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【商业】FTX创始人被控向中国官员行贿4000万美元  Sam Bankman-Fried Is Charged With Foreign Bribery   2023-03-29 02:15
  Federal prosecutors added a foreign bribery charge to the list of crimes already pending against the FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried, according to a new indictment filed in federal court in Manhattan on Tuesday.

【新闻】谎言、争吵和欺诈:乌克兰战争中不光彩的美国志愿者  Stolen Valor: The U.S. Volunteers in Ukraine Who Lie, Waste and Bicker   2023-03-28 06:20
  They rushed to Ukraine by the thousands, many of them Americans who promised to bring military experience, money or supplies to the battleground of a righteous war. Hometown newspapers hailed their commitment, and donors backed them with millions of dollars.

【商业】深陷债务泥潭的中国地方政府为何仍大兴基建?  China’s Cities Are Buried in Debt, but They Keep Shoveling It On   2023-03-28 04:13
  In 2015, when Shangqiu, a municipality in central China about the size of Kentucky, laid out a plan for the next two decades, it positioned itself as a transportation hub with a sprawling network of railways, highways and river shipping routes.

【新闻】【双语财讯】高通胀正迫使美国民众打双份工维持生计  Workers are getting two jobs amid inflation, says industry watcher   2023-03-27 17:10
  The U.S. labor market may be signaling that workers are doubling up on gigs to make ends meet, says one industry observer.

【新闻】看了AI画的鱼香肉丝,网友愣住了......     2023-03-27 16:37

【旅游】36小时玩转台北  36 Hours in Taipei, Taiwan   2023-03-27 10:02
  Taipei, the Taiwanese capital, is a literal urban jungle — ferns and large elephant ear plants sprout through the crevices of roofs and sidewalks with wild abandon. Hiking trails abound on all sides of this glittering metropolis and tech hub. Taipei is experiencing a quiet renaissance even amid regional tensions. Young artists, chefs and curators are redefining and embracing Taiwanese identity as its own distinct category, with a conscientious pursuit of food and design endemic to the island’s history. With low crime and brightly lit convenience stores everywhere, the city is safe to meander at all hours. A word of advice: Sleep in. With the exception of breakfast shops and wet markets where locals go for their early grocery runs, many stores and coffee shops don’t open until well after 11 a.m.

【新闻】洪都拉斯与台湾断交,台湾国际地位再受打击  In Blow to Taiwan, Honduras Switches Relations to China   2023-03-27 10:01
  TAIPEI, Taiwan — China has persuaded Honduras to abandon formal ties with Taiwan and establish them with Beijing, a blow to Taipei’s international standing days before the Taiwanese president embarks on a Central American tour that will take her through the United States.

【新闻】中国结婚率走低是“天价彩礼”的错吗?  In China, Marriage Rates Are Down and ‘Bride Prices’ Are Up   2023-03-27 03:32
  The 30 women sat in wooden chairs, facing each other in a rectangular formation. At the front of the room was the ruling Communist Party’s hammer and sickle logo, with a sign declaring the meeting’s purpose: “Symposium of unmarried young women of the right age.”

【经济】【双语财讯】海南离岛免税购物增加两种提货方式  Duty-free goods in Hainan easier to pick up   2023-03-23 15:25
  Hainan province will add two methods for picking up offshore duty-free goods starting on April 1, according to an announcement on Tuesday by the General Administration of Customs, Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation.

【新闻】1336个村落被列入第六批中国传统村落名录  China adds 1,336 traditional villages to state protection list   2023-03-23 15:11
  China has added 1,336 traditional villages to the state protection list amid efforts to promote heritage conservation, according to a notice from the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.

【新闻】科学家在武汉市场提取的新冠阳性拭子中发现貉的遗传物质  Report of Wuhan Market Samples Found Covid and Animal Mixtures   2023-03-23 08:25
  On Jan. 12, 2020, Chinese investigators combing a market for clues about the outbreak of a mysterious new illness in the city of Wuhan swabbed a cart. It was the kind typically used for transporting animal cages, and it came back positive for the coronavirus.

【新闻】伊战20年:一个被改变的华盛顿和美国的惨痛代价  Iraq, 20 Years Later: A Changed Washington and a Terrible Toll on America   2023-03-23 05:48
  WASHINGTON — A month before President George W. Bush first sent American troops into Iraq, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld was warned that the war might end up costing the United States billions of dollars.

【新闻】美国政治如何影响新冠病毒溯源之争  Lab Leak or Not? How Politics Shaped the Battle Over Covid’s Origin   2023-03-23 02:44
  WASHINGTON — In the spring of 2021, with studies of the coronavirus pandemic’s origins going nowhere and the issue embroiled in bitter partisan politics, David Relman, a microbiologist at Stanford, quietly made a request of his congresswoman.

【新闻】【双语财讯】宏观政策为经济保驾护航  Experts see macro policy shield for economy   2023-03-22 15:18
  Continuous policy measures to protect China's economic recovery from external uncertainties can be expected after the country's central bank strengthened policy support with a cut in financial institutions' required reserves, experts said on Monday.

【新闻】伊拉克战争20年后谜团仍未解开:美国为何入侵?  20 Years On, a Question Lingers About Iraq: Why Did the U.S. Invade?   2023-03-22 05:25
  There is a question about the American-led invasion of Iraq that, 20 years later, remains a matter of deep uncertainty and debate among historians, political scientists and even officials who helped set the war in motion.

【新闻】【双语财讯】汇丰集团高管:中国市场为海外投资者提供富有吸引力的发展  China presents attractive opportunities for foreign firms, investors, says banke   2023-03-21 15:02
  China's economy presents long-term growth potential and attractive opportunities for overseas companies and investors, said Nuno Matos, CEO of Wealth and Personal Banking of HSBC Group, in a recent written interview with Xinhua.

【新闻】我国外贸开局平稳趋势向好  China's foreign trade off to a good start in 2023: official   2023-03-21 14:25
  China's foreign trade has gotten off to a good start this year, with an upbeat trend to follow, a customs official said on Monday.

【健康】堕胎禁令阴霾下,1780万女性生殖健康无保障,美参议员怒斥:仿佛生活在170  In the wake of Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, Wisconsin is living in 184   2023-03-21 13:13
  Erica was forced to stay pregnant for one week with a fetus that she knew would not survive. “Once we knew that the pregnancy was doomed,” she said, “Every day I was still pregnant was just an ongoing reminder of our loss.”

【新闻】如何应对中国干预选举质疑,特鲁多面临重重压力  Claims of Chinese Election Meddling Put Trudeau on Defensive   2023-03-21 04:47
  OTTAWA — The leaked intelligence reports have set off a political firestorm. They describe plans by the government of China and its diplomats in Canada to ensure that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party took power in the last two elections, raising troubling questions about the integrity of Canada’s democracy.

【经济】【双语财讯】我国出台新举措  推动边(跨)境经济合作区发展  Favorable policies aim to spur border, international trade   2023-03-20 15:00
  China's efforts to develop its border-area-located and cross-border economic cooperation zones into high-level open platforms are likely to stimulate the growth of trade in both goods and services, as well as the internationalization of its currency in the coming year, said trade experts on Friday.

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