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【军事】美军高官质疑中国海军发展后劲  US fleet chief voices doubts on PLA navy   2011-01-19
【财经】石油输出国小幅增产  Opec members nudge up output   2011-01-19
【财经】调查:投资者对欧洲风投丧失信心  Big investors have lost faith in VC groups, survey finds   2011-01-19
【法律】伊朗绞死10名毒品走私犯  Iran Hangs 10 Drug Smugglers   2011-01-19
【政治】中华人民共和国胡锦涛主席在欢迎仪式上的致辞  Remarks by President Hu of the People’s Republic of China at Official Arrival    2011-01-19
【财经】中国对发展中国家贷款超过世界银行  Scale of China’s lending revealed   2011-01-18
【政治】突尼斯动乱或蔓延至其他中东国家  Tunisia contagion fears grow   2011-01-18
【财经】中国整顿非法矿场推动锑价大涨  Antimony price jumps after China’s purge of illegal mines   2011-01-18
【财经】香港大联合企业组建新公司负责中国港口业务  Hong Kong Conglomerate Forms New Unit to Oversee Chinese-Based Ports   2011-01-18
【资讯】中国拟规范互联网企业竞争  China moves to establish regulations for internet company competition   2011-01-17
【财经】欧洲汽车制造商面临亚洲航线运力紧张  European carmakers find ships are full on Asia route   2011-01-17
【财经】钢价飙升加剧通胀担忧  Steel price rise stokes inflation concerns   2011-01-17
【综合】胡锦涛质疑美元地位  N8_Hu questions future role of US dollar   2011-01-17
【政治】奥巴马向马丁.路德.金表达敬意  Obama to Honor Martin Luther King   2011-01-17
【政治】克里斯蒂娜充满希望的人生在悲剧中终结  For Arizona Girl, a Life of Hope With Tragic Endpoints   2011-01-15
【财经】中国允许企业采用人民币开展境外投资  China eases renminbi rules   2011-01-14
【财经】韩国加息 打响抗通胀“全面战争”  S Korea lifts rates in ‘all-out war’ on inflation   2011-01-14
【医疗】怕得心脏病?多起身走动  A minute away from your desk’can reduce risk of heart attack’   2011-01-14
【财经】荷兰将对红灯区妓女征税  Dutch government will tax prostitutes in red-light district   2011-01-14
【财经】油价逼近100美元关口  Hopes for growth push oil to within reach of $100   2011-01-13

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