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【新闻】耶伦在北京批评中国打压在华美企  Yellen, in Beijing, Criticizes China’s Treatment of U.S. Companies   2023-07-07 03:16
  Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen on Friday criticized the Chinese government’s harsh treatment of companies with foreign ties and its recent decision to impose export controls on certain critical minerals, suggesting that such actions justify the Biden administration’s efforts to make U.S. manufacturers less reliant on China.

【科技】“Twitter杀手”?扎克伯格推出Threads挑战马斯克  Threads, Instagram’s ‘Twitter Killer,’ Has Arrived   2023-07-06 12:48
  After months of speculation and secrecy, Mark Zuckerberg’s long-rumored competitor app to Twitter is here.

【新闻】歌手李玟因抑郁症轻生离世,时年48岁  Coco Lee, ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’ and ‘Mulan’ Singer, Dies at 4   2023-07-06 10:29
  Coco Lee, a Chinese American singer and songwriter best known for performing an Oscar-nominated song in the film “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,” died on Wednesday. She was 48.

【新闻】“富人平权行动”:哈佛因招生优待校友子女面临申诉  Harvard’s Admissions Is Challenged for Favoring Children of Alumni   2023-07-04 04:24
  It’s been called affirmative action for the rich: Harvard’s special admissions treatment for students whose parents are alumni, or whose relatives donated money. And in a complaint filed on Monday, a legal activist group demanded that the federal government put an end to it, arguing that fairness was even more imperative after the Supreme Court last week severely limited race-conscious admissions.

【商业】耶伦即将访华:旨在稳定中美经济关系,可能讨论敏感议题  Yellen to Visit China in Bid to Steady Economic Ties   2023-07-03 12:04
  Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen will travel to China on Wednesday, a high-stakes visit that is intended to help stabilize the fraught relationship between the world’s two largest economies.

【科技】马斯克和扎克伯格“约架”到底有多“真”  A ‘Cage Match’ Between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg May Be No Joke   2023-07-03 04:23
  The day after Elon Musk challenged Mark Zuckerberg on social media to “a cage match” last month, Dana White, president of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, received a text.
  上个月,埃隆·马斯克在社交媒体上向马克·扎克伯格发起“铁笼格斗”挑战。第二天,终极格斗锦标赛(Ultimate Fighting Championship,简称UFC)主席达纳·怀特收到一条短信。

【新闻】美国最高法院裁决将如何影响未来的大学招生  With Supreme Court Decision, College Admissions Could Become More Subjective   2023-06-30 12:30
  In the Supreme Court decision striking down racial and ethnic preferences in college admissions, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. had harsh words for Harvard and the University of North Carolina, calling their admissions process “elusive," “opaque” and “imponderable.”

【商业】请网红来中国证明无强迫劳动?Shein的一场失败营销  Shein Flew Influencers to China to Help Its Image. A Backlash Ensued.   2023-06-30 10:53
  When the ultrafast-fashion retailer Shein invited Kenya Freeman on a free two-week trip to China, she was thrilled. It has become a status symbol for Instagram and TikTok creators to be taken on paid excursions by brands, and Ms. Freeman, who had also been designing clothes for Shein for two and a half years, saw it as a major opportunity.

【新闻】热浪侵袭:多国开启“炙烤模式”,未来5年全球气温或飙至历史新高  From America to India, record heatwaves are causing chaos   2023-06-29 17:18
  Even though summer has only just begun, record heatwaves are already being set. Last week Beijing logged its hottest June day since records began, at 41C. In Texas, a deadly heatwave is entering its third week – a number of records have already been broken across the state, including a blistering 115F (46.1C) reading in Del Rio and 116F (46.6C) in Cotulla. In India, morgues and hospitals became overwhelmed after temperatures hit 45C in some areas – at least 96 people reportedly died from heat-aggravated conditions. 

