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【军事】美军高官质疑中国海军发展后劲  US fleet chief voices doubts on PLA navy   2011-01-19
  The Chinese navy may struggle to maintain the pace of its rapid advances as it moves into more technologically sophisticated weaponry, the chief commander of the US fleet says.
  美国海军作战部长、海军上将加里•罗海德(Gary Roughead)表示,随着中国海军部署技术更尖端的武器,其快速发展步伐可能难以维持。

【财经】石油输出国小幅增产  Opec members nudge up output   2011-01-19
  Saudi Arabia and other moderate members of the Opec oil cartel are quietly increasing their production as oil prices flirt with $100 a barrel, the first sign that Riyadh is concerned about the impact of rising prices in global economic growth.

【财经】调查:投资者对欧洲风投丧失信心  Big investors have lost faith in VC groups, survey finds   2011-01-19
  Saudi Arabia and other moderate members of the Opec oil cartel are quietly increasing their production as oil prices flirt with $100 a barrel, the first sign that Riyadh is concerned about the impact of rising prices in global economic growth.

【法律】伊朗绞死10名毒品走私犯  Iran Hangs 10 Drug Smugglers   2011-01-19
  Iranian state media report that Iran has hanged 10 people for smuggling drugs, while a rights group places the number of executions in Iran this year at 57.

【政治】中华人民共和国胡锦涛主席在欢迎仪式上的致辞  Remarks by President Hu of the People’s Republic of China at Official Arrival    2011-01-19
  PRESIDENT HU: (As translated.) Mr. President, Mrs. Obama, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, it gives me great pleasure to come to Washington and pay a state visit to the nited States at the beginning of the new year, at the invitation of President Obama. At this point in time, let me extend, on behalf of the 1.3 billion Chinese people, sincere greetings and best wishes to the people of the United States.

【财经】中国对发展中国家贷款超过世界银行  Scale of China’s lending revealed   2011-01-18
  China has lent more money to other developing countries over the past two years than the World Bank, a stark indication of the scale of Beijing’s economic reach and its drive to secure natural resources.
  过去两年,中国向其他发展中国家提供的贷款超过了世界银行(World Bank),凸显北京方面经济影响的广度及其获取自然资源的努力。

【政治】突尼斯动乱或蔓延至其他中东国家  Tunisia contagion fears grow   2011-01-18
  North African stock markets fell and the cost of insuring against sovereign defaults in the region rose as analysts warned that the political turmoil that has engulfed Tunisia could spread to other Middle East countries.

【财经】中国整顿非法矿场推动锑价大涨  Antimony price jumps after China’s purge of illegal mines   2011-01-18
   The price of antimony, a metal used in fireproofing, has reached an all-time high above $13,000 a tonne, double its levels of a year ago, as China continues a clampdown on illegal and polluting mining.

【财经】香港大联合企业组建新公司负责中国港口业务  Hong Kong Conglomerate Forms New Unit to Oversee Chinese-Based Ports   2011-01-18
  The world's biggest container-terminal operator, Hutchison Whampoa Ltd., says it will spin off its deep-water port holdings in Hong Kong and southern China, creating a new offering on the Singapore stock exchange.

【资讯】中国拟规范互联网企业竞争  China moves to establish regulations for internet company competition   2011-01-17
  The Chinese government has threatened stiff fines or even closure if internet companies engage in unfair competition, in its first comprehensive attempt at regulating often unruly behaviour in a fast-growing industry.

【财经】欧洲汽车制造商面临亚洲航线运力紧张  European carmakers find ships are full on Asia route   2011-01-17
  Europe’s carmakers face rising costs and bottlenecks as surging Chinese demand for their products has left operators of car-carrying ships scrambling to find spare capacity.

【财经】钢价飙升加剧通胀担忧  Steel price rise stokes inflation concerns   2011-01-17
  The price of steel has risen more than a third in two months, adding to global inflationary pressures as food and energy costs are also soaring.

【综合】胡锦涛质疑美元地位  N8_Hu questions future role of US dollar   2011-01-17
  China’s president Hu Jintao has raised questions on the role of the US dollar in the global monetary system on the eve of a state visit to Washington, saying “the current international currency system is the product of the past”.

【政治】奥巴马向马丁.路德.金表达敬意  Obama to Honor Martin Luther King   2011-01-17
  U.S. President Barack Obama is honoring Martin Luther King Jr. during a national holiday celebrating the life of the slain African American civil rights leader.

【政治】克里斯蒂娜充满希望的人生在悲剧中终结  For Arizona Girl, a Life of Hope With Tragic Endpoints   2011-01-15
  Christina Taylor Green was born on September eleventh, two thousand one, the day when terrorists attacked the United States. A book published the following year, "Faces of Hope," showed fifty babies born that day, one from each state. One was Christina.

【财经】中国允许企业采用人民币开展境外投资  China eases renminbi rules   2011-01-14
  China needs to reduce unfair subsidies and stop the theft of intellectual property as well as letting its currency appreciate, Tim Geithner, US Treasury secretary, has said.
  美国财长蒂姆•盖特纳(Tim Geithner)表示,除了允许人民币升值以外,中国还需削减不公平的补贴,并制止盗窃知识产权行为。

【财经】韩国加息 打响抗通胀“全面战争”  S Korea lifts rates in ‘all-out war’ on inflation   2011-01-14
  South Korea has unexpectedly lifted interest rates in part of what President Lee Myung-bak has called his “all-out war” against inflation.
  韩国出人意料地宣布加息,是为该国总统李明博(Lee Myung-bak )所称对抗通胀“全面战争”的措施之一。

【医疗】怕得心脏病?多起身走动  A minute away from your desk’can reduce risk of heart attack’   2011-01-14
  Getting up from your desk to go and speak to your colleagues – instead of emailing them – reduces the risk of heart attacks, research shows.

【财经】荷兰将对红灯区妓女征税  Dutch government will tax prostitutes in red-light district   2011-01-14
  The taxman is homing in on Amsterdam's thriving sex industry, warning the city's prostitutes it is time they paid their share.

【财经】油价逼近100美元关口  Hopes for growth push oil to within reach of $100   2011-01-13
  Oil has risen to within reach of $100 a barrel for the first time since the 2008 price spike amid mounting optimism that global economic growth will boost demand.

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