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【科技】如何充分利用ChatGPT  Get the Best From ChatGPT With These Golden Prompts   2023-05-26 02:44
  A few months ago, my colleagues Cade Metz and Kevin Roose explained the inner workings of A.I., including chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Microsoft’s Bing and Google’s Bard. Now we’re back with a new mission: to help you learn to use A.I. to its full potential.


【新闻】美国蒙大拿州TikTok禁令暴露美式双标,TikTok首席执行官:违宪,已起诉!     2023-05-25 16:47
  In addition to prohibiting TikTok from operating inside Montana state lines, the law could also impose fines of up to $10,000 per violation per day on companies like Apple or Google that host TikTok in their app stores.

【新闻】【双语财讯】中国与东盟企业“走出去”和“引进来”热情不减  China, ASEAN companies eye each other's markets   2023-05-25 15:38
  Chinese companies as well as their counterparts from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations are expressing a keen interest in exploring business opportunities in each other's markets, propelled by the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership pact taking effect early last year, according to a report released by United Overseas Bank (China) Ltd on Tuesday.

【新闻】多数美国人认为遏制枪支暴力比保护持枪权利更重要  Poll: Most Americans say curbing gun violence is more important than gun rights   2023-05-25 15:05
  The highest percentage of Americans in a decade say they think it's more important to curb gun violence than protect gun rights, according to a new poll.

【科技】驾照、地址和照片:调查揭示TikTok如何泄露用户隐私  Driver’s Licenses, Addresses, Photos: Inside How TikTok Shares User Data   2023-05-25 03:00
  In August 2021, TikTok received a complaint from a British user, who flagged that a man had been “exposing himself and playing with himself” on a livestream she hosted on the video app. She also described past abuse she had experienced.

【健康】专家谈:喝骨头汤真的有益健康吗?  Is drinking bone broth good for you? Experts weigh in.   2023-05-24 17:20
  While bone broth can provide some beneficial nutrients, experts don't view the popular beverage as vital addition to your wellness regime.

【新闻】一季度全国新设个体工商户503万户     2023-05-24 13:55
  A total of 5.03 million self-employed businesses were newly set up in China in the first quarter of 2023, up 14.3 percent year on year, China's top market regulator said Monday.

【经济】四省两市前4月进出口总值均突破万亿元 民营企业拉动作用明显  Trade figures give fresh push to recovery   2023-05-24 13:50
  Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shandong provinces — the major export-oriented economic powerhouses in the country — as well as Shanghai and Beijing, each saw their total value of imports and exports exceed 1 trillion yuan ($141.8 billion), according to the latest data put out by local authorities. In particular, Guangdong's foreign trade volume hit 2.52 trillion yuan during the first four months.

【新闻】澳大利亚欲重塑锂矿业,摆脱对中国的依赖  Australia Tries to Break Its Dependence on China for Lithium Mining   2023-05-24 09:55
  Deep in rural Western Australia, Pilbara Minerals’ vast processing plant looms above the red dirt, quivering as tons of a lithium ore slurry move through its pipes.

【新闻】“看不到光明”:被“抛弃”的阿富汗人冒死奔向美国  The U.S. Left Them Behind. They Crossed a Jungle to Get Here Anyway.   2023-05-24 06:32
  Taiba was being hunted by the men she had put behind bars.

【新闻】希望、恐惧、欢乐和悲伤:行走在乌克兰生死之轴  The Dnipro River, Axis of Life and Death in Ukraine   2023-05-24 05:09
  The thunder of artillery echoes night and day over the mighty Dnipro River as it winds its way through southern Ukraine. With Russian and Ukrainian forces squared off on opposite banks, fighters have replaced fishermen, surveillance drones circle overhead and mines line the marshy embankments.

【新闻】中美芯片冲突加剧,北京通过美光禁令释放何种信号  With Ban on Micron, China Escalates Microchip Clash With U.S.   2023-05-24 03:26
  When cutting foreign technology companies from Chinese supply chains, Beijing has long chosen to work obliquely or even secretly. Regulators would give executives back-room lectures, weigh them down with excessive red tape or hit them with occasional office raids. Rarely did the government tell a firm outright it was no longer welcome.

【文化】【双语财讯】美联储调查:高通胀侵蚀美家庭财务安全,民众对经济不满情  Inflation has eroded US households' financial security, Fed survey shows   2023-05-23 15:29
  The inflation wave that crested at a 40-year high last year and remains elevated has eroded U.S. households' sense of financial security, the Federal Reserve reported Monday, with many saying they had reduced their savings to make ends meet, felt less secure about retirement, and had delayed purchases or swapped into cheaper products as they shopped.

【新闻】摘下口罩后 日本人报班学习如何微笑  Many Japanese turn to smile instructors to learn how to smile again after COVID   2023-05-23 14:32
  After wearing masks in public for three long years, many Japanese are signing up for smiling classes to learn how to smile again without looking awkward.

【新闻】2023年退休人员基本养老金上调3.8%  China continues to raise basic pension payments for retirees   2023-05-23 11:41
  China announced Monday that it will raise the basic pension payments for retirees in 2023, marking 19th consecutive annual increase.

【科技】TikTok起诉蒙大拿州,寻求推翻禁令  TikTok Sues Montana, Calling State Ban Unconstitutional   2023-05-23 11:41
  TikTok on Monday sued to block Montana from banning the popular video app, escalating its efforts to stop a prohibition that would be the first of its kind in the nation.

【新闻】乌克兰可能将获得F-16战机,这意味着什么  Ukraine May Be Finally Getting the F-16s It Asked For. Why Did It Want Them?   2023-05-23 02:27
  Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine began over a year ago, officials in Kyiv have been asking their Western allies to supply the country’s air force with advanced warplanes such as the F-16. But the United States, which manufactures the fighter jet, was long reluctant to provide it, or to allow other countries that have F-16s to re-export them to Ukraine.

【新闻】“淄博烧烤”缘何成为网红  Inside the Barbecue City That Is China’s Hottest Tourist Destination   2023-05-23 01:39
  The flame-shaped neon archway was visible from miles away, which was good since there was little other reason for anyone to be in that part of town, an expanse of fields outside an industrial city in eastern China. The lights flickered between icy blue and red-hot, leaping toward the night sky beside a jumbo sign: “Zibo Barbecue Experiential Ground.”

【健康】世卫组织:人工甜味剂无助于减肥,长期摄入或增加健康风险  Artificial sweeteners not recommended for weight loss, says WHO   2023-05-22 17:24
  On Monday, the World Health Organization released new guidelines warning the public not to use non-sugar sweeteners for weight loss, revealing that it may actually do more harm to the body than good.

【新闻】美国人不再愿意为了工作搬家 原因是……  Americans no longer want to move for work. Here's why.   2023-05-22 14:57
  After two years of grousing that no one wants to work anymore, America's employers might have a new line of complaint: No one wants to move.

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