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【新闻】“熊在山中坐,热搜从天降”:杭州动物园否认人扮熊传言  Chinese Zoo Denies, in Voice of a Bear, That Sun Bear Is a Person in a Suit   2023-08-02 02:17
  Sun, moon, grizzly, black, spectacled, sloth: Bears all over the world can stand, shuffle, totter and walk on two legs, though they usually prefer four.

【新闻】大湾区与东盟国家签约7组经济合作项目  ASEAN-China 12.1 billion yuan economic cooperation deals inked   2023-08-01 15:35
  Seven economic cooperation projects worth 12.1 billion yuan between the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and ASEAN countries were signed Sunday in the southern Chinese metropolis of Shenzhen.

【经济】各省晒上半年经济“成绩单” 13省份GDP增速超过6%  Over 12 Chinese regions see H1 GDP cross 6%   2023-08-01 15:31
  The gross domestic product (GDP) of 31 provinces, autonomous regions and cities of China was announced by July 30, with 15 regions surpassing the country's H1 GDP growth of 5.5 percent and 13 exceeding 6 percent, according to a report of news portal ThePaper.com on July 31, citing local statistics bureaus.

【文化】《隐入尘烟》:令人心痛的爱与坚韧  ‘Return to Dust’ Review: Grit Against All Odds   2023-08-01 11:33
  According to reliable news reports, the Chinese government never confirmed having banned Li Ruijun’s quietly heartbreaking feature “Return to Dust,” a touching portrait of love and resiliency in a collapsing rural community of Gansu Province.

【新闻】中国政府出台促进消费措施,鼓励民众花钱  China Is Trying to Make Its Gloomy Consumers Spend More   2023-08-01 10:10
  Chinese drivers who trade in older cars for newer models will be eligible for subsidies, as will rural households that buy insulation and other home renovation materials to improve energy efficiency. Entrance fees at scenic sites will be cut to promote tourism.

【科技】人人都在使用AI聊天机器人,你用对了吗?  We’re Using A.I. Chatbots Wrong. Here’s How to Direct Them.   2023-08-01 03:14
  Anyone seduced by A.I.-powered chatbots like ChatGPT and Bard — wow, they can write essays and recipes! — eventually runs into what are known as hallucinations, the tendency for artificial intelligence to fabricate information.

【新闻】【双语财讯】中欧班列今年开行达万列  China-Europe freight train trips reach 10,000 in 2023   2023-07-31 18:34
  A China-Europe freight train departed from the city of Yiwu in East China's Zhejiang province on Saturday morning for Madrid, Spain, marking the 10,000th trip of China-Europe freight trains this year.

【新闻】上半年我国社会物流总额160.6万亿元  China's logistics sector sustains recovery in H1   2023-07-31 15:17
  China's logistics industry sustained the recovery momentum in the first half of the year as market demand rose modestly, industry data showed.

【新闻】不流汗不吐舌头 大热天喵星人是怎么给自己降温的?  How do cats cool themselves off?   2023-07-31 14:34
  When temperatures rise, humans sweat, dogs pant, and cats ... don’t move enough to overheat? Well, partially. Cats, who need to maintain an internal body temperature of 101°F to 102°F, have several methods for keeping cool in sweltering weather.

【新闻】中国威胁当头,美国与盟友能在量子技术领域通力合作吗  Quantum Tech Will Transform National Security. It’s Testing U.S. Alliances Now   2023-07-31 12:11
  The Australian physicist shook the heavy metal box that resembled a beer cooler but held a quantum sensor. A computer screen showed that the cutting-edge device — with lasers manipulating atoms into a sensitive state — continued functioning despite the rattling.

【新闻】香港法官驳回政府申请,拒对《愿荣光归香港》颁布禁制令  Judge Rejects Hong Kong’s Bid to Ban Pro-Democracy Song From Internet   2023-07-31 09:26
  The Hong Kong authorities suffered a surprising setback on Friday when a judge denied their request to ban a popular pro-democracy song from the internet.

【新闻】特朗普在“文件门”中面临新的重大指控  Trump Faces Major New Charges in Documents Case   2023-07-28 05:26
  Federal prosecutors on Thursday added major accusations to an indictment charging former President Donald J. Trump with mishandling classified documents after he left office, presenting evidence that he told a property manager, at Mar-a-Lago that he wanted security camera footage there to be deleted.

