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【新闻】台湾2024年大选:国民党提名“温和派”侯友宜  As China Looms Over Taiwan’s Presidential Race, the Opposition Picks a Moderat   2023-05-22 12:57
  Once a dominant political force, Taiwan’s main opposition party lost the last two presidential elections in large part because it has promoted closer ties with China. Now, faced with voters who have been alarmed by Beijing’s aggression toward the island, the Kuomintang is placing its hopes on a new type of candidate: a popular local leader with a blank slate on the thorny question of China.

【新闻】中国禁止处理关键信息公司购买美光科技芯片产品  China Bans Some Sales of Chips From U.S. Company Micron   2023-05-22 12:55
  Beijing on Sunday told Chinese companies that deal with critical information to stop purchasing products from Micron Technology, the U.S.-based manufacturer of memory chips used in phones, computers and other electronics. Many analysts viewed the move as retaliation for Washington’s efforts to cut off China’s access to high-end chips.

【商业】中国青年失业率破20%,经济复苏仍不均衡  1 in 5 Young Chinese Is Jobless, and Millions More Are About to Graduate   2023-05-22 11:35
  Shu Xiang, 21, started looking for a job in February and still has had no luck. A financial management major at a college in Chengdu, China, Ms. Shu said she had received five responses to about 100 applications. Graduation is in a few weeks.

【新闻】从“脱钩”到“去风险”:西方对华政策是如何演变的  How ‘Decoupling’ From China Became ‘De-risking’   2023-05-22 02:33
  If diplomats were on TikTok, “de-risk” would be trending. The word has suddenly become popular among officials trying to loosen China’s grip on global supply chains but not cut ties entirely, with the joint communiqué from this weekend’s Group of 7 meeting making clear that the world’s largest democratic economies will now focus on “de-risking, not decoupling.”

【经济】【双语财讯】我国数字经济规模首次突破50万亿元  China's digital economy exceeds 50 trillion yuan   2023-05-19 15:12
  In 2022, China's digital economy exceeded 50 trillion yuan ($7.15 trillion) for the first time, as the digital economy is playing an important role in the national economy, Economic Information Daily reported on Thursday, based on a number of newly released researches.

【新闻】世界气象组织:全球变暖或将在未来五年内超过1.5度临界点  World on track to breach a critical warming threshold in the next five years   2023-05-19 09:00
  The world is now likely to breach a key climate threshold for the first time within the next five years, according to the World Meteorological Organization, due to a combination of heat-trapping pollution and a looming El Niño.

【健康】科学保护视力:关于用眼健康的几大常识和误区  The Best and Worst Habits for Eyesight   2023-05-19 08:09
  If you were ever scolded as a child for reading in the dark, or if you have used blue-light-blocking glasses when working on a computer, you might have incorrect ideas about eye health.

【新闻】TikTok用户起诉蒙大拿州,称州禁令违宪  TikTok Users Sue Montana, Calling State Ban Unconstitutional   2023-05-19 02:57
  A court battle over First Amendment rights kicked off in Montana on Thursday after a group of TikTok users challenged the state’s new TikTok ban, which is set to take effect Jan. 1 and is the first of its kind in the nation.

【新闻】【双语财讯】专家:中国仍是外商投资热土  Experts: Nation remains hot spot for FDI   2023-05-18 17:16
  China will remain a highly favored investment destination for global companies this year, given its latest policy measures to boost market confidence and efforts to reinforce its position in global industrial, innovation and capital chains, experts and business executives said on Wednesday.

【商业】美国蒙大拿州通过法案全面禁止TikTok  Montana Governor Signs Total Ban of TikTok in the State   2023-05-18 12:01
  The governor of Montana, Greg Gianforte, signed a bill on Wednesday to ban TikTok from operating inside the state, the most extreme prohibition of the app in the nation and one that will almost certainly be challenged in court. The ban will take effect on Jan. 1.

【新闻】拜登出席G7峰会,债务违约危机扰乱美国外交部署  For Biden, Crisis at Home Complicates Diplomacy Abroad   2023-05-18 04:46
  President Biden left for Japan on Wednesday for a meeting of the leaders of seven major industrial democracies who get together each year to try to keep the world economy stable.

【健康】研究:有氧运动和肌肉训练可降低死于流感和肺炎的风险  How much you exercise may impact your flu and pneumonia risk, study shows   2023-05-17 15:48
  It’s time to add to your list of reasons to work out: Getting active could help prevent risk of death from the flu and pneumonia, according to new research.

【新闻】中国在电动车电池领域的优势有多大?  Can the World Make an Electric Car Battery Without China?   2023-05-17 10:00
  It is one of the defining competitions of our age: The countries that can make batteries for electric cars will reap decades of economic and geopolitical advantages.

【科技】微软称GPT-4展现出具备人类逻辑迹象  Microsoft Says New A.I. Shows Signs of Human Reasoning   2023-05-17 03:48
  When computer scientists at Microsoft started to experiment with a new artificial intelligence system last year, they asked it to solve a puzzle that should have required an intuitive understanding of the physical world.

【新闻】有关美国政府债务上限,你需要了解的全部信息  So What Is the Debt Limit Anyway? Here’s What to Know.   2023-05-17 03:04
  President Biden and top congressional leaders are set to meet Tuesday to discuss raising the debt ceiling. Which raises a lot of questions, including what the debt limit actually is and why the United States has one.

【新闻】韩国想提高出生率,“儿童禁入区”也许是个阻碍  South Korea Wants More Babies, Just Not in These Places   2023-05-17 01:34
  SEOUL — South Korea has the lowest birthrate in the world, but parents say the government isn’t making it any easier for them to have children when hundreds of public facilities across the country are designated “no-kids zones.”

【新闻】【双语财讯】美国贸易战损招造成多输局面  Washington's trade war causes losses to itself and world   2023-05-16 20:11
  The recent U.S. Census Bureau data suggest that the U.S. merchandise trade deficit with China was larger in 2022 than when Donald Trump was president, said an article on the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace website.

【新闻】日本杰尼斯事务所就创始人喜多川性侵指控道歉  A Top Japanese Talent Agency Apologizes Amid Sexual Abuse Accusations   2023-05-16 02:53
  One of Japan’s most influential entertainment production companies has issued an apology over sexual assault claims leveled against its founder, Johnny Kitagawa, decades after allegations about abuse of young men in his care first came to light.

【新闻】关于土耳其总统大选,你应该知道的四个要点  Four Takeaways From Turkey’s Nail-Biting Presidential Election   2023-05-16 02:14
  Turkey’s nail-biter election will go to a runoff, election officials announced on Monday, extending a pivotal vote that has demonstrated that the incumbent, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is still a formidable political force, despite his failure to secure a first-round victory.

【经济】【双语财讯】母亲节点燃短途出游热 电商平台销量大涨  Consumption boom continues on Mother's Day weekend   2023-05-15 13:56
  The domestic travel market embraced another peak during the weekend, as many consumers took short trips to celebrate Mother's Day, which fell on Sunday, carrying forward the May Day holiday consumption momentum.

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