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【科技】科技行业领袖警告AI可能给人类带来“灭绝风险”  A.I. Poses ‘Risk of Extinction,’ Industry Leaders Warn   2023-06-02 11:36
  A group of industry leaders warned on Tuesday that the artificial intelligence technology they were building might one day pose an existential threat to humanity and should be considered a societal risk on a par with pandemics and nuclear wars.

【新闻】报告称中国加强对美国开源情报的收集  China Investing in Open-Source Intelligence Collection on the U.S.   2023-06-02 11:35
  China’s intelligence agencies are investing deeply in open-source intelligence to learn more about the capabilities of the American military in the Pacific and beyond, according to a new report.


【商业】C919首次商飞:中国航空业迎里程碑,挑战犹存  China Crosses a Flying Milestone but Remains in the Boeing-Airbus Grip   2023-06-02 10:51
  Millions of flights take off and land in China every year, almost all of them using planes made by Boeing and Airbus, the world’s two leading aircraft manufacturers. For years, China has been working to change that and, this week, it celebrated a milestone in that quest: the first commercial flight of a large passenger jet made in China.

【新闻】拜登出席活动时再度绊倒,或加剧外界对其年龄质疑  Biden Falls Onstage at Air Force Commencement   2023-06-02 10:05
  President Biden tripped and fell after delivering a speech and handing out diplomas to graduates of the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs on Thursday. Mr. Biden, who is 80 years old, was helped up and appeared to recover quickly.

【新闻】中国民运人士在纽约办展纪念“六四”:“这是反抗的象征”  Tiananmen Exhibit Is ‘a Symbol of Defiance’   2023-06-02 04:00
  A new exhibition is set to open in Midtown Manhattan memorializing those killed when Chinese troops opened fire on pro-democracy protesters who had gathered in Tiananmen Square in 1989. The exhibit, which will open this month, comes two years after officials in Hong Kong cracked down on commemorations of the Tiananmen Square protests.


【新闻】当“间谍聚会”遭遇暴风雨:一场沉船悲剧背后的阴谋论  Tragedy Strikes a Boat Full of Spies, and Conspiracy Theories Mount   2023-06-02 02:52
  The black clouds appeared quickly, sneaking up on sun-seeking revelers on the lake in northern Italy, interrupting early-evening aperitivi and lakefront strolls. A weather warning issued earlier in the day had not foreseen the violence of the storm that burst over the lake, with winds so extreme they sank a boat, killing four of its 23 passengers.

【新闻】将俄罗斯石油隐秘运往中国的“黑暗舰队”  Fake Signals and American Insurance: How a Dark Fleet Moves Russian Oil   2023-06-01 11:19
  The Cathay Phoenix is not a lone rogue ship, but one of at least three tankers identified by The New York Times taking extraordinary steps to hide their true activity, a practice that helps them to elude U.S. government oversight and puts their American insurer at risk of violating recent sanctions on Russian crude oil.
  “契丹凤凰”号(Cathay Phoenix)并非唯一一艘行踪诡异的油轮,《纽约时报》至少确认了三艘,这些船采取了非同寻常的措施将自己的真实行动隐蔽起来,以此来帮助它们逃避美国政府的监督,并使得为其承保的美国公司面临违反最近对俄罗斯原油实施制裁这一规定的风险。

【新闻】欧洲食品价格为何如此之高  Why Are Food Prices So High in Europe?   2023-06-01 04:12
  Why Are Food Prices So High in Europe?

【健康】你家的燃气灶到底有多“脏”?  Testing New York Apartments: How Dirty Is That Gas Stove, Really?   2023-05-31 05:56
  Every morning, as millions of Americans light up the gas stoves in their kitchens to heat some water or griddle their hash browns, they aren’t just sending delicious breakfast smells wafting through their homes. The blue flames also emit harmful pollutants like nitrogen dioxides, as well as planet-warming gases.

