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【健康】世卫组织宣布猴痘疫情不再构成“国际关注的突发公共卫生事件”  WHO declares end to mpox public health emergency   2023-05-12 16:57
  The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Thursday it was ending a 10-month-long global health emergency for mpox, a viral disease that led to confirmed cases in more than a hundred countries.

【新闻】揭秘:母亲节说什么话能让妈妈开心?  8 things you should tell your mom on Mother's Day   2023-05-12 14:38
  1. "Thank you."

【新闻】【双语财讯】中国游客出境游意愿高涨  Outbound travelers willing to spend more, report finds   2023-05-12 14:26
  China's outbound travel market will maintain strong growth this year as pent-up demand sparks a tourism boom and more big-spending travelers head overseas this summer, industry observers said.

【新闻】台积电面临芯片工程师短缺困境  Taiwan Is Running Low on a Strategic Asset: Engineers   2023-05-12 11:45
  Engineers like Royale Lee, 31, are one reason Taiwan is the world’s biggest contract producer of the microchips that power almost all electronics.

【新闻】乔治·桑托斯:从政坛神话到“骗子”议员  George Santos: An Accused Con Man Who Happened to Trade in Politics   2023-05-12 04:16
  By all appearances, the summer of 2020 was a very good time for George Santos. He was pulling in a six-figure salary from a Florida-based investment firm, and he had won the Republican Party’s support as a first-time candidate contesting a Long Island House seat.

【健康】吃辣时,你的身体会发生什么  What Happens to My Body When I Eat Spicy Food?   2023-05-12 02:53
  Q: I eat spicy food almost every day. I love the taste and the tingle, but I wonder: How is all that heat affecting my body?

【科技】肥皂能驱蚊?研究发现用错肥皂反而更招蚊子  Soap can make humans more attractive to mosquitoes, study finds   2023-05-11 16:59
  Lathering up with soap might seem a reasonable mosquito-evasion strategy on the basis that if they can’t smell you, they can’t bite you.

【健康】【双语财讯】监管新政规范房地产经纪服务 有助于房地产业健康发展  Guideline on agencies key to healthy realty   2023-05-11 15:28
  The recent guideline urging real estate brokerage agencies in China for reasonable reductions to fees for housing transactions and leasing services is expected to promote a healthier development of the sector and further unleash purchasing potential in the homebuying market, experts said.

【新闻】青岛-基尔姐妹城市计划引发抗议,凸显德国对华担忧  Stalled Sister City Plan Reveals New German Wariness of China   2023-05-11 12:48
  City officials in the northern German port of Kiel were flattered this year when the Chinese port of Qingdao — about 40 times its size — proposed partnering up as a sister city. They rushed to embrace the offer.

【新闻】预计今年全球旅游总人次将达到107.8亿  Report predicts over 10 bln global tourist arrivals in 2023   2023-05-11 10:36
  The number of international tourist arrivals is expected to reach 10.78 billion, 74.4 percent of the 2019 level, according to the Report on World Tourism Economy Trends 2023 issued on Wednesday.

【新闻】【双语财讯】中国外贸稳中向好势头延续  Foreign trade to see steady growth   2023-05-10 17:10
  China's foreign trade will maintain steady growth in 2023, thanks to the improved trade structure and the country's proactive measures to tackle challenges such as geopolitical tensions and fluctuations in external demand, experts said. The nation's foreign trade growth will play a key role in underpinning the global supply chain, they said.

【新闻】异地恋要长久 就不要犯这5个错误  5 long-distance relationship mistakes that can lead to a breakup   2023-05-10 15:39
  When you and your partner live in different cities — or even different countries — a lot of your energy as a couple will be devoted to maintaining your connection. You’ll send an abundance of texts, have standing FaceTime dates, and maybe mail each other a cute letter or two. But even when you do your best to stay in touch, there are a number of mistakes long-distance partners make that can lead to a breakup.

【经济】一季度我国服务进出口总额同比增长8.7%  China's services trade sustains growth in Q1, travel services surge   2023-05-10 14:49
  China's services trade sustained a sound growth momentum in the first quarter (Q1), with travel services seeing visible recovery, official data showed Tuesday.

【科技】中美科技冷战如何影响美国电信运营商  ‘Rip and Replace’: The Tech Cold War Is Upending Wireless Carriers   2023-05-10 05:00
  Deep in a pine forest in Wilcox County, Ala., three workers dangled from the top of a 350-foot cellular tower. They were there to rip out and replace Chinese equipment from the local wireless network.

【新闻】美媒:得州“悲惨周末”凸显美国两大政治裂痕  A weekend of tragedy in Texas spotlights two distinctly American political fissu   2023-05-09 17:36
  The tragedies were unrelated. But both moments of aching sorrow took place against a backdrop of two of the nations most divisive issues, both of which are especially acute inTexasand which fractured national politics has failed to fixmass shootings and a border crisis.

【新闻】初次见面最讨人喜欢的3个星座,来看看有你吗?  These 3 zodiac signs make the best first impression   2023-05-09 15:47
  First impressions are so important, so it’s normal to feel anxious before meeting your partner’s parents for the first time or to be nervous before a job interview. But according to astrologer Brandyn Lee, there are three zodiac signs who are naturally capable of making a great first impression, which means making small talk and responding to conversational cues is no sweat off their backs.

【商业】【双语财讯】人民币跨境结算规模稳步扩大  RMB records rapid growth in cross-border settlement   2023-05-09 13:53
  Cross-border settlement of the Chinese currency renminbi, or the yuan, registered rapid growth during the first quarter of this year, continuing to expand its globalization process, CCTV reported.

【新闻】北京长峰医院大火暴露中国养老体系缺陷  Deaths of Seniors in Hospital Fire Point to China’s Elder Care Shortfall   2023-05-09 07:25
  BEIJING — The hospital in southern Beijing advertised itself as specializing in vascular tumors, especially benign birthmarks that often appear in infants.

【科技】人工智能带来的新恐惧:当自主杀人机器人成为军方工具  The Next Fear on A.I.: Hollywood’s Killer Robots Become the Military’s Tools   2023-05-09 04:57
  When President Biden announced sharp restrictions in October on selling the most advanced computer chips to China, he sold it in part as a way of giving American industry a chance to restore its competitiveness.

【新闻】加拿大与中国互相驱逐外交官  Canada Says It Will Expel Chinese Diplomat Amid Influence Concerns   2023-05-09 04:46
  A major diplomatic rift erupted between Canada and China on Tuesday as Beijing expelled a Canadian diplomat in a tit-for-tat move just hours after Ottawa said it had ordered a Chinese envoy to leave amid allegations of influence peddling.

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