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【经济】【双语财讯】上合示范区掀起高质量发展新篇章  SCODA emerges as a vital trade hub   2023-06-07 14:17
  The China-SCO Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Area, known as SCODA, has emerged as a vital hub for trade and business among member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Officials recently highlighted the significant achievements made during the past five years since its establishment in Qingdao, Shandong province.

【商业】中美紧张关系加剧之际,红杉资本分拆中国子公司  Venture Capital Giant Sequoia Spins Off China and India Units   2023-06-07 11:39
  Sequoia Capital, one of Silicon Valley’s most prominent venture capital firms, is breaking itself up, spinning out its Chinese unit into an independent company at a time of rising tensions between China and the United States over investment and access to advanced technologies.

【科技】苹果头戴设备Vision Pro能引爆虚拟现实热潮吗  Can Apple Take the Metaverse Mainstream?   2023-06-07 10:40
  A bet on injecting iPhone-esque magic into virtual reality

【商业】世行警告全球经济仍处于不稳定状态,今明两年增长缓慢  World Bank Projects Weak Global Growth Amid Rising Interest Rates   2023-06-07 04:28
  The World Bank said on Tuesday that the global economy remained in a “precarious state” and warned of sluggish growth this year and next as rising interest rates slow consumer spending and business investment, and threaten the stability of the financial system.

【新闻】年花费300亿美元的印度铁路系统为何无法阻止惨剧发生  Money for Show Horses, Not Work Horses, on India’s Rails   2023-06-07 03:46
  In a country where major industry and political fortunes alike are often tied to a vast, interwoven rail system, India has lavished public resources on new trains, but its purse strings have been much tighter when it comes to ensuring the safety of those already racing along its tracks.

【科技】苹果Vision Pro值3500美元吗  A First Try of Apple’s $3,500 Vision Pro Headset   2023-06-07 03:38
  I got a sneak peek into Apple’s vision for the future of computing on Monday. For about half an hour, I wore the $3,500 Vision Pro, the company’s first high-tech goggles, which will be released next year.
  周一,我得以一窥苹果构想中的未来计算。我用半小时试戴了售价3500美元的Vision Pro,这是该公司首款高科技头戴设备,将于明年发布。

【新闻】乌克兰大坝被炸毁淹没战区,或引发人道主义灾难  Destroyed Ukrainian Dam Floods War Zone and Forces Residents to Flee   2023-06-07 01:50
  A major dam on the Dnipro River in southern Ukraine was destroyed early Tuesday, sending torrents of water cascading through the breach, flooding a war zone downstream, putting tens of thousands of residents at risk and raising the possibility of long-lasting environmental and humanitarian disasters.

【经济】特斯拉上海超级工厂5月交付超7.7万辆  Tesla Shanghai Gigafactory records soaring delivery volume in May   2023-06-06 15:03
  Tesla's Shanghai plant delivered 77,695 vehicles in May, soaring 142 percent year on year, said the company.

【经济】汽车降温,开车窗还是开空调更省油?  Windows Down or A/C on — Which Is More Fuel-efficient?   2023-06-06 14:52
  There are two main factors to consider when approaching this question. The first deals with how the air compressor in your car works and how much extra fuel the engine has to use to keep it running. The second is what is known as air resistance or drag. Drag is the resistance that cars, and all moving objects, encounter when moving through the air at any speed. Most modern cars are designed to be relatively aerodynamic, which allows them to pass through the air with minimal resistance.

【新闻】芒种到:关于芒种的7个小常识  7 things you must know about Grain in Ear   2023-06-06 14:06
  The Chinese solar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Grain in Ear, the 9th solar term, begins on June 6 this year and ends on June 20.

【新闻】香港新闻界罕见胜利:终审法院推翻对记者蔡玉玲定罪  In Rare Victory for Media, Hong Kong Court Overturns Conviction of Journalist   2023-06-06 11:17
  In a rare victory for journalism amid a crackdown on the news media in Hong Kong, the city’s top court on Monday overturned the conviction of a prominent reporter who had produced a documentary that was critical of the police.

