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【科技】专访台积电“教父”张忠谋:中国难成全球芯片霸主  The Chip Titan Whose Life’s Work Is at the Center of a Tech Cold War   2023-08-08 02:49
【经济】【双语财讯】冰雪产业为经济发展带来活力  China's ice-snow economy warms up, cools heatwave   2023-08-07 16:18
【新闻】面对地缘政治动荡,台积电为何坚持扎根台湾  Why TSMC Will Keep Its Roots in Taiwan, Even as It Goes Global   2023-08-07 12:30
【新闻】为何《芭比》在中国成为潜在爆款电影  Why ‘Barbie’ Became a Sleeper Hit in China   2023-08-07 01:20
【新闻】【双语财讯】2023年 《财富》世界500强榜单发布,中国企业上榜总数居于榜  China leads company count on Fortune Global 500 list again   2023-08-04 17:40
【新闻】多项税收优惠政策延期优化 支持中小微企业和个体工商户发展  New measures to boost smaller businesses   2023-08-04 15:50
【经济】上半年我国服务进出口总额同比增8.5%  China's service trade up 8.5 pct in first six months   2023-08-04 15:29
【新闻】特朗普2024:竞选总统,反击控罪  Trump 2024: Running for President, and to Beat the Rap   2023-08-04 12:46
【新闻】特朗普出庭,对试图推翻大选结果相关指控表示不认罪  Here’s the latest on Trump’s court appearance.   2023-08-04 11:50
【新闻】北京遭暴雨和洪水袭击,至少11人死亡  Two Dead as Heavy Rains Batter Beijing, Putting City on Alert   2023-08-04 11:46
【新闻】两名美国海军水手被指控向中国提供机密信息  Two U.S. Navy Sailors Charged With Helping Chinese   2023-08-04 01:34
【经济】暑运过半 全国铁路发送旅客4.06亿人次  Chinese railways report 406 mln passenger trips in July   2023-08-03 16:36
【新闻】夏天穿什么衣服最凉快?答案不是大白T  What is the best clothing to keep you cool?   2023-08-03 16:33
【文化】《等着在夜里被逮捕》:当维吾尔人的生活变成一场噩梦  A Uyghur’s Lament for a Persecuted People   2023-08-03 03:44
【新闻】从忠诚副手到关键证人:彭斯成特朗普案核心人物  From Right-Hand Man to Critical Witness: Pence at Heart of Trump Prosecution   2023-08-03 03:08
【新闻】特朗普因试图推翻2020年大选结果被起诉  The special counsel accused Trump of taking part in three conspiracies.   2023-08-02 12:26
【科技】【双语财讯】“小店经济”持续升温  释放消费市场创新活力  Specialty shops boom in cities as private economy expands   2023-08-02 11:32
【新闻】日本农民培育出酸酸甜甜的“柠檬西瓜”  Japanese farmers develop sweet and sour ‘lemon melon’   2023-08-02 11:04
【商业】报告指全球太阳能行业仍与新疆存在大量关联  Solar Supply Chain Grows More Opaque Amid Human Rights Concerns   2023-08-02 04:15
【新闻】原子弹争议难消,“芭本海默”在日本引发愤怒  Anger Over ‘Barbenheimer’ in Nuclear-Scarred Japan   2023-08-02 02:40

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