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【新闻】普里戈任将面临怎样的下场?这里是我们知道的  What Will Happen to Prigozhin and His Wagner Fighters? Here’s What We Know.   2023-06-28 03:17
  Just three days ago, the Wagner mercenary group was advancing on Moscow, and Vladimir V. Putin’s two-decade rule over Russia appeared under threat. Then, in a stunning twist, the uprising’s leader, Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, said that he was halting the insurrection and going into exile.

【新闻】越南总理访华将巩固中越关系良好发展势头 对两国关系挑拨离间注定失败  Neighbors strengthen ties rather than cut them: China Daily editorial   2023-06-27 17:33
  Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh is in China on a four-day formal visit, during which he will attend the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin.

【教育】瑞士众多大龄学童穿纸尿裤上学引教师担忧  Teachers sound alarm on trend of students as old as 11 still wearing diapers   2023-06-27 15:54
  Teachers in Switzerland recently reported a worrying number of students, some as old as 11, still coming to school in diapers because they never learned how to use the toilet.

【新闻】我国首艘深远海多功能科考及文物考古船广州开建     2023-06-27 14:56
  Construction of China's first deep sea multi-functional scientific research and archaeological vessel officially began in Guangzhou's Nansha district on Sunday.

【新闻】普京谴责兵变但强调团结,普里戈任命运未决  Putin Says Russia Is United Behind Him, After Quelling Rebellion   2023-06-27 12:27
  A visibly angry Vladimir V. Putin on Monday denounced as “blackmail” a weekend rebellion by the Wagner mercenary group even as he defended his response to the mutiny and hinted at leniency for those who took part, saying that “the entire Russian society united” around his government.

【新闻】失势军阀的绝望一击:普里戈任为何叛乱  His Glory Fading, a Russian Warlord Took One Last Stab at Power   2023-06-27 08:27
  Well before Yevgeny V. Prigozhin seized a major Russian military hub and ordered an armed march on Moscow, posing a startling and dramatic threat to President Vladimir V. Putin, the caterer-turned-mercenary-boss was losing his own personal war.

【新闻】俄罗斯兵变36小时  How a Rebellion in Russia Unfolded Over 36 Hours   2023-06-27 04:32
  Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, the head of the Wagner private military company, led an armed rebellion in Russia on Saturday and claimed that his forces came within 125 miles of Moscow. Here is how the events unfolded.

【新闻】电视剧《人选之人》在台湾掀起“我也是”风暴  Taiwan Faces a #MeToo Wave, Set Off by a Netflix Hit   2023-06-27 04:10
  In the past few weeks, a wave of #MeToo allegations has raced to the very top of Taiwan’s political, judicial and arts scenes, forcing a new reckoning of the state of women’s rights on a democratic island that has long taken pride in being among Asia’s most progressive places.

【经济】马来西亚学者:海洋不应成为核污染水后院,福岛核污染水排海恐影响全球  ‘Release of Fukushima radioactive water into sea is feared will affect marine    2023-06-26 17:39
  The Ocean Hope project coordinator, Dr Maizah Abdullah said that the action needs to be fine tuned by all parties because the impact of the action will only be seen by the next generation.

【经济】【双语财讯】提振信心  释放消费新活力  More efforts called on to energize consumption   2023-06-26 14:59
  Though the recent decline in deposit rates is seen as part of the country's efforts to energize consumption, economists have divided thoughts on how far the move will push consumption. Going forward, experts are calling for more forceful and prompt measures to boost consumer confidence.

【新闻】近八成美国女性职位可能被人工智能替代或淘汰  Nearly 80% of women’s jobs could be disrupted, automated by AI   2023-06-26 14:23
  Recent research shows that although outnumbered by men in the US workforce, women could be disproportionately affected by businesses’ adoption of generative AI: One recent analysis estimates that 79% of working women (nearly 59 million) are in occupations susceptible to disruption and automation. That’s compared to 58% of working men, according to research from the University of North Carolina’s Kenan-Flagler Business School.

【新闻】瓦格纳集团短暂叛乱凸显普京权力脆弱  Short-Lived Mutiny in Russia Sheds Light on Putin’s Hold on Power   2023-06-26 10:32
  For more than a year, American officials have quietly asked themselves a question they would not dare pose in public: Could Russia’s botched invasion of Ukraine eventually lead to the downfall of President Vladimir V. Putin?

【新闻】瓦格纳兵变是普京的“存亡危机”吗  Revolt Raises Searing Question: Could Putin Lose Power?   2023-06-26 04:51
  President Vladimir V. Putin long styled himself as Russia’s guarantor of stability and the uncompromising protector of its statehood.

【经济】端午消费“热浪”助推经济复苏  Vacation consumption soars   2023-06-25 14:16
  Consumption boomed in China on Thursday — the first day of Dragon Boat Festival holiday — benefiting the tourism, entertainment, transportation and catering sectors in particular, which experts said will help facilitate the country's economic recovery and growth.

【经济】前5个月中欧班列运送货物同比增长31%  China-Europe freight train services expand in first 5 months   2023-06-25 14:15
  China-Europe freight train services saw solid growth from January to May this year, with the transport capacity and efficiency continuously rising.

【新闻】今日夏至:关于夏至的6个小常识  6 things you may not know about Summer Solstice   2023-06-21 15:28
  The traditional Chinese solar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Summer Solstice, the 10th solar term of the year, begins on June 21 this year and ends on July 6.

【商业】阿里改组:张勇卸任董事长和CEO,蔡崇信与吴泳铭接任  In Overhaul, Alibaba’s Boss Moves Aside and Two Co-Founders Step Up   2023-06-21 12:59
  In late March, Daniel Zhang unveiled what was called the “most significant” overhaul in the 24-year history of Alibaba, one of China’s original technology conglomerates, splitting the company into six units that would help them seek out investors from the public.

【新闻】欧盟新贸易提案旨在遏制中国获取关键技术能力  E.U. Takes Aim at China in Proposed Economic Strategy   2023-06-21 12:14
  The European Commission on Tuesday unveiled a new trade doctrine aimed at curbing China’s ability to squeeze Europe’s economy, and at preventing European companies from exporting sensitive, military-linked technology that could give China an edge.

【新闻】德国情报机构称中俄间谍活动对该国“构成严重威胁”  German Spy Agency Says China and Russia Are After Its Secrets   2023-06-21 03:59
  Foreign intelligence services are increasingly targeting Germany, its domestic intelligence agency said on Tuesday, warning that espionage, cyberattacks and disinformation campaigns, particularly from China and Russia, “pose a serious threat” to the country.

【商业】中国央行出手刺激经济,下调LPR利率  China Cuts Key Interest Rates, Hoping to Kick-Start Flagging Economy   2023-06-20 02:25
  China’s central bank cut key interest rates on Tuesday for loans issued by the state-controlled banking system, in the clearest sign yet of mounting concern in the Chinese government and corporate sector that the country’s economy is stalling.

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