【新闻】夏天车内温度高怎么办?你需要了解这几个小妙招  Some cool tips to cope with a hot car   2023-06-29 15:38
  In the sweltering days of summer, going for a drive may offer significant relief from the heat. But there’s a price to be paid: Before your car’s air conditioning takes effect, your cabin can feel like a sauna with a malfunctioning thermostat. Touching the steering wheel? Physical pain. Shifting gears? Like being branded.
  在酷热的夏日,开车出行或许可以有效抵挡炎热,但也要付出代价的:在汽车空调发挥作用 前,车里面就和恒温器失灵的桑拿室一样闷热。不论是方向盘还是换档器都跟烙铁一样烫手。

【经济】【双语财讯】绿色氢能发展开启新阶段  Green hydrogen a key driver in carbon neutrality   2023-06-29 14:43
  Green hydrogen can play a pivotal role in helping China achieve a carbon emission peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060, according to a report launched by the World Economic Forum Tuesday at the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin.

【商业】中国能借助出口走出经济泥潭吗  Can China Export Its Way Out of Its Economic Slump?   2023-06-29 12:03
  China dominates the global sale of solar panels and has caught up with Japan as the world’s largest car exporter. ‌It is even gaining in ‌the worldwide ‌sale of low-tech products like shoes.

【新闻】失业、不婚、无孩:中国上班族的“35岁魔咒”  No Job, No Marriage, No Kid: China’s Workers and the Curse of 35   2023-06-29 10:48
  When Sean Liang turned 30, he started thinking of the Curse of 35 — the widespread belief in China that white-collar workers like him confront unavoidable job insecurity after they hit that age. In the eyes of employers, the Curse goes, they’re more expensive than new graduates and not as willing to work overtime.

【新闻】普京“秋后算账”,采取行动清算普里戈任盟友  Putin Moves to Punish Prigozhin Allies   2023-06-29 04:29
  As President Vladimir V. Putin seeks to assert control in Russia, he is moving to punish people who enabled the mercenary boss Yevgeny V. Prigozhin’s rebellion over the weekend, but Mr. Prigozhin’s deep connections with the ruling elite are complicating those efforts.

【商业】拜登政府考虑进一步限制对华出口人工智能芯片  Biden Administration Weighs Further Curbs on Sales of A.I. Chips to China   2023-06-29 02:10
  The Biden administration is weighing additional curbs on China’s ability to access critical technology, including restricting the sale of high-end chips used to power artificial intelligence, according to five people familiar with the deliberations.

【科技】研究:睡前频繁看时间或加剧失眠问题  Doing This One Thing Makes Insomnia Even Worse, Psychologists Warn   2023-06-28 17:43
  A new study outlines how insomniacs might make their condition even more tiresome: clock-watching (or time-monitoring behavior (TMB), to be technical). It seems this can aggravate insomnia, increase frustration, and lead to higher use of sleeping aids.

【经济】商务部:3万多家外商投资企业落户经开区  China's development zones attract over 30,000 foreign companies   2023-06-28 14:51
  China's state-level economic and technological development zones have attracted more than 30,000 foreign-funded companies, the Ministry of Commerce said Tuesday.

【新闻】中国推进共建“一带一路”高质量发展取得巨大成就  China makes impressive high-quality development progress with BRI   2023-06-28 14:44
  China has made considerable progress in terms of facilitating high-quality development in the Belt and Road Initiative over the past decade, with over three-quarters of the countries and major international organizations joining the initiative, according to the country's top economic regulator.

【新闻】中美竞争令全球债务危机复杂化  The U.S.-China Rivalry Is Complicating the World’s Debt Crisis   2023-06-28 11:37
  Inside his capacious office, his tan curtains drawn against the tropical sun, the president of Suriname expressed sympathy with the striking teachers who were massing outside, taunting him while demanding higher wages.

【新闻】美国官员称俄罗斯高级将领在瓦格纳兵变前已知情  Russian General Knew About Mercenary Chief’s Rebellion Plans, U.S. Officials S   2023-06-28 05:10
  A senior Russian general had advance knowledge of Yevgeny Prigozhin’s plans to rebel against Russia’s military leadership, according to U.S. officials briefed on American intelligence on the matter, which has prompted questions about what support the mercenary leader had inside the top ranks.

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