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【电影】《芭比》:走出盒子,走向真实世界  ‘Barbie’ Review: Out of the Box and On the Road   2023-07-26 01:03
  Can a doll with an ingratiating smile, impossible curves and boobs ready for liftoff be a feminist icon? That’s a question that swirls through Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie,” a live-action, you-go-girl fantasia about the world’s most famous doll. For more than half a century, Barbie has been, by turns, celebrated as a font of girlhood pleasure and play, and rebuked as an instrument of toxic gender norms and consumerist ideals of femininity. If Barbie has been a culture-war hot spot for about as long as it’s been on the shelves, it’s because the doll perfectly encapsulates changing ideas about girls and women: our Barbies, ourselves.

【科技】从Twitter到X:马斯克正在抛弃一个标志性互联网品牌  From Twitter to X: Elon Musk Begins Erasing an Iconic Internet Brand   2023-07-25 12:29
  For more than 10 years, Twitter has been recognizable for its blue and white bird logo, which became a symbol of the social network’s unique culture and lexicon. To “tweet” became a verb. A “tweet” referred to a post. “Tweeps” became the moniker for Twitter employees.

【新闻】中国萎缩、印度登顶:人口结构大洗牌将如何重塑世界  How a Vast Demographic Shift Will Reshape the World   2023-07-25 04:26
  The world’s demographics have already been transformed. Europe is shrinking. China is shrinking, with India, a much younger country, overtaking it this year as the world’s most populous nation.

【经济】开行100天 中老铁路国际客运服务4万多人次  Over 40,000 passengers cross border via China-Laos Railway   2023-07-24 15:06
  The China-Laos Railway that started cross-border passenger services in April had transported 41,735 passengers as of Saturday, when it marked the 100th day of operation.

【电影】《奥本海默》:关于天才、狂妄和错误的难忘三小时  ‘Oppenheimer’ Review: A Man for Our Time   2023-07-24 04:45
  “Oppenheimer,” Christopher Nolan’s staggering film about J. Robert Oppenheimer, the man known as “the father of the atomic bomb,” condenses a titanic shift in consciousness into three haunted hours. A drama about genius, hubris and error, both individual and collective, it brilliantly charts the turbulent life of the American theoretical physicist who helped research and develop the two atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II — cataclysms that helped usher in our human-dominated age.

【新闻】宁德时代涉新疆强迫劳动争议,福特合作项目面临审查  Lawmakers Challenge Ford and Chinese Battery Partner Over Forced Labor   2023-07-24 02:04
  A licensing agreement between Ford Motor Co. and a major Chinese battery-maker is facing scrutiny by Republican lawmakers, who say it could make an American automaker reliant on a company with links to forced labor in China’s Xinjiang region.

【科技】神舟十六号航天员乘组首次出舱  Shenzhou-16 crew completes first spacewalk   2023-07-21 14:52
  The Shenzhou-16 crew members on board China's orbiting space station completed their first spacewalk at 9:40 p.m. (Beijing Time) on Thursday, according to the China Manned Space Agency.

【新闻】美国官员称中国黑客攻击政府邮箱属于典型间谍活动  China’s Hacking of Government Email Was Traditional Espionage, Official Says   2023-07-21 11:19
  The hack of Microsoft’s cloud that resulted in the compromise of government emails was an example of a traditional espionage threat, a senior National Security Agency official said.

【经济】【双语财讯】上半年广东出口首次突破2.5万亿元  Guangdong exports soar in wake of BRI   2023-07-20 15:56
  Despite sluggish external market demand, Guangdong's exports hit a record high of more than 2.55 trillion yuan in the first half of the year, up year-on-year by 3.6 percent, Guangdong Customs revealed on Wednesday.

【新闻】官方统计揭示中国新冠真实死亡人数,随后数据被删除  Official Data Hinted at China’s Hidden Covid Toll. Then It Vanished.   2023-07-20 12:08
  Official data from China offered a rare, but brief, glimpse of the true toll of Covid, indicating that nearly as many people may have died from the virus in a single province earlier this year as Beijing has said died in the mainland during the entire pandemic.

【科技】我国征集载人月球探测工程月面科学载荷方案  China to carry out scientific exploration during manned lunar mission   2023-07-19 17:13
  The China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) on Monday released an announcement to solicit proposals for payloads of the country's manned lunar mission, which will be used for scientific exploration on the moon's surface.

【经济】6月房价“止升” 专家:房地产市场将继续保持稳定  Policy measures to stabilize housing despite dull June   2023-07-19 15:20
  China's housing market will continue to stabilize on the back of strong industry fundamentals and policy optimizations although June data showed prices of new homes in major Chinese cities either stayed flat or fell, while those of pre-owned homes fell month-on-month, industry experts and officials said on Monday.

【新闻】中国多地遭遇异常高温,克里敦促北京就气候变化采取行动  As China Bakes in Record Heat, Kerry Presses Beijing on Climate Change   2023-07-19 11:24
  In the sandstone desert of China’s far west, a local meteorological station recorded an all-time high temperature of 126 degrees. In central China, heat-induced mechanical problems trapped tourists riding on a cable car in midair.

【新闻】全球变暖进行时:热浪席卷三大洲,多国现破纪录高温  Heat Waves Grip 3 Continents as Climate Change Warms Earth   2023-07-19 02:43
  Punishing heat waves gripped three continents on Tuesday, breaking records in cities around the Northern Hemisphere less than two weeks after the Earth recorded what scientists said were likely its hottest days in modern history.

【新闻】美国士兵未经授权进入朝鲜被拘留  North Korea Detains U.S. Soldier After Unauthorized Border Crossing   2023-07-19 01:43
  An American soldier who crossed into North Korea without authorization on Tuesday has been taken into custody by North Korean authorities, according to U.S. officials.

【经济】气候危机进行时:北半球多地遭遇极端高温天气  Extreme temperatures recorded across northern hemisphere   2023-07-18 15:11
  Temperatures continued to reach extreme highs across many parts of the northern hemisphere on Monday, with the mercury in parts of Italy poised to hit 45C on Tuesday and wildfires raging in Greece and Spain signalling the latest fierce warning of the effects of the climate crisis.

【新闻】中美气候谈判重启,克里呼吁搁置政治分歧加强合作  Kerry Says U.S. and China Must Set Aside Politics to Tackle Climate Change   2023-07-18 11:48
  The United States and China are running out of time to avert a harrowing future brought on by global warming, John Kerry, President Biden’s envoy for climate change, warned on Monday at the resumption of talks with Beijing that had stalled for nearly a year amid geopolitical tensions.

【新闻】【双语财讯】中国品牌乘用车市场占有率持续提升  China's homegrown passenger vehicles secure over half of domestic market in    2023-07-17 15:34
  China saw about 2.24 million passenger vehicles sold in June, of which 1.2 million were domestic brands, accounting for 53.7 percent of the domestic market.

【新闻】中国二季度GDP同比增6.3%,经济复苏仍乏力  China’s Rebound Falters, Tripped Up by Debt and Weak Exports   2023-07-17 12:27
  The News

【科技】当百度“文心一言”遇到“六四”和台湾问题,会发生什么  What Happens When You Ask a Chinese Chatbot About Taiwan?   2023-07-17 02:47
  Last month, China’s Baidu unveiled a chatbot that it claimed was better than ChatGPT, the one developed by Silicon Valley’s OpenAI. ChatGPT was released last fall and set off a fund-raising and engineering frenzy in a flourishing field called generative artificial intelligence, a term for technology that can create text or images when prompted by a user.

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