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【商业】美联社、《纽约时报》因乌克兰战争报道获普利策奖  Ukraine War Coverage Earns Pulitzers for The A.P. and The Times   2023-05-09 02:06
  Coverage of the war in Ukraine dominated the Pulitzer Prizes on Monday, with The Associated Press winning two awards for its reporting and photography, including the prestigious public service prize, and The New York Times winning for a mix of news and investigative articles about the conflict.

【新闻】越南现44.1度高温天气 打破历史纪录  Vietnam records highest ever temperature of 44.1C   2023-05-08 15:15
  Vietnam has reported a record-high temperature of 44.1C (111.38F), as weather experts and authorities told the population to remain indoors during the hottest parts of the day.

【新闻】【双语财讯】纽约大学教授达摩达兰警告:还会有更多美国银行如“多米诺  'More dominos waiting to fall': Aswath Damodaran warns of trouble ahead    2023-05-08 14:40
  Days after the third bank collapsed in America, valuation guru Aswath Damodaran on Saturday said that there were more dominos waiting to fall in the country's banking business. 

【新闻】检察机关一季度批捕诈骗犯罪10923人  Chinese procuratorates approve arrests of 10,923 fraud suspects in Q1   2023-05-08 14:20
  In the first quarter of this year, procuratorates across China have approved the arrest of 10,923 people suspected of committing fraud, the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) announced Saturday.

【新闻】应对朝鲜和中国威胁,日韩领导人谋求改善双边关系  ​Leaders of Japan and South Korea Vow to Deepen Ties   2023-05-08 11:57
  The leaders of South Korea and Japan agreed on Sunday to press ahead with joint efforts to improve bilateral ties despite skeptics at home, declaring that historical differences should not prevent the two nations from working more closely to cope with the growing security challenges from North Korea and China.

【新闻】温哥华首位华裔市长陷入争议:中国是否干涉选举?  Did China Help Vancouver’s Mayor Win Election?   2023-05-08 10:21
  VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Every day when he arrives at his office in City Hall, Mayor Ken Sim stares at a prominent black-and-white photograph of Chinese railway workers toiling on the tracks in British Columbia in 1884.
  不列颠哥伦比亚温哥华——每天来到他在市政厅的办公室时,沈观健(Ken Sim)都会盯着一张摆在显眼位置的黑白照片看一眼,那是中国工人在不列颠哥伦比亚省的铁路上辛苦劳动的照片,摄于1884年。

【新闻】查尔斯三世国王加冕礼回顾:传统与现代接轨的世纪盛典  Missed the Coronation? Here’s What Happened, From the Crown to the Crowds.   2023-05-08 02:56
  The ceremony was dripping in tradition and antiquity.

【新闻】被遗忘的另一群慰安妇:她们被韩国政府献给美国大兵  A Brutal Sex Trade Built for American Soldiers   2023-05-05 05:30
  DONGDUCHEON, South Korea — When Cho Soon-ok was 17 in 1977, three men kidnapped and sold her to a pimp in Dongducheon, a town north of Seoul.

【新闻】世卫组织以性行为不端为由解雇新冠溯源团队首席调查员  W.H.O. Dismisses Covid Origins Investigator for Sexual Misconduct   2023-05-05 03:22
  The World Health Organization dismissed a lead investigator into the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic “following findings of sexual misconduct,” according to an agency spokeswoman.

【文化】谢家华之死:硅谷的幸福神话如何破灭  How a Tech Star Lost His Way   2023-05-05 01:58
  WONDER BOY: Tony Hsieh, Zappos and the Myth of Happiness in Silicon Valley, by Angel Au-Yeung and David Jeans
  《神奇小子——谢家华、Zappos和硅谷的幸福神话》(Wonder Boy: Tony Hsieh, Zappos and the Myth of Happiness in Silicon Valley),作者:安吉尔·欧阳、戴维·金斯

【新闻】中国消费者回归,奢侈品牌在华销售重迎春天  In China, It’s Time to Splurge Again, and the Luxury Industry Is Relieved   2023-05-04 10:39
  This time last year, Shanghai — China’s capital of fashion and luxury — was in the throes of a ruthlessly enforced Covid lockdown. The city’s glittering high-end malls and avenues lined with flagship stores stood practically empty.

