating TikTok’s Owner Over Possible Spying on Journalists   2023-03-20 02:47
  WASHINGTON — The Justice Department is investigating the surveillance of American citizens, including several journalists who cover the tech industry, by the Chinese company that owns TikTok, according to three people familiar with the matter.

【健康】世卫指责中国隐瞒与新冠起源研究有关的数据  W.H.O. Accuses China of Hiding Data That May Link Covid’s Origins to Animals   2023-03-20 01:17
  The World Health Organization rebuked Chinese officials on Friday for withholding research that may link Covid’s origin to wild animals, asking why the data had not been made available three years ago and why it is now missing.Before the Chinese data disappeared, an international team of virus experts downloaded and began analyzing the research, which appeared online in January. They say it supports the idea that the pandemic could have begun when illegally traded raccoon dogs infected humans at a Wuhan seafood market.

【新闻】【双语财讯】IMF亚太部主任:中国坚定奉行高水平对外开放值得称赞  Opening-up, stress on value chains praised   2023-03-17 16:25
  China's unswerving commitment to high-level opening-up is "very welcome" when rising geo-economic fragmentation is threatening global growth, said a senior official of the International Monetary Fund.

【新闻】英国禁止在政府设备上使用TikTok  U.K. Bans TikTok on Government Devices   2023-03-17 11:31
  Britain on Thursday became the latest Western country to prohibit the use of TikTok on “government devices,” citing security fears linked to the video-sharing app’s ownership by a Chinese company.

【新闻】共和党人公布拜登亲属财务记录,逾百万收入或与华信有关  House G.O.P. Hunts for Evidence That Biden Family Deals Were Improper   2023-03-17 05:53
  WASHINGTON — House Republicans on Thursday released financial records showing that Hunter Biden and other relatives of President Biden received more than $1 million in 2017 from an associate who had entered into a business deal with a Chinese energy company, as they hunted for evidence that the president and his family have profited improperly from his position.

【新闻】日韩首脑在东京会晤,两国紧张关系解冻  After South Korea’s Icebreaker, Its President Is Welcomed to Tokyo   2023-03-17 03:54
  When South Korea’s president, Yoon Suk Yeol, touched down in Japan on Thursday, it was the first time in a dozen years that a leader from Seoul had made the short flight for a one-on-one visit with the Japanese prime minister.

【商业】要为TikTok找到买家可能没那么容易  Finding a Buyer for TikTok May Not Be So Easy   2023-03-17 02:13
  TikTok has what many Silicon Valley companies lust after: A culture-making machine beloved by 100 million Americans and deep-pocketed advertisers.

【经济】【双语财讯】多措并举推动消费平稳增长  Propping up consumption seen as target for this year   2023-03-16 18:08
  Consumption, a buzzword highlighted not only in this year's Government Work Report but also during the newly-concluded two sessions, will witness further recovery and expansion this year, with preferential policies gradually taking effect, industry experts said.

【新闻】拜登政府要求字节跳动出售TikTok  U.S. Pushes for TikTok Sale to Resolve National Security Concerns   2023-03-16 12:55
  WASHINGTON — The Biden administration wants TikTok’s Chinese ownership to sell the app or face a possible ban, TikTok said on Wednesday, as the White House hardens its stance toward resolving national security concerns about the popular video service.

【新闻】宁德时代出海遇阻,匈牙利工厂项目遭当地民众反对  A Hungarian Town Seethes Over a Giant Chinese Battery Plant   2023-03-16 10:25
  The small-town mayor, long a loyal foot soldier for Hungary’s governing party, recently committed what he described as “political suicide,” throwing himself in the path of an enormous $7.8 billion Chinese battery factory project promoted by his dissent-intolerant prime minister, Viktor Orban.

【科技】GPT-4来了,我们该感到兴奋还是害怕?  GPT-4 Is Exciting and Scary   2023-03-16 08:28
  When I opened my laptop on Tuesday to take my first run at GPT-4, the new artificial intelligence language model from OpenAI, I was, truth be told, a little nervous.

【新闻】中法合资石油开采项目在东非引发批评与担忧  An Oil Rush Threatens Natural Splendors Across East Africa   2023-03-16 03:13
  MURCHISON FALLS NATIONAL PARK, Uganda — Under dense forest canopy sheltering elephants, rare birds and colobus monkeys, roaring bulldozers and excavators shatter the idyll, toppling ancient trees and carving roads to reach Uganda’s newest source of riches: oil.

【商业】硅谷银行风暴背后的雄心和失误  Inside the Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank   2023-03-15 05:15
  Gregory Becker, CEO of Silicon Valley Bank, leaned back in his chair at a technology conference last week in San Francisco’s luxurious Palace Hotel, and delivered a bullish message.

【科技】OpenAI发布GPT-4:多方面升级,但还会做错算术题  OpenAI Plans to Up the Ante in Tech’s A.I. Race   2023-03-15 02:28
  SAN FRANCISCO — Four months ago, a small San Francisco company became the talk of the technology industry when it introduced a new online chatbot that could answer complex questions, write poetry and even mimic human emotions.

【新闻】美国药物滥用顽疾难治,青少年嗑药致死事件频发敲响警钟  Reason to worry about fentanyl in American schools   2023-03-14 17:51
  A 15-year-old girl was found dead of a suspected overdose by her mother in January.

【经济】【双语财讯】九成受访者出游意愿强烈 疗愈游迎来商机  Healing tourism gains popularity in China   2023-03-14 15:54
  More people have strong desire to travel and the market is seeing more opportunities for healing tourism, which means less tight schedules and more health related projects, bringing joy to the spirit, a new survey shows.

【商业】有关硅谷银行危机,目前我们所知道的  Banking Turmoil: What We Know   2023-03-14 03:33
  On Friday, Silicon Valley Bank, a lender to some of the biggest names in the technology world, became the largest bank to fail since the 2008 financial crisis. By Sunday night, regulators had abruptly shut down Signature Bank to prevent a crisis in the broader banking system. The banks’ swift closures have sent shock waves through the tech industry, Wall Street and Washington.

【经济】我国物流市场规模连续7年位居全球第一     2023-03-13 15:53
  China maintained its position as the world's largest logistics market for the seventh consecutive year in 2022, industry data showed.

【新闻】就医费用高等待久,每年上百万美国人为省钱省时冒险赴墨治疗  Medical tourism to Mexico is on the rise   2023-03-13 08:00
  Medical tourism takes people all over the world, including to Mexico, India and Eastern Europe. “It’s on the daily, without a doubt. There are people going daily to get this kind of stuff done,” said Dr. Nolan Perez, a gastroenterologist in Brownsville, Texas, which is across the border from Matamoros. “Whether it’s primary care provider visits or dental procedures or something more significant, like elective or weight loss surgery, there’s no doubt that people are doing that because of low cost and easier access.”

【文化】《瞬息全宇宙》横扫七奖,杨紫琼成亚洲首位奥斯卡影后  ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’ Is Big Winner at the Oscars   2023-03-13 06:02
  In the late 1960s, young cineastes shook up a moribund film industry by delivering idiosyncratic, startlingly original work. The moment became known as New Hollywood.

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