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【科技】专访台积电“教父”张忠谋:中国难成全球芯片霸主  The Chip Titan Whose Life’s Work Is at the Center of a Tech Cold War   2023-08-08 02:49
  In a wood-paneled office overlooking Taipei and the jungle-covered mountains that surround the Taiwanese capital, Morris Chang recently pulled out an old book stamped with technicolor patterns.

【经济】【双语财讯】冰雪产业为经济发展带来活力  China's ice-snow economy warms up, cools heatwave   2023-08-07 16:18
  Despite scorching heatwaves, Xiao Xiao, a post-90s woman, is comfortable in her winter coat. Her secret to enduring the sweltering summer is a "large refrigerator" in the form of an indoor ski resort.

【新闻】面对地缘政治动荡,台积电为何坚持扎根台湾  Why TSMC Will Keep Its Roots in Taiwan, Even as It Goes Global   2023-08-07 12:30
  Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, which is manufacturing the world’s most advanced microchips, conducts business on the island of Taiwan, dead center in one of the most geopolitically volatile places on the planet.

【新闻】为何《芭比》在中国成为潜在爆款电影  Why ‘Barbie’ Became a Sleeper Hit in China   2023-08-07 01:20
  There were plenty of reasons to think the “Barbie” movie might have a hard time finding an audience in China. It’s an American film, when Chinese moviegoers’ interest in, and government approval of, Hollywood movies is falling. It’s been widely described as feminist, when women’s rights and political representation in China are backsliding.

【新闻】【双语财讯】2023年 《财富》世界500强榜单发布,中国企业上榜总数居于榜  China leads company count on Fortune Global 500 list again   2023-08-04 17:40
  Chinese companies have overtaken their United States counterparts in terms of number on this year's Fortune Global 500 list, which was unveiled on Wednesday and tracks the world's richest enterprises in terms of revenue.

【新闻】多项税收优惠政策延期优化 支持中小微企业和个体工商户发展  New measures to boost smaller businesses   2023-08-04 15:50
  Chinese authorities are stepping up support for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises as well as self-employed individuals by extending and improving a series of preferential tax and fee policies amid broader efforts to drive development of the private sector.

【经济】上半年我国服务进出口总额同比增8.5%  China's service trade up 8.5 pct in first six months   2023-08-04 15:29
  China's service trade value grew 8.5 percent year on year in the first six months of this year, data from the Ministry of Commerce showed on Thursday.

【新闻】特朗普2024:竞选总统,反击控罪  Trump 2024: Running for President, and to Beat the Rap   2023-08-04 12:46
  The indictment of former President Donald J. Trump on charges of conspiring to overthrow the 2020 election ensures that a federal jury will determine whether he is held accountable for his elaborate, drawn-out and unprecedented attempt to negate a vote of the American people and cling to power.

【新闻】特朗普出庭,对试图推翻大选结果相关指控表示不认罪  Here’s the latest on Trump’s court appearance.   2023-08-04 11:50
  Former President Donald J. Trump pleaded not guilty on Thursday to charges that he conspired to remain in office despite his 2020 election loss, appearing before a judge in a Washington courthouse in the shadow of the Capitol, where his supporters rampaged in an effort to undermine the peaceful transfer of power.

【新闻】北京遭暴雨和洪水袭击,至少11人死亡  Two Dead as Heavy Rains Batter Beijing, Putting City on Alert   2023-08-04 11:46
  Fierce rain and flooding pummeled Beijing on Monday, killing at least 11 people as the downpour triggered landslides and swept away cars on the city’s outskirts after the authorities issued a red alert for what they warned was the heaviest deluge in years.

【新闻】两名美国海军水手被指控向中国提供机密信息  Two U.S. Navy Sailors Charged With Helping Chinese   2023-08-04 01:34
  Two Navy sailors in Southern California were arrested and accused of providing military secrets and sensitive information to Chinese intelligence officers, according to a pair of federal indictments unsealed on Thursday.

【经济】暑运过半 全国铁路发送旅客4.06亿人次  Chinese railways report 406 mln passenger trips in July   2023-08-03 16:36
  The nation's railways recorded 406 million passenger trips from July 1 to 31, according to data revealed on Tuesday by China State Railway Group Co., Ltd., the country's railway operator.

【新闻】夏天穿什么衣服最凉快?答案不是大白T  What is the best clothing to keep you cool?   2023-08-03 16:33
  As the world continues to grapple with extreme heatwaves, which are becoming ever more regular thanks to climate change, the clothing we wear is a vital component in how we stay cool. Researchers have found that by wearing appropriate clothes, it is possible to turn the air-conditioning up by 2C (3.6F) – which over the long term would save considerable energy, both saving money and cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

【文化】《等着在夜里被逮捕》:当维吾尔人的生活变成一场噩梦  A Uyghur’s Lament for a Persecuted People   2023-08-03 03:44
  WAITING TO BE ARRESTED AT NIGHT: A Uyghur Poet’s Memoir of China’s Genocide, by Tahir Hamut Izgil. Translated by Joshua L. Freeman.
  《等着在夜里被逮捕——维吾尔诗人关于中国种族灭绝的回忆录》(Waiting to Be Arrested at Night: A Uyghur Poet's Memoir of China's Genocide),塔希尔·哈木提·伊兹格尔著,乔舒亚(Joshua L. Freeman)译。

【新闻】从忠诚副手到关键证人:彭斯成特朗普案核心人物  From Right-Hand Man to Critical Witness: Pence at Heart of Trump Prosecution   2023-08-03 03:08
  Former Vice President Mike Pence’s remarkable transformation from Donald J. Trump’s most loyal lieutenant to an indispensable, if reluctant, witness for his prosecution became clear this week, when he emerged as perhaps the central character in a stinging indictment accusing the former president of a criminal conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election.

【新闻】特朗普因试图推翻2020年大选结果被起诉  The special counsel accused Trump of taking part in three conspiracies.   2023-08-02 12:26
  Former President Donald J. Trump was indicted on Tuesday in connection with his widespread efforts to overturn the 2020 election following a sprawling federal investigation into his attempts to cling to power after losing the presidency to Joseph R. Biden Jr.

【科技】【双语财讯】“小店经济”持续升温  释放消费市场创新活力  Specialty shops boom in cities as private economy expands   2023-08-02 11:32
  Tucked away in the Longshan vegetable market in Shanghai is a tailor shop so small that one might easily miss it if not for the sign outside hung in recent years.

【新闻】日本农民培育出酸酸甜甜的“柠檬西瓜”  Japanese farmers develop sweet and sour ‘lemon melon’   2023-08-02 11:04
  The Lemon Melon is a newly-developed type of melon that apparently combines the sweetness and aroma of the melon with a slight sourness reminiscent of a lemon.

【商业】报告指全球太阳能行业仍与新疆存在大量关联  Solar Supply Chain Grows More Opaque Amid Human Rights Concerns   2023-08-02 04:15
  Global supply chains for solar panels have begun shifting away from a heavy reliance on China, in part because of a recent ban on products from Xinjiang, a region where the U.S. government and United Nations accuse the Chinese government of committing human rights violations.

【新闻】原子弹争议难消,“芭本海默”在日本引发愤怒  Anger Over ‘Barbenheimer’ in Nuclear-Scarred Japan   2023-08-02 02:40
  To Americans eager for signs of life in an ailing cinema culture, the simultaneous box office success of the “Barbie” movie and the biopic “Oppenheimer” has been cause for celebration, with filmgoers embracing the jarring juxtaposition of the two very different blockbusters.

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