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【新闻】【双语财讯】美民调:“通胀像窃贼”掏空美国人钱包 75%美国人财务安全感     2024-08-14 17:33
【经济】【双语财讯】央行:住房租赁产业是未来房地产新发展模式的重要方向  China's housing rental industry key to future of real estate market: central   2024-08-13 16:07
【新闻】地球高温刷新纪录:有史以来最热的一天  The planet saw its hottest day on record   2024-07-24 15:43
【新闻】港媒:美国固守霸权思维企图分裂世界,危害深重!     2024-07-23 18:01
【新闻】今日大暑:关于大暑节气的7个小常识  24 Solar Terms: 7 things you may not know about Major Heat   2024-07-22 17:28
【新闻】【双语财讯】外资金融机构持续看好中国经济  Foreign financial institutions upbeat on China's economy   2024-07-22 17:14
【体育】为证水质达标 巴黎市长跳入塞纳河游泳  Paris mayor swims in Seine to prove it is clean enough for Olympic Games   2024-07-18 17:42
【科技】研究:“夜猫子”的认知功能更强  Night owls’ cognitive function ‘superior’ to early risers, study suggests   2024-07-15 17:32
【经济】【双语财讯】国家统计局:2024上半年GDP同比增长5%  China's economy grows 5% in H1   2024-07-15 17:17
【经济】【双语财讯】我国无人机产业步入快速成长阶段  China's drone industry reports rapid growth in H1   2024-07-12 15:51
【健康】“一滴汗”就能监测健康状况?  Chinese researchers design wristwatch for real-time health monitoring through sw   2024-07-12 15:49
【经济】【双语财讯】6月申请破产美企数量创近年来单月最高纪录  US bankruptcies in June hit record high since 2020   2024-07-11 17:08
【教育】研究:考场天花板太高或影响学生考试成绩  High ceilings in buildings linked to poorer exam results for students   2024-07-11 16:59
【新闻】【双语财讯】一票难求!暑期博物馆游成“顶流”  Museum trips see peak season during summer vacation   2024-07-10 15:00
【科技】研究:混合饮用能量饮料与酒精或损害青少年大脑功能  Mixing energy drinks with alcohol can impair brain function, study in rats shows   2024-07-09 17:09
【新闻】五部门:鼓励限购城市放宽车辆购买限制,增发购车指标  Chinese cities urged to loosen vehicle purchase restrictions   2024-06-25 14:41
【新闻】神奇的变声器:尖叫和怒吼秒变温柔平和的声音  Company creates AI voice filter that turns angry screams into calm speech   2024-06-24 17:51
【新闻】【双语财讯】凯度报告:中国全球化品牌总体品牌力创新高  Chinese companies' brand strength sets new high: report   2024-06-24 17:48
【科技】心情不好吃份炸鸡?研究发现高脂饮食或加剧焦虑  How a high-fat diet could make you anxious   2024-06-21 17:23
【新闻】【双语财讯】我国去年新增5个“千亿县” 总数达到59个  China adds five new 100-billion-yuan GDP counties in 2023   2024-06-21 16:08

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