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【经济】我国建立全球覆盖温室气体排放规模最大的碳市场  China significantly reduces carbon emissions intensity   2023-07-14 16:20
  The cumulative volume of carbon emissions allowances on China's carbon market was 237 million tonnes by June 30, with a turnover of more than 10.91 billion yuan.

【经济】我国快递业韧性强潜力足 上半年同比增长超17%  China's parcel delivery sector sees impressive growth   2023-07-14 14:40
  China's parcel delivery sector has seen double-digit growth in the first half of this year, boosting consumption recovery and enhancing the economy.

【新闻】德国批准首个对华战略,呼吁减少对中国依赖  Germany Says China Trade Could Create Perilous Dependence   2023-07-14 12:27
  The German government approved its first national strategy on China on Thursday, defining the Asian superpower as “a partner, competitor and systemic rival” and calling for a significant reduction of dependency on Chinese goods while still maintaining economic ties worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

【新闻】中美加强外交互动,布林肯会见王毅  Blinken Meets China’s Top Diplomat in Latest Bid to Ease Tensions   2023-07-14 10:11
  Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken met with China’s top diplomat, Wang Yi, on the sidelines of a regional summit in Jakarta, Indonesia, on Thursday, the latest in a string of diplomatic meetings between U.S. and Chinese officials as the two countries try to ease tensions.

【新闻】美国推进对华投资新限制,中美关系再受考验  Looming U.S. Investment Restrictions on China Threaten Diplomatic Outreach   2023-07-14 09:43
  Efforts to ease tensions between the United States and China through a series of diplomatic visits to Beijing could be undermined as the White House presses ahead with plans to impose new restrictions on American investments in Chinese companies involved in quantum computing, artificial intelligence and semiconductors.

【健康】世卫组织称阿斯巴甜可能致癌,这意味着什么  The W.H.O. Says Aspartame Is ‘Possibly Carcinogenic.’ What Does That Mean?   2023-07-14 04:14
  On Thursday, two World Health Organization agencies released their findings on aspartame, the artificial sweetener found in thousands of sugar-free products like diet sodas, chewing gums, yogurts and energy drinks.

【新闻】克里访华前夕共和党人批其对中国立场软弱  Republicans Assail Kerry’s Climate Strategy as He Prepares for China Talks   2023-07-14 03:28
  Republicans on Thursday accused John Kerry, President Biden’s special envoy for climate, of being soft on China as he prepared to travel to Beijing to restart discussions between the world’s top two polluting countries.

【科技】【双语财讯】德企高管拒绝对华“脱钩”:不符合企业利益,将继续加大对  German executives say no to 'decoupling'   2023-07-13 16:18
  The Chinese path to modernization will provide broader growth opportunities for German companies and the idea of "de-risking" should not be politicized or ideologized, said China's top commerce official.

【科技】研究:气候变化让海洋变得更绿  Climate change is making our oceans change color, new research finds   2023-07-13 15:36
  The color of the ocean has changed significantly over the last 20 years and human-caused climate change is likely responsible, according to a new study.

【商业】上半年人民币贷款增加15.73万亿元  China's yuan loans grow by 15.73 trln yuan in H1   2023-07-13 14:41
  China's yuan-denominated loans rose by 15.73 trillion yuan in the first half of the year, central bank data showed Tuesday.

【新闻】在文学中为流亡藏人建立家园  An Exiled Publisher Creates a ‘Brotherhood Across Tibetans’   2023-07-13 10:08
  In the winter of 1982, Bhuchung Sonam left his home in Central Tibet. For five days, he trekked with his father across the Himalayas to the Nepali border. Only around 11 years old then, he knew little about what they were fleeing — China’s decades-long colonization of his homeland — and why. He also didn’t realize that he would never again see his homeland, his mother or his six siblings.
  1982年冬天,布琼索南(Bhuchung Sonam)离开了在西藏中部的家,和父亲一起长途跋涉了五天,穿越喜马拉雅山来到尼泊尔边境。当时他只有11岁左右,几乎不知道他们出逃的原因——中国对他的家乡长达数十年的殖民统治——也没有意识到自己从此永离故土,与母亲和六个兄弟姐妹天各一方。

【健康】营养专家最希望消除的10大健康误区  10 Nutrition Myths Experts Wish Would Die   2023-07-13 09:03
  Soy milk can raise the risk of breast cancer. Fat-free foods are healthier than high-fat foods. Vegans and vegetarians are deficient in protein. Some false ideas about nutrition seem to linger in American culture like a terrible song stuck in your head.