【新闻】美国“史上最具破坏性”双面间谍汉森在狱中去世  Robert Hanssen, F.B.I. Agent Exposed as Spy for Moscow, Dies at 79   2023-06-06 05:24
  Robert P. Hanssen, a former F.B.I. agent who spied for Moscow off and on for more than two decades during and after the Cold War in one of the most damaging espionage cases in American history, was discovered dead in his prison cell in Colorado on Monday, federal authorities announced. He was 79.
  联邦当局宣布,FBI前特工罗伯特·汉森(Robert P. Hansen)周一被发现死在科罗拉多州的牢房里,终年79岁。汉森曾在冷战期间和冷战后的20多年里断断续续地为莫斯科充当间谍,这是美国历史上最严重的间谍案之一。

【新闻】升国旗、唱国歌、军事训练:俄罗斯加强军事和爱国教育  In Russian Schools, It’s Recite Your ABC’s and ‘Love Your Army’   2023-06-06 02:19
  A new version of the ABC’s in Russia’s Far East starts with “A is for Army, B is for Brotherhood” — and injects a snappy phrase with every letter, like, “Love your Army.”

【新闻】【双语财讯】上门服务受年轻一代热捧  At-home services find traction among Gen Z   2023-06-05 15:44
  Door-to-door (DTD) services have shifted from a luxury use pattern to a routine consumption mode in China.

【科技】工信部明确丰富拓展5G应用场景 全面推进6G技术研发  China to expand 5G application scenarios, boost R&D on 6G   2023-06-05 14:00
  China will speed up the construction of virtual private networks in the 5G industry and enrich the country's 5G application scenarios, industry and information technology minister Jin Zhuanglong said on Sunday.

【新闻】研究:数十年来美国预期寿命排名持续下降,系统性问题损害美国民众健康  US has been falling behind on life expectancy for decades, study shows   2023-06-05 12:05
  The Covid-19 pandemic set US life expectancy back by years, but new research shows that the country has been falling behind for decades.

【新闻】纪念“六四”在香港成为禁忌:当局严密监控,拘捕多人  Hong Kong Remembered the Tiananmen Massacre, Until It Couldn’t   2023-06-05 10:42
  For decades, Hong Kong was the only place in China where the victims of the 1989 military crackdown on pro-democracy activists at Tiananmen Square in Beijing could be publicly mourned in a candlelight vigil. This year, Hong Kong is notable for all the ways it is being made to forget the 1989 massacre.

【新闻】印度火车相撞事故造成至少275人死亡,1100人受伤  Here is the latest on the deadly train crash in India.   2023-06-05 10:19
  Officials investigating the cause of one of the deadliest train wrecks in India’s history were focusing on the possibility that a signal failure caused the disaster, after rescue efforts ended and all derailed cars were removed from the tracks on Sunday.

【新闻】中美军舰险相撞,两国争夺亚洲主导权风险加剧  China and U.S. Lay Out Rival Visions for Asia as Ships Nearly Collide   2023-06-05 04:08
  Senior military officials from the United States and China used a conference in Singapore to push competing visions of Asia’s future security: a U.S.-led safety net of well-armed partnerships versus a region where China is the center of a new international order.

【新闻】6月多部大片重磅来袭!每一部都很精彩  5 of the best films to watch in June   2023-06-02 15:38
  Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse《蜘蛛侠:纵横宇宙》
  In 2018, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse brought together numerous different animation styles to form a mesmerising pop-art masterpiece. It also brought together numerous different Spider-People. The wall-crawlers from various alternate realities included a new Spider-Man, Miles Morales (Shameik Moore), a familiar one, Peter Parker (Jake Johnson), and a Spider-Woman, Gwen Stacy (Hailee Steinfeld). And that was just the beginning. The sequel is due to span six parallel universes, and to feature 240 characters, many of them Spider-related: Oscar Isaac, for instance, provides the voice of the Spider-Man of the year 2099.

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