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【新闻】【双语财讯】美民调:“通胀像窃贼”掏空美国人钱包 75%美国人财务安全感     2024-08-14 17:33
  Seventy-five percent of Americans say they are not completely financially secure, and 30 percent never expect to be, according to Bankrate’s Financial Freedom Survey.
  美国银率网(Bankrate)的财务自由调查显示,75%的美国人表示他们的财务安全感不足,30% 的人从未有过财务安全感。

【经济】【双语财讯】央行:住房租赁产业是未来房地产新发展模式的重要方向  China's housing rental industry key to future of real estate market: central   2024-08-13 16:07
  The housing rental industry in China, which is expected to see robust demand and stable supply, is a "crucial direction" for the new development model of the country's real estate market in the future, the People's Bank of China (PBOC) said on Saturday.

【新闻】地球高温刷新纪录:有史以来最热的一天  The planet saw its hottest day on record   2024-07-24 15:43
  Sunday was the hottest day in recorded history, according to preliminary data from a climate tracking agency monitoring temperatures since the mid-1900s.

【新闻】港媒:美国固守霸权思维企图分裂世界,危害深重!     2024-07-23 18:01
  Today, divide and rule is practically Washington’s badge when it comes to international relations. As Malaysia’s former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad put it: “The US is fond of having countries opposing each other.” Indeed, Washington appears to have a penchant for encouraging discord in and between countries.

【新闻】今日大暑:关于大暑节气的7个小常识  24 Solar Terms: 7 things you may not know about Major Heat   2024-07-22 17:28
  The traditional Chinese solar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Major Heat, the 12th solar term of the year, begins this year on July 22 and ends August 6.

【新闻】【双语财讯】外资金融机构持续看好中国经济  Foreign financial institutions upbeat on China's economy   2024-07-22 17:14
  The Chinese economy's comparative advantage largely comes from research and innovation, said Wu Yibing, head of China for Singapore's state investment company Temasek. In the past, China's strength in manufacturing was usually attributed to its abundant labor force and high production efficiency, said Wu.

【体育】为证水质达标 巴黎市长跳入塞纳河游泳  Paris mayor swims in Seine to prove it is clean enough for Olympic Games   2024-07-18 17:42
  Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris, the city that is to host the upcoming Olympic Games, swam on Wednesday in the Seine to assure the cleanliness of the river ahead of the Olympic competitions.

【科技】研究:“夜猫子”的认知功能更强  Night owls’ cognitive function ‘superior’ to early risers, study suggests   2024-07-15 17:32
  The idea that night owls who don’t go to bed until the early hours struggle to get anything done during the day may have to be revised.

【经济】【双语财讯】国家统计局:2024上半年GDP同比增长5%  China's economy grows 5% in H1   2024-07-15 17:17
  China's GDP grew by 5 percent year-on-year in the first half of 2024 to 61.68 trillion yuan ($8.49 trillion), showcasing a steady economic rebound, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Monday.

【经济】【双语财讯】我国无人机产业步入快速成长阶段  China's drone industry reports rapid growth in H1   2024-07-12 15:51
  China's drone industry has experienced rapid development, with a massive surge in the number of newly registered unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the first half (H1) of 2024.

【健康】“一滴汗”就能监测健康状况?  Chinese researchers design wristwatch for real-time health monitoring through sw   2024-07-12 15:49
  Scientists from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (HIPS) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences have designed a wristwatch that can measure essential chemicals in body sweat. Their findings were published in the journal ACS Nano.
  中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院的科学家们研发了一款可以测量汗液中必需化学物质的腕表。他们的研究结果发表在《ACS Nano》期刊上。

【经济】【双语财讯】6月申请破产美企数量创近年来单月最高纪录  US bankruptcies in June hit record high since 2020   2024-07-11 17:08
  The number of US corporate bankruptcy filings in June hit the highest level in a single month since early 2020, according to estimates from S&P Global Intelligence.

【教育】研究:考场天花板太高或影响学生考试成绩  High ceilings in buildings linked to poorer exam results for students   2024-07-11 16:59
  New research has found a link between the height of ceilings in exam halls and the performance of students, which might sound a bit crazy, but makes more and more sense as you think about it.

【新闻】【双语财讯】一票难求!暑期博物馆游成“顶流”  Museum trips see peak season during summer vacation   2024-07-10 15:00
  As students of all ages in China have started their summer vacation, "parent-child" travel welcomes its peak season, with museums being one of tourists' top choices.

【科技】研究:混合饮用能量饮料与酒精或损害青少年大脑功能  Mixing energy drinks with alcohol can impair brain function, study in rats shows   2024-07-09 17:09
  Experiments on rats have shown that mixing energy drinks with alcohol can cause long-term problems with cognitive function, adding to concerns over young adults drinking habits.

【新闻】五部门:鼓励限购城市放宽车辆购买限制,增发购车指标  Chinese cities urged to loosen vehicle purchase restrictions   2024-06-25 14:41
  Chinese cities with restrictions on vehicle purchases are encouraged to ease these limitations and provide additional quotas for vehicle purchases, according to a circular aiming to create new consumer demand. The circular, made public on Monday, was released by government departments including the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce.

【新闻】神奇的变声器:尖叫和怒吼秒变温柔平和的声音  Company creates AI voice filter that turns angry screams into calm speech   2024-06-24 17:51
  A Japanese company has developed an artificial intelligence filter that can detect angry screams and translate them into calm speech in order to reduce the stress experienced by call center operators.

【新闻】【双语财讯】凯度报告:中国全球化品牌总体品牌力创新高  Chinese companies' brand strength sets new high: report   2024-06-24 17:48
  The overall brand strength of Chinese companies increased by 17 percent year-on-year, reaching a new high in history, according to the Kantar BrandZ 2024 Chinese Global Brand Builders report.

【科技】心情不好吃份炸鸡?研究发现高脂饮食或加剧焦虑  How a high-fat diet could make you anxious   2024-06-21 17:23
  When we’re stressed out, many of us turn to junk food for solace. But new CU Boulder research suggests this strategy may backfire.

【新闻】【双语财讯】我国去年新增5个“千亿县” 总数达到59个  China adds five new 100-billion-yuan GDP counties in 2023   2024-06-21 16:08
  China adds five new counties with GDP exceeding 100 billion yuan ($13.77 billion) in 2023, bringing the total to 59, according to data from market research firm CCID Consulting, ThePaper reported on Wednesday.

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