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【新闻】“夸父一号”卫星观测数据向海内外试开放  China's solar observation satellite data open for trial use   2023-04-14 14:27
【新闻】中国八年间以间谍罪名拘捕17名日本公民  Lonely Cry for Action as China Locks Up Japanese Citizens on Spy Charges   2023-04-14 10:07
【新闻】“绝密”还是秘密吗?泄密事件暴露美国情报安全漏洞  When ‘Top Secret’ Is Not So Secret   2023-04-14 05:47
【新闻】美国机密文件泄露事件嫌疑人被捕,为空军国民警卫队成员  F.B.I. Arrests National Guardsman in Leak of Classified Documents   2023-04-14 03:50
【新闻】【双语看美国】枪支暴力吓退国际学生?专家:人身安全问题成赴美留学最  Is Gun Violence Scaring Off International Students?   2023-04-13 17:11
【新闻】【双语财讯 】麦肯锡:中国仍是跨国公司战略优选  Report: China market too large to ignore   2023-04-13 15:25
【商业】为什么说中国将主导电池产业的未来  Why China Could Dominate the Next Big Advance in Batteries   2023-04-13 04:33
【新闻】在争议声中,旅美大熊猫丫丫准备返回中国  A Panda Is Coming Home, and Her Chinese Fans Say It’s About Time   2023-04-13 01:59
【商业】三月金融数据超预期 信贷投放靠前发力  China's Q1 new yuan loans hit record high of 10.6 trln yuan   2023-04-12 13:20
【新闻】为什么说五角大楼泄密事件严重程度远甚于以往?  How the Latest Leaked Documents Are Different From Past Breaches   2023-04-12 05:14
【新闻】特鲁多父亲基金会卷入中国捐款风波,多名高管辞职  Leadership of Foundation Honoring Justin Trudeau’s Father Quits   2023-04-12 04:09
【新闻】放弃白领工作、转做体力活的中国年轻人  In China, Young People Ditch Prestige Jobs for Manual Labor   2023-04-12 03:38
【经济】【双语财讯】试点恢复沪深港口 出境邮轮游市场升温  Chinese tourists ready to hop aboard cruise trips abroad   2023-04-11 15:10
【新闻】达赖喇嘛就亲吻男童事件道歉  Dalai Lama Apologizes Over an Exchange With a Boy   2023-04-11 10:52
【新闻】中国已开放国门,旅客为何仍难入境?  China Has Reopened to Tourists. The Hard Part Is Getting There.   2023-04-11 02:59
【新闻】【双语财讯】美就业市场持续降温 多项数据拉响警报 专家:美国衰退或已  Economists Worry Recession May Be ‘Underway Now’   2023-04-10 19:33
【经济】特斯拉将在沪新建储能超级工厂  Tesla to build new mega factory in Shanghai   2023-04-10 15:00
【新闻】有关被泄露的五角大楼文件,你应该知道的  What Do Leaked U.S. Intelligence Reports Say? Here Is a Quick Guide.   2023-04-10 05:34
【新闻】大威力步枪泛滥酿成更多惨剧 研究显示:美国枪击案致死率上升,死亡人数  Gun violence in the US has become more lethal, research suggests   2023-04-07 18:41
【商业】空客将在中国建立第二条总装线,产能翻倍  Airbus to Double Production in China as It Moves Ahead With New Orders   2023-04-07 02:35

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