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【新闻】美国婚戒婚纱销量大减 珠宝公司举步维艰  Engagement ring sales are down sharply, according to America’s biggest jeweler   2023-04-27 10:52
  It seems to be a turbulent time for retailers who cater to couples in love.

【新闻】拜登称朝鲜若发动核攻击将导致金氏政权“灭亡”  In Turn to Deterrence, Biden Vows ‘End’ of North Korean Regime if It Attacks   2023-04-27 04:59
  WASHINGTON — President Biden moved on Wednesday to bolster the American nuclear umbrella guarding South Korea and vowed that any nuclear attack by North Korea would “result in the end” of the government in Pyongyang, underscoring a broad turn from diplomacy to deterrence in response to the threat from the volatile dictatorship.

【新闻】哈佛前教授涉中国“千人计划”案宣判  Ex-Harvard Professor Sentenced in China Ties Case   2023-04-27 03:26
  The News

【新闻】【双语财讯】中国奢侈品市场表现强劲 爱马仕等多个品牌门店焕新重启  Luxury sector getting back on track   2023-04-26 14:37
  Leading international luxury brands have posted strong growth, boosted by a recovering Chinese luxury market in the first quarter, with more new stores and upgraded digital experiences from luxury houses attracting a rising number of local mid-to-high income consumers.

【新闻】美研究:美国消费者情绪愈发悲观,近7成民众认为经济衰退已到来     2023-04-26 10:55
  Overall consumer financial concern increased in April. 61% of consumers have a high level of concern regarding the economy, up four percentage points from last month.

【新闻】我国全面实现不动产统一登记  China realizes unified registration of immovable property   2023-04-26 10:23
  After ten years of efforts, China has fully realized the unified registration of immovable property, Minister of Natural Resources Wang Guanghua said Tuesday.

【新闻】中国不再要求入境旅客出示核酸阴性证明  China Drops Covid P.C.R. Test Rule for Inbound Travelers   2023-04-26 09:49
  BEIJING — China said on Tuesday that it would no longer require travelers entering the country to show a negative P.C.R. test for the coronavirus, another step toward reopening after a long period of pandemic-era isolation.

【健康】新冠大流行目前的情况如何  What’s Going On With Covid Right Now?   2023-04-26 06:33
  Deaths from Covid-19 in the United States are the lowest they’ve been since March 2020, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s data tracker. Case rates have similarly plummeted, though infections have become harder to track because of the widespread availability of at-home rapid tests; many of the monitoring systems that were set up at the beginning of the pandemic have also been wound down.

【新闻】为什么说日韩关系回暖对美国意义重大  Why the Seoul-Tokyo Détente Is Crucial to U.S. Strategy   2023-04-26 05:27
  South Korea and Japan have been the two most important allies of the United States in East Asia for decades, and it has long troubled Washington that the pair could not get along.

【新闻】拜登正式宣布竞选连任,对抗特朗普挑战历史  Biden Announces Re-election Bid, Defying Trump and History   2023-04-26 03:37
  WASHINGTON — President Biden formally announced on Tuesday that he would seek a second term, arguing that American democracy still faces a profound threat from former President Donald J. Trump as he set up the possibility of a climactic rematch between the two next year.

【新闻】美财长耶伦呼吁中美建立“建设性”和“健康”经济关系  Yellen Calls for ‘Constructive’ China Relationship   2023-04-26 03:12
  WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen on Thursday called for a “constructive” and “healthy” economic relationship between the United States and China, one in which the two nations could work together to confront global challenges in spite of their conflicting national security interests.

【健康】研究:爱吃炸薯条可能更易患上抑郁症  New research suggests that french fries may be linked to depression   2023-04-25 17:19
  French fries are comfort food for many. But reaching for fried foods may have a negative impact on mental health.

【新闻】一季度新增就业297万人 形势逐步恢复  China's job market improves in Q1 amid steady economic recovery   2023-04-25 17:10
  China's job market witnessed stable improvement in the first quarter (Q1) this year as labor demand grew stronger amid a robust economic recovery.

【新闻】中国驻法大使称前苏联国家无主权地位引发外交风暴  A Chinese Ambassador’s Comments on Ex-Soviet States Draw Ire   2023-04-25 02:16
  France summoned the Chinese ambassador to Paris, Lu Shaye, on Monday to explain his controversial remarks on French television questioning the sovereignty of post-Soviet nations. The Baltic States, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, said that they would also send for China’s envoys to the three countries to discuss the matter.

【新闻】【双语财讯】中外专家:中国经济强劲增长利好全球  China's economic growth provides lift for world: IMF forum   2023-04-24 16:21
  The fast growth of China's economy provides a welcome lift for the whole world at a time when global economic challenges are intensifying, according to experts and scholars from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Resident Representative Office in China and the School of Finance of the Tianjin-based Nankai University. The forum held in North China's Tianjin municipality on Friday focused on the discussion of the latest World Economic Outlook published by the IMF.

【经济】【双语财讯】保障数据安全 推动经济高质量发展  Cyber, data security top focus to safeguard infra, supply chains   2023-04-24 15:22
  Safeguarding data security is of great importance to the healthy development of China's digital economy and more efforts are needed to combat rising cyberattack risks that target critical information infrastructure and supply chains, industry experts and company executives said.

【新闻】中国如何改写新冠叙事?从控制科学研究开始  Chinese Censorship Is Quietly Rewriting the Covid-19 Story   2023-04-24 09:54
  Early in 2020, on the same day that a frightening new illness officially got the name Covid-19, a team of scientists from the United States and China released critical data showing how quickly the virus was spreading, and who was dying.

【文化】《北京快车》:震惊世界的临城火车劫案  The Great Train Robbery on the Shanghai-to-Peking Express   2023-04-24 04:30
  THE PEKING EXPRESS: The Bandits Who Stole a Train, Stunned the West, and Broke the Republic of China, by James M. Zimmerman
  《北京快车》(THE PEKING EXPRESS: The Bandits Who Stole a Train, Stunned the West, and Broke the Republic of China),作者吉莫曼。

【文化】五一假期民航预计运输旅客900万人次  China's air passenger trips to reach 9 million during May Day holiday   2023-04-23 14:42
  China's air passenger trips are expected to reach 9 million during the upcoming May Day holiday, according to the Civil Aviation Administration of China.

【教育】世界读书日的由来  What is World Book Day and why is it celebrated   2023-04-23 08:00
  Reading books brings with it numerous benefits giving people the opportunity to explore new worlds and meet new people both real and imagined. It expands our knowledge and understanding of the world around us and those far away.

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