【新闻】中国国产大飞机C919正式进入民航市场  China's C919 jetliner goes into commercial operation   2023-05-29 15:24
  The C919, China's self-developed large passenger aircraft, successfully completed its first commercial flight from Shanghai to Beijing on Sunday, marking its official entry into the civil aviation market.

【经济】外企高管:北京依然会是外商投资的热土  Beijing still a magnet for foreign capital   2023-05-29 15:00
  Beijing will continue to be an attractive investment destination for foreign investors, as the city is at the forefront of technological innovation, has a sound business environment, and makes greater efforts in driving reform and opening-up, said executives at multinational companies, investors and government officials at the ongoing Zhongguancun Forum on Friday.

【新闻】拜登与麦卡锡达成债务上限初步协议,这里是五大要点  Initial Takeaways From the Spending and Debt Ceiling Deal   2023-05-29 12:29
  President Biden and Speaker Kevin McCarthy reached an agreement on Saturday to raise the debt ceiling while imposing new restraints on federal spending. If approved by Congress, it will end a partisan deadlock and avert a potentially devastating national default.

【新闻】土耳其大选决选:埃尔多安赢得连任  Despite Inflation, Earthquakes and Tough Race, Erdogan Is Re-elected   2023-05-29 09:32
  Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has vexed his Western allies while tightening his grip on power during 20 years as the country’s paramount politician, won reelection on Sunday, according to election officials.

【新闻】空乘歧视风波背后,国泰航空的动荡与困局  Cathay Pacific Fights to Emerge From the Long Shadow of Covid   2023-05-29 05:32
  Few major airlines in the world were hit by the Covid pandemic as hard as Cathay Pacific, the flagship carrier of Hong Kong, or have labored so mightily to recover from it. Its business was decimated by some of the industry’s most expansive flight bans and quarantine requirements. And the pandemic wasn’t the start of Cathay’s troubles.

【新闻】为什么移民英国的人越来越多  Why Are So Many People Moving to the U.K.?   2023-05-29 01:50
  For years, Britain’s governing Conservative Party has pledged to restrict immigration, and a vow to “take back control” of borders and migration was a centerpiece of the Brexit campaign to leave the European Union.

【经济】【双语财讯】商务部:希望G7将不寻求对华"脱钩"表态落到实处  G7 urged to deliver on no-decoupling pledge   2023-05-26 17:12
  Any country's attempt to push for decoupling from or cutting supply chains with China will harm its own interests and dampen global economic recovery and growth, officials and experts said on Thursday.

【新闻】香槟这名字不是你想叫就能叫:法国销毁3.5万瓶气泡饮料  France destroys 35,000 ‘champagne’ soda bottles   2023-05-26 14:45
  French border police have destroyed nearly 35,000 bottles of a soda drink that called itself champagne.

【经济】中拉民营经济合作论坛在东莞举行  Guangdong-CELAC trade volume tops 65.5 bln U.S. dollars in 2022   2023-05-26 14:24
  The trade volume between south China's Guangdong Province and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) exceeded 65.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2022, up 9.5 percent year on year, according to the China-CELAC Private Sector Forum held on Wednesday in Dongguan, Guangdong.

【旅游】绝对不要脱袜子:飞行礼节知多少  ‘Never a Reason to Take Off Your Socks’: A Flight Attendant’s 12 Etiquette   2023-05-26 12:42
  After 21 years as a flight attendant, I’ve seen it all. The pandemic heightened tensions on board, with the most extreme incidents of bad passenger behavior escalating to violence. More commonly, though, I see discourteous behavior lead to verbal disagreements, or a general unpleasantness.

【新闻】地球变得更热了,大米也在面临危机  How Global Rice Farming Is Being Transformed by Climate Change   2023-05-26 07:17
  Rice is in trouble as the Earth heats up, threatening the food and livelihood of billions of people. Sometimes there’s not enough rain when seedlings need water, or too much when the plants need to keep their heads above water. As the sea intrudes, salt ruins the crop. As nights warm, yields go down.

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