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【新闻】美国婚戒婚纱销量大减 珠宝公司举步维艰  Engagement ring sales are down sharply, according to America’s biggest jeweler   2023-04-27 10:52
【新闻】拜登称朝鲜若发动核攻击将导致金氏政权“灭亡”  In Turn to Deterrence, Biden Vows ‘End’ of North Korean Regime if It Attacks   2023-04-27 04:59
【新闻】哈佛前教授涉中国“千人计划”案宣判  Ex-Harvard Professor Sentenced in China Ties Case   2023-04-27 03:26
【新闻】【双语财讯】中国奢侈品市场表现强劲 爱马仕等多个品牌门店焕新重启  Luxury sector getting back on track   2023-04-26 14:37
【新闻】美研究:美国消费者情绪愈发悲观,近7成民众认为经济衰退已到来     2023-04-26 10:55
【新闻】我国全面实现不动产统一登记  China realizes unified registration of immovable property   2023-04-26 10:23
【新闻】中国不再要求入境旅客出示核酸阴性证明  China Drops Covid P.C.R. Test Rule for Inbound Travelers   2023-04-26 09:49
【健康】新冠大流行目前的情况如何  What’s Going On With Covid Right Now?   2023-04-26 06:33
【新闻】为什么说日韩关系回暖对美国意义重大  Why the Seoul-Tokyo Détente Is Crucial to U.S. Strategy   2023-04-26 05:27
【新闻】拜登正式宣布竞选连任,对抗特朗普挑战历史  Biden Announces Re-election Bid, Defying Trump and History   2023-04-26 03:37
【新闻】美财长耶伦呼吁中美建立“建设性”和“健康”经济关系  Yellen Calls for ‘Constructive’ China Relationship   2023-04-26 03:12
【健康】研究:爱吃炸薯条可能更易患上抑郁症  New research suggests that french fries may be linked to depression   2023-04-25 17:19
【新闻】一季度新增就业297万人 形势逐步恢复  China's job market improves in Q1 amid steady economic recovery   2023-04-25 17:10
【新闻】中国驻法大使称前苏联国家无主权地位引发外交风暴  A Chinese Ambassador’s Comments on Ex-Soviet States Draw Ire   2023-04-25 02:16
【新闻】【双语财讯】中外专家:中国经济强劲增长利好全球  China's economic growth provides lift for world: IMF forum   2023-04-24 16:21
【经济】【双语财讯】保障数据安全 推动经济高质量发展  Cyber, data security top focus to safeguard infra, supply chains   2023-04-24 15:22
【新闻】中国如何改写新冠叙事?从控制科学研究开始  Chinese Censorship Is Quietly Rewriting the Covid-19 Story   2023-04-24 09:54
【文化】《北京快车》:震惊世界的临城火车劫案  The Great Train Robbery on the Shanghai-to-Peking Express   2023-04-24 04:30
【文化】五一假期民航预计运输旅客900万人次  China's air passenger trips to reach 9 million during May Day holiday   2023-04-23 14:42
【教育】世界读书日的由来  What is World Book Day and why is it celebrated   2023-04-23 08:00

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