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【商业】世界经济增长乏力,我们对全球化的看法错了吗  Why It Seems Everything We Knew About the Global Economy Is No Longer True   2023-06-19 03:39
  When the world’s business and political leaders gathered in 2018 at the annual economic forum in Davos, the mood was jubilant. Growth in every major country was on an upswing. The global economy, declared Christine Lagarde, then the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, “is in a very sweet spot.”

【新闻】宣称要“调查”亚投行 加拿大政府政治动机昭然若揭  Politically motivated claim to discredit AIIB   2023-06-16 16:15
  Canada officially joined the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in 2018 despite Washington’s objections, because it saw opportunities in its own interests.

【新闻】全球海水温度持续升高 2023或成史上最热年  Highest ocean temperatures ever recorded for the month of May, NOAA says   2023-06-16 15:29
  Scientists have gathered further evidence that ocean waters are continuing to warm along with the rest of the planet.

【新闻】“美丽心灵纸盒”:特朗普的“恋箱癖”?  At the Heart of the Documents Case: Trump’s Attachment to His Boxes   2023-06-16 05:01
  During President Donald J. Trump’s years in the White House, his aides began to refer to the boxes full of papers and odds and ends he carted around with him almost everywhere as the “beautiful mind” material.

【商业】美国会拟议贸易法案,中国跨境电商Shein或受打击  Bipartisan Proposals Would Hit E-Commerce Like Fast Fashion   2023-06-16 02:02
  The News

【新闻】美国中等收入阶层购房难:合适房源供应极为短缺  Middle-income buyers face the most severe housing shortage   2023-06-15 14:50
  Middle income home buyers in the United States are finding little on the market to buy, even if they can qualify and afford a mortgage. These would-be buyers face the most severe housing shortage of any other income bracket, according to a new analysis from the National Association of Realtors and Realtor.com that found the market is short more than 300,000 affordable homes for these buyers.

【新闻】【双语财讯】凯度发布最具价值全球品牌100强 多个中国品牌上榜  Chinese brands shine on top list   2023-06-15 14:10
  Certain Chinese brands — technology giant Tencent, liquor major Moutai, short video publisher TikTok, cross-border e-commerce specialist Shein and bottled water producer Nongfu Spring — have bucked market downtrends in their respective niches to enter the Top 100 of the world's most valuable brands, an industry report found.

【新闻】韩国如何将厨余垃圾“变废为宝”  How South Korea Puts Its Food Scraps to Good Use   2023-06-15 04:56
  Around the world, most of the 1.4 billion tons of food thrown away each year goes to landfills. As it rots, it pollutes water and soil and releases huge amounts of methane, one of the most potent greenhouse gases.

【商业】日股涨幅领跑全球,投资者为何对日本经济信心大增  Investors Are Putting Big Money Into Japan Again. Here’s Why.   2023-06-15 03:22
  The prime minister, Shinzo Abe, stood in front of the cameras in 2014 and said he was going to shake up the staid ways companies operated in Japan. It was a tall order. Shellshocked by years of economic malaise that followed the bubble of the 1980s, Japanese executives had clung to the status quo for years. Raises for employees and returns for shareholders were scarce. The consequence was an economy that barely grew.

【新闻】有关乌克兰反攻,你应该知道的几件事  Ukraine’s Counteroffensive: What to Know   2023-06-15 01:00
  Even President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine now says so: The country’s long-awaited counteroffensive to retake Russian-occupied territory has begun. After months of defending against a barrage of airstrikes, Ukraine is on the offense, looking for vulnerabilities along the 600-mile front line and even launching strikes on Russian soil.

【新闻】不断扩大的出口管制清单表明美国才是真正的“经济胁迫国”  Ever-expanding Entity List indicates US is the real ‘coercion empire’: China   2023-06-14 15:14
  The US Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security announced it was adding 43 new entities to its Entity List on Monday, showing that the gestures Washington has made recently to supposedly try and mend ties with Beijing have been nothing but a put-on.

【经济】海关总署新推出16条优化营商环境措施 促进外贸发展  Chinese customs authorities adopt 16 measures to optimize business environment   2023-06-14 15:09
  Chinese customs authorities on Tuesday said they had launched 16 initiatives to optimize the country's business environment.

【新闻】美国财长耶伦:试图与中国脱钩将是“灾难性的”  Yellen Says Bid to Decouple From China Would Be ‘Disastrous’   2023-06-14 10:58
  Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen said on Tuesday that it would be a mistake for the United States to try to “decouple” from China and called for deepening economic ties between the world’s two largest economies.

【新闻】特朗普对机密文件案指控作无罪抗辩  Here is the latest on Trump’s court appearance.   2023-06-14 10:20
  Former President Donald J. Trump pleaded not guilty in federal court in Miami on Tuesday to criminal charges that he risked disclosure of defense secrets and obstructed the government’s efforts to reclaim classified documents he took with him upon leaving office.

【健康】人人都在讨论皮质醇,它究竟有多重要  The Truth About the Internet’s Favorite Stress Hormone   2023-06-14 05:14
  Maybe you can’t sleep. Or you sleep too much. Maybe you keep breaking out, or getting sick. Perhaps your stomach bloats, your skin sags, you feel shaky. Maybe you can’t focus, eat or get rid of the tension in your spine.

【新闻】机密文件案传讯:一个紧张而安静的特朗普  A Grim Donald Trump, President No Longer, Is Humbled in the Courtroom   2023-06-14 02:58
  A grim Donald J. Trump leaned back from the defendant’s table inside a jammed 13th-floor courtroom in Miami on Tuesday, jaw set, arms crossed, his back muscles tensing visibly under his dark suit jacket.

【新闻】被遗弃的新娘:她们梦想出国,却再也没见过丈夫  They Married for a Life Abroad. But They Never Saw Their Husbands Again.   2023-06-14 01:39
  Like many other women in the state of Punjab, long a hub of emigration from India, Sharndeep Kaur aspired to marry an Indian working abroad and follow him to a more prosperous life overseas.

【商业】国家发改委已下达2023年以工代赈中央投资73亿元  China invests 7.3 bln yuan for work-relief programs in 2023   2023-06-13 15:22
  China has invested 7.3 billion yuan this year to support programs that provide work for people in need as a form of relief, the National Development and Reform Commission said Monday.

【科技】研究:肥胖或将永久损害大脑传递饱足感的能力  Obesity changes the brain, with ‘no sign of reversibility,’ expert says   2023-06-13 14:51
  Obesity may damage the brain’s ability to recognize the sensation of fullness and be satisfied after eating fats and sugars, a new study found.

【科技】人工智能真的能毁灭人类吗  How Could A.I. Destroy Humanity?   2023-06-13 09:58
  Last month, hundreds of well-known people in the world of artificial intelligence signed an open letter warning that A.I. could one day destroy humanity.

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