【新闻】7月可能成为地球有记录以来最热月份,异常变暖仍在继续  This Looks Like Earth’s Warmest Month. Hotter Ones Appear to Be in Store.   2023-07-28 03:47
  Weeks of scorching summer heat in North America, Europe, Asia and elsewhere are putting July on track to be Earth’s warmest month on record, the European Union climate monitor said on Thursday, the latest milestone in what is emerging as an extraordinary year for global temperatures.

【文化】《奥本海默》观影指南:主要人物和历史事件解析  Who’s Who in ‘Oppenheimer’: A Guide to the Real People and Events   2023-07-28 03:17
  The premise of “Oppenheimer,” Christopher Nolan’s biopic, is straightforward: tell the story of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the physicist known as the “father of the atomic bomb.” But, as with the director’s other movies, the execution is far from simple. The film skips between time periods, and it features a dizzying array of scientists, politicians and possible Communist agents amid a series of government hearings.

【新闻】朝鲜战争停战70周年:照片中的冲突、离散与伤痛  The Korean War in Photos, 70 Years After the Truce   2023-07-28 02:00
  The Korean War broke out when a Soviet-backed, Communist North invaded the pro-American southern territory of the Korean Peninsula in 1950, leading to one of the most harrowing conflicts of the 20th century and setting the tone of the Cold War in Asia.

【新闻】择优还是“拼爹”?研究揭示美国精英大学招生偏好  Study of Elite College Admissions Data Suggests Being Very Rich Is Its Own Quali   2023-07-27 09:36
  Elite colleges have long been filled with the children of the richest families: At Ivy League schools, one in six students has parents in the top 1 percent.

【新闻】70年未愈的战争伤痕:走进朝韩非军事区  Life Along the Korean DMZ, 70 Years After the Fighting Ended   2023-07-27 06:21
  Seen from the sky, the Demilitarized Zone, or DMZ, looks like a gigantic geographical wound across the Korean Peninsula, the continuous wire fences snaking up the hills and down the valleys from coast to coast.


【新闻】洋流停止流动?研究称全球变暖将触发气候危险“临界点”  Warming Could Push the Atlantic Past a ‘Tipping Point’ This Century   2023-07-27 05:02
  The last time there was a major slowdown in the mighty network of ocean currents that shapes the climate around the North Atlantic, it seems to have plunged Europe into a deep cold for more than a millennium.

【新闻】马斯克为何对“X”情有独钟  X: The Brand, the Generation and Elon Musk   2023-07-27 01:07
  The letter has its obvious appeals. X is a versatile shape — one of the few capital letters to remain symmetrical whether bisected vertically or horizontally (the others: H, O and I). It’s legible no matter how you flip it. It signals a stop. A mark on a map. A movie too outrageous to give a rating. It’s the stuff of revolutionaries (Malcolm X) and punks (X, the band). It stands in for a kiss, and represents an unknown quantity in mathematics. XXX is porn — the first true currency of the internet. X can be the hidden conspiracy of “The X-Files,” or the shorthand for the drug Ecstasy, popular with ravers in the ’90s.
  这个字母有它明显的魅力。X形状灵活,是少数几个无论在垂直或水平等分都能保持对称的大写字母之一(其他三个是H、O和I),无论怎么翻转,它都很容易辨认。它预示着结束。地图上的一个标记。一部电影太过分了,没法给它评级,就用X来代表。它属于革命者(马尔科姆·X)和朋克(乐队X)。它代表亲吻,在数学中代表一个未知量。XXX是色情——互联网上第一种真正的货币。X可以是《X档案》(The X-Files)中隐藏的阴谋,也可以是摇头丸(Ecstasy)的简称,在90年代的狂欢派对上,这种毒品很受欢迎。

【新闻】美参议院表决禁止中国实体购买美国农地  Senate Targets China, Voting to Restrict Farmland Purchases and U.S. Investment   2023-07-26 11:55
  The Senate on Tuesday voted overwhelmingly to block businesses based in China from purchasing farmland in the United States and place new mandates on Americans investing in the country’s national security industries, taking the first legislative steps of the new Congress to counter Beijing’s espionage activities and curtail its economic power.

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