【新闻】外交政策大转向,小马科斯带领菲律宾“弃中亲美”  Marcos, Back in Arms of U.S., Is Making His Own Name in Foreign Policy   2023-05-04 05:25
  Before becoming president of the Philippines, Ferdinand Marcos Jr. warned that “if you let the U.S. come in, you make China your enemy.”

【新闻】美国国会通过决议恢复对中国太阳能电池板征收关税  Congress Clashes With Biden Over Tariffs on Illegal Chinese Solar Panels   2023-05-04 02:07
  The Senate voted on Wednesday to reinstate tariffs on solar panels from Chinese companies in Southeast Asia that had been found to be coming into the United States in violation of trade rules.

【新闻】俄罗斯称乌克兰策划无人机袭击,企图刺杀普京  Moscow Says Explosions Above the Kremlin Were an Attempt to Kill Putin   2023-05-04 01:48
  After a pair of explosions above the Kremlin early Wednesday, Russia accused Ukraine of trying to assassinate President Vladimir V. Putin with a drone attack, but Kyiv denied any involvement in an incident that could raise the already-high stakes in Europe’s biggest conflict since World War II.

【新闻】五月最值得一看的5部海外新片  5 of the best films to watch this May   2023-04-28 13:52
  Hypnotic 《催眠》
  Nothing is what it seems in Hypnotic, a mind-bending conspiracy thriller from Robert Rodriguez (Sin City, Spy Kids). Ben Affleck stars as a police detective who is haunted by the disappearance of his daughter. He is investigating a series of bank robberies when a mystery woman (Alice Braga) tells him about "hypnotics": people who have the power to make others believe and do anything they want by uttering a single sentence.

【新闻】机遇、梦想与风险:中国直播带货浪潮的起与落  The Shining Promise and Dashed Dreams of China’s Live Shopping Craze   2023-04-28 05:30
  The yurt stood in the middle of a sweeping northern Chinese grassland, beneath a cloudless sky. A reedy folk tune played. Nearby, sheep grazed.

【新闻】中国高压之下,菲律宾与美国举行最大规模联合军演  Facing China, the Philippines and U.S. Join in Biggest Military Drill Yet   2023-04-28 02:03
  When China’s foreign minister visited the Philippines last weekend, he had a stern message for President Ferdinand E. Marcos Jr. of the Philippines: It was vital that Manila “properly handle issues” related to Taiwan and the South China Sea, and follow through on its earlier commitment not to choose sides, he said.

【新闻】美国将“关税武器化”是搬起石头砸自己的脚  Tariff weaponization shoots US in the foot: China Daily editorial   2023-04-27 15:08
  No matter whether US President Joe Biden vetoes or not the congressional efforts to overturn his two-year tariff waiver on solar panels from four Southeast Asian nations this week, it is the United States that has paid and will continue to pay for his administration’s self-deceptive weaponization of tariffs.

【经济】“五一”旅游市场预订火爆 将迎出行高峰  China expects travel spree during May Day holiday   2023-04-27 11:03
  Domestic travel bookings for the five-day holiday that starts on April 29 this year have seen a surge of over 700 percent from the same holiday last year, the latest data from online travel agency Trip.com Group showed. The agency also noted an explosive growth in the demand for tours abroad.

【文化】【双语财讯】美报告:物价飙升致纽约半数家庭“入不敷出”,少数族裔家  Half of NYC households face cost of living crisis   2023-04-27 10:56
  "There are many more people in New York City who struggle to meet their basic needs than the government's official poverty statistics capture," the authors of the report write.

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