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【新闻】从商界大亨到总理:贝卢斯科尼如何改变了意大利  How Silvio Berlusconi Changed Italy, for Better or Worse   2023-06-13 03:36
  The death of Silvio Berlusconi on Monday brought to an end one of the longest, most consequential and colorful eras in Italian politics, with both ardent admirers and die-hard critics marking a life of outsized influence as something that split contemporary Italian history into the before and after.

【新闻】港府申请对《愿荣光归香港》颁发禁制令,法官推迟裁决  Judge Delays Decision on Hong Kong’s Request to Ban Protest Song Online   2023-06-13 02:10
  A judge in Hong Kong on Monday postponed deciding on a petition to ban the online distribution of a popular pro-democracy protest song in a case that could further challenge how technology companies operate in the Chinese territory.

【体育】门票太贵交通设施老旧 巴黎奥运会“可达性”遭质疑  The world’s biggest sporting event is coming to Paris. Not everyone’s happy   2023-06-12 17:37
  The date is set, venues have been chosen, tickets are on sale.

【新闻】【双语财讯】多家国际组织和机构调高今年中国经济增长预期  Global organizations raise expectations on China's economic growth   2023-06-12 14:34
  The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development rose the economic growth expectation on China again in a report released on June 7 local time to 5.4 percent this year and 5.1 percent next year, deeming that China's economic recovery fuels the global economy, China News Service reported Friday.

【新闻】不平等的代价:印度火车事故遇难者多为低收入者  Faceless, Nameless and Dead by the Dozen in a Train’s Cheapest Cars   2023-06-12 03:31
  They cram themselves every day by the millions onto India’s overtaxed trains, chasing a shred of economic opportunity across the vastness of the world’s most populous nation.

【新闻】特朗普机密文件案的七大关键信息  What We Learned From the Trump Indictment   2023-06-12 01:05
  Indictments against former President Donald J. Trump and a personal aide, Walt Nauta, unsealed Friday reveal a host of embarrassing and potentially devastating new details about a yearlong investigation previously cloaked in secrecy.

【新闻】【双语财讯】世行上调2023中国经济增长预期至5.6%  World Bank raises China growth forecast to 5.6%   2023-06-09 19:30
  The World Bank has predicted that China's economy will grow at 5.6 percent this year, up by 1.3 percentage points from its January forecast, while it has revised down projections for most economies, as it sees global growth on a precarious footing amid high interest rates.

【新闻】美国民众花在食品上的钱更多 但是买的却更少了  Americans are spending more on groceries. But they’re buying less   2023-06-09 15:19
  The past few months of robust grocery store sales would suggest that shoppers aren’t stretched for cash. But that’s not the full story.

【商业】2022年全国住房公积金发放个人住房贷款逾一万亿元  Loans issued from China's housing provident fund top 1 trln yuan in 2022   2023-06-09 14:41
  China issued over 1.18 trillion yuan worth of mortgage loans from the housing provident fund in 2022, benefitting more home buyers, official data showed Thursday.

【新闻】特朗普因“文件门”成美国史上首位面临联邦指控的前总统  Trump is the first former president in U.S. history to face federal charges.   2023-06-09 11:16
  The Justice Department took the legally and politically momentous step of lodging federal criminal charges against former President Donald J. Trump, multiple people familiar with the matter said on Thursday, following a lengthy investigation of his handling of classified documents that he took with him upon leaving office and then obstructing the government’s efforts to reclaim them.

【科技】为什么我看好苹果Vision Pro  Why I Can’t Bet Against Apple’s Mixed-Reality Prowess   2023-06-09 10:35
  I’ll confess that when Apple introduced its mixed-reality Vision Pro headsets on Monday, one of my first thoughts was: Man, that thing looks weird.
  我承认,苹果周一推出融合数码与现实世界的Vision Pro头戴设备时,我最初的一个想法是:哇,这东西看上去怪怪的。

【新闻】特朗普再次被起诉:成也机密文件,败也机密文件  Indictment Brings Trump Story Full Circle   2023-06-09 05:06
  There was a time, not that long ago really, when Donald J. Trump said he cared about the sanctity of classified information. That, of course, was when his opponent was accused of jeopardizing it and it was a useful political weapon for Mr. Trump.

【新闻】起诉前国家领导人是法治的胜利吗  Many Democracies Have Prosecuted Ex-Leaders. The Politics Can Be Tough.   2023-06-09 03:45
  The indictment of former President Donald J. Trump on federal criminal charges is a first for the United States, but such cases have become fairly common globally. In the past two decades, several dozen nations have prosecuted a former head of government or head of state.

【新闻】美官员称中国计划在古巴建窃听站  China to Build Station That Could Spy on U.S. from Cuba, Officials Say   2023-06-09 02:22
  China is planning to build a facility in Cuba that U.S. officials are concerned could be capable of spying on the United States by intercepting electronic signals from nearby U.S. military and commercial facilities, according to three U.S. officials familiar with the agreement.

【健康】疫情改变企业招人标准 不再寻找“完美”员工  How the ‘perfect’ job candidate has changed   2023-06-08 15:28
  As the pandemic has changed many aspects of how we work and the workplace skills we value, it’s also evolved how companies are hiring new employees. In the past, a ‘perfect’ candidate may have attended a notable school, worked for high-profile companies and had proof of relevant hard skills – tangible technical abilities, suited specifically for a role.

【经济】我国外贸进出口实现稳定增长  China's foreign trade up 4.7% in Jan-May period   2023-06-08 14:05
  China's total imports and exports grew 4.7 percent year-on-year to 16.77 trillion yuan in the first five months, data from the General Administration of Customs showed on Wednesday.

【新闻】对手还是合作伙伴?欧洲人如何看待中国  Europeans Now See Russia as an Adversary, but Not China   2023-06-08 12:22
  When Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany and President Emmanuel Macron of France recently made separate but friendly visits to China, it sparked considerable dismay among their fellow leaders in Europe and Washington.

【新闻】加拿大野火烟霾蔓延,美东多地天色昏黄宛如“末日”  Wildfires Spread Smoke, and Anxiety, Across Canada to the U.S.   2023-06-08 03:28
  Canada on Wednesday was struggling to fight an extraordinary outbreak of wildfires across the country that sent smoke pouring over the border and forced millions of Canadians and Americans to stay indoors as skies darkened over large portions of both nations.

【新闻】美民众厌倦党争不休,七成选民认为美国正走在“错误道路上”  Poll: Americans want compromise, not loyalty, in Congress   2023-06-07 17:15
  The majority of Democrats and Republicans want federal lawmakers to work together on legislation, but most doubt Congress will be able to do that over the next two years, according to the latest NewsNation/Decision Desk HQ poll released Tuesday.

【新闻】新加坡将关闭百年赛马场 为公共住房腾地  Space-starved Singapore will end 180 years of horse racing to make way for housi   2023-06-07 15:34
  The space starved island state of Singapore is bringing the curtain down on more than 180 years of horse racing with its sole racecourse set to be handed back to the government to make way for public housing.

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