【新闻】“这是一种战争行为”:解码美国对华芯片封锁行动  ‘An Act of War’: Inside America’s Silicon Blockade Against China   2023-07-13 06:03
  Last October, the United States Bureau of Industry and Security issued a document that — underneath its 139 pages of dense bureaucratic jargon and minute technical detail — amounted to a declaration of economic war on China. The magnitude of the act was made all the more remarkable by the relative obscurity of its source. One of 13 bureaus within the Department of Commerce, the smallest federal department by funding, B.I.S. is tiny: Its budget for 2022 was just over $140 million, about one-eighth the cost of a single Patriot air-defense missile battery. The bureau employs approximately 350 agents and officers, who collectively monitor trillions of dollars’ worth of transactions taking place all around the world.
  去年10月,美国工业与安全局(Bureau of Industry and Security,简称BIS)发布了一相当于向中国发起经济战的宣战文书的文件,这份139页的文件里充斥着繁琐官僚术语和详尽的技术细节。这样重量级的行动因其来源相对不为人知而变得更加引人注目。BIS规模很小,是美国商务部的13个局之一,也是资金规模最小的联邦部门:2022年的预算略高于1.4亿美元,约为一个爱国者防空导弹连成本的八分之一。该局雇用了大约350名特工和官员,他们共同监控世界各地在进行的价值数万亿美元的交易。

【新闻】米兰·昆德拉逝世:逃离共产主义的全球文学明星  Milan Kundera, Literary Star Who Skewered Communist Rule, Dies at 94   2023-07-13 02:23
  Milan Kundera, the Communist Party outcast who became a global literary star with mordant, sexually charged novels that captured the suffocating absurdity of life in the workers’ paradise of his native Czechoslovakia, died Tuesday in Paris. He was 94.

【经济】天气炎热出汗多,可以多喝运动饮料吗?     2023-07-12 17:43
  What are sports drinks? How are they different from energy drinks, and what ingredients do they each contain?

【新闻】打雷时不能洗澡?原来是因为……  Don’t shower during a thunderstorm. Here’s why   2023-07-12 16:50
  Trees begin to sway, the sky darkens and suddenly you hear it – the distant sound of thunder. That’s your cue that potential danger is on the way. In fact, it’s likely within 10 miles of you.

【经济】【双语财讯】暑期旅游消费市场热度飙升  Summer travel booms in country   2023-07-12 16:23
  China's tourism market is heating up in step with scorching temperatures this summer.

【科技】Threads推出即大火,但它能走多远?  Why the Early Success of Threads May Crash Into Reality   2023-07-12 11:31
  A big tech company with billions of users introduces a new social network. Leveraging the popularity and scale of its existing products, the company intends to make the new social platform a success. In doing so, it also plans to squash a leading competitor’s app.

【商业】为何美国无法彻底与中国“分手”  One Reason the U.S. Can’t Quit China? Chips.   2023-07-10 01:16
  In May, Micron Technologies, the Idaho chipmaker, suffered a serious blow as part of the U.S.-China technology war. The Chinese government barred companies that handle crucial information from buying Micron’s chips, saying the company had failed a cybersecurity review.

【新闻】从数字看中美关系:竞争激烈但彼此不可或缺  The Contentious U.S.-China Relationship, by the Numbers   2023-07-07 05:20
  China and the United States are locked in an increasingly intense rivalry when it comes to national security and economic competition, with American leaders frequently identifying China as their greatest long-term challenger.

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