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【新闻】印度人口即将超过中国,这意味着什么  Will This Be the ‘Indian Century’? Four Key Questions   2023-04-21 04:12
  It is a turning point the world has not seen in centuries, and is unlikely to see again for centuries more.


【新闻】有关福克斯新闻“选举舞弊”诽谤案和解,你应该知道的  What to Know About the $787.5 Million Fox News-Dominion Settlement   2023-04-21 03:53
  Fox News’s agreement with Dominion Voting Systems on Tuesday abruptly resolved a lawsuit over how the network amplified conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election, which devastated Dominion’s reputation and business.
  福克斯新闻周二与多米宁投票系统(Dominion Voting Systems)达成协议,突然化解了一项涉及该电视网如何放大2020年总统大选阴谋论的诉讼,这些阴谋论对多米宁的声誉和业务造成了极大的破坏。

【新闻】北京长峰医院火灾遇难人数升至29,政府被质疑监管不力  Death Toll in Beijing Hospital Fire Soars to 29   2023-04-20 11:46
  A dozen people have been detained in connection with a hospital fire in Beijing that has claimed the lives of at least 29 victims, the Chinese authorities said on Wednesday, attributing the blaze to possible negligence after sparks from internal construction ignited flammable paint.

【商业】聚焦上海车展:中国汽车产业悄然转型,国产电动车受热捧  In China, a Big Auto Show Returns to a Country That Has Gone Electric   2023-04-20 03:17
  A hall showing off electric vehicles made by Nio, XPeng Motors, Zeekr and dozens of other Chinese companies was mobbed with visitors. An area nearby full of gasoline-powered cars by foreign brands barely got a second look by anyone.

【经济】一季度国内生产总值同比增长4.5%  China's GDP expands 4.5 pct year on year in Q1   2023-04-19 17:04
  China's gross domestic product grew 4.5 percent year on year in the first quarter of 2023, data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed Tuesday.

【经济】中央财政下达资金100亿元向实际种粮农民发放一次性补贴  China to give one-off subsidies to crop-growing farmers   2023-04-19 14:17
  China is to provide one-off subsidies to crop-growing farmers with the aim of boosting grain production, according to the Ministry of Finance.

【新闻】为何中国的人口危机是一个全球问题  Why China’s Shrinking Population Is a Problem for Everyone   2023-04-19 04:56
  Despite the rollback of China’s one-child policy, and even after more recent incentives urging families to have more children, China’s population is steadily shrinking — a momentous shift that will soon leave India as the world’s most populous nation and have broad rippling effects both domestically and globally.

【新闻】北京医院火灾致20余人死亡,民众质疑当局信息不透明  At Least 21 Dead After Fire at Beijing Hospital   2023-04-19 03:25
  Update:Chinese authorities said they have arrested a dozen people in connection with a hospital fire in Beijing that has claimed the lives of at least 29 victims, attributing the blaze to possible negligence after sparks from internal construction ignited flammable paint.

【新闻】【双语财讯】 美国银行业危机余震持续 “信贷紧缩”致小企业融资困难  U.S. small businesses face worst credit in a decade after SVB   2023-04-18 15:53
  A net 9% of owners who borrow frequently said financing was harder to get compared to three months earlier, the most since December 2012, according to a survey from the National Federation of Independent Business out Tuesday. The same share expects tougher credit conditions in the next three months, matching the highest level in a decade.

【新闻】美报告: 非裔仇恨犯罪增加、黑人历史教育遭抹除 美国黑人权利正受到攻  Report finds democracy for Black Americans is under attack   2023-04-18 14:26
  Extreme views adopted by some local, state and federal political leaders who try to limit what history can be taught in schools and seek to undermine how Black officials perform their jobs are among the top threats to democracy for Black Americans, the National Urban League says.

【新闻】一名中国人在巴基斯坦被捕,被控亵渎神明  Chinese Worker in Pakistan Is Arrested on Blasphemy Charges   2023-04-18 12:05
  ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A Chinese worker on a dam project in northern Pakistan has been arrested and imprisoned on accusations of blasphemy, in a rare case of a foreigner being swept up in Pakistan’s harsh and controversial blasphemy laws.

【商业】国产电动车崛起,中国消费者开始追捧“中国制造”  China’s Car Buyers Have Fallen Out of Love With Foreign Brands   2023-04-18 11:13
  For years, foreign automakers in China had a bead on customers drawn to luxury brands, like the Cao family in Shanghai. Not anymore.

【科技】新研究:吃太多精制碳水化合物和红肉更易患2型糖尿病  Refined carbs and red meat driving global rise in type 2 diabetes, study says   2023-04-18 10:57
  Gobbling up too many refined wheat and rice products, along with eating too few whole grains, is fueling the growth of new cases of type 2 diabetes worldwide, according to a new study.

【商业】中国一季度GDP同比增4.5%,“清零”后经济开始复苏  ‘Zero Covid’ Behind It, China’s Economy Starts to Recover   2023-04-18 04:17
  China’s consumers, while wary of big-ticket purchases like cars or apartments, are spending again. Many factories are still running below capacity, but exports have strengthened. Even as construction of new housing is slowing, investment in infrastructure and manufacturing is robust.

【新闻】美检方首次对中国海外警务站提起刑事指控,两名华人被捕  F.B.I. Arrests Two on Charges Tied to Chinese Police Outpost in New York   2023-04-18 02:23
  For years, thousands of New Yorkers and tourists have walked past an unassuming office building in Lower Manhattan. On Monday, federal prosecutors unsealed criminal charges accusing two men of helping run an unauthorized Chinese police outpost there, one of more than 100 around the globe used to intimidate and control China’s citizens abroad, and to stamp out criticism of the ruling Communist Party.

【经济】【双语财讯】广交会恢复线下展  商家抓机遇寻商机  Firms hail Canton Fair, eye more opportunities   2023-04-17 15:50
  The China Import and Export Fair, which kicked off on Saturday and runs through May 5, will help global businesses benefit from Chinese manufacturers and create a platform for overseas companies to enter the Chinese market, executives and experts said.

【科技】为什么乘坐飞机时手机要调成飞行模式?真实原因是……  Here’s the real reason to turn on airplane mode when you fly   2023-04-17 14:22
  We all know the routine by heart: “Please ensure your seats are in the upright position, tray tables stowed, window shades are up, laptops are stored in the overhead bins and electronic devices are set to flight mode.”

【商业】IMF警告世界经济面临严重下滑风险  I.M.F. Lowers Growth Outlook Amid Financial System Tremors   2023-04-17 10:25
  WASHINGTON — The world economy faces the increasing risk of a painful slowdown amid worries about the global banking system and concerns that rising interest rates could force banks to curtail lending, the International Monetary Fund said on Tuesday.

【新闻】关于苏丹武装冲突,你应该知道的  Sudan Erupts in Chaos: Who Is Battling for Control and Why It Matters   2023-04-17 02:32
  Chaos engulfed Sudan on Saturday as forces led by two rival generals engaged in ferocious battles for the capital, Khartoum, and other parts of the country, with both sides fighting for control of the presidential palace, the main airport and other key sites.

【新闻】【双语财讯】调查:84%信贷经理认为美国今年将陷入衰退 企业违约率将上升  Credit investors see defaults rising, 84% chance of US recession   2023-04-14 22:32
  Washington: Credit portfolio managers are forecasting a rise in corporate defaults in the coming year while more than four-out-of-five participants see a chance of a US recession in 2023, according to a survey by the International Association of Credit Portfolio Managers.

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