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【军事】穆巴拉克任命埃及军情首脑为副总统 Mubarak appoints ally as vice-president 2011-01-30 | |
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【政治】埃及政局动荡推高油轮船东股价 Shares of tanker lines soar on Suez crisis fears 2011-01-30 | |
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【科技】食物成“浮云” 科学家发明吸入式食物机 In Paris joint, whaff flavours of your choice 2011-01-30 | |
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【政治】埃及示威活动激化,穆巴拉克要求现任政府下台 Mubarak Moves to Replace Government in Egypt After Protests Intensify 2011-01-29 | |
Egypt is a nation of eighty million people -- the largest in the Arab world. Hosni Mubarak came to power in nineteen eighty-one.
埃及有8000万人口,是阿拉伯世界最大的国家。埃及总统胡斯尼·穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak)1981年上台。 | |
【资讯】研究:一月份是升职最佳时机 Looking for a promotion? January is best month 2011-01-28 | |
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【政治】欧洲政界领袖:绝不放弃欧元 Experts predict bloc debt reforms (DAVOS) 2011-01-28 | |
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【财经】发展中国家囤积推高粮价 Hoarding drives up food prices 2011-01-28 | |
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【财经】上海重庆开征房产税 Two Chinese cities face property tax 2011-01-28 | |
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【文艺】乘泰国航空 看人妖空姐 Thai air boss hails first transsexual cabin crew 2011-01-28 | |
The president of the first Thai airline to hire transsexuals as flight attendants on Thursday said he was a "pioneer" and predicted other carriers would follow his lead.
泰国一家航空公司首开先例,雇用变性人担任空服人员。该公司总裁本周四表示,他成为该领域的“先驱”,预计其它航空公司也会效仿。 | |
【军事】印度公开首款国产战机 India unveils locally built fighter jet 2011-01-27 | |
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【政治】欧盟谴责匈牙利“不当限制”言论自由 Hungary sent an ultimatum over media law 2011-01-27 | |
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【综合】索罗斯:英国可能再次陷入衰退 Soros warns UK of return to recession 2011-01-27 | |
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【科技】最新研究显示“三岁看老”有道理 Scientists identify how to spot a future criminal at the age of THREE 2011-01-27 | |
It's worrying news for any parent who's struggled with a headstrong young child.
对于那些被任性小孩搞得焦头烂额的父母来说,下面这个消息将让他们感到忧心。 | |
【政治】美国官员在巴基斯坦卷入枪击事件 U.S. Official in Pakistan Shooting Incident 2011-01-27 | |
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【法律】乌干达同性恋活动人士被谋杀 Ugandan Gay Rights Activist Murdered 2011-01-27 | |
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【综合】英国:每年每户限扔80袋垃圾 Families are rationed to 80 bags of rubbish a year 2011-01-26 | |
Families face being rationed to 80 bags of rubbish a year. Households throwing away more waste will have to take it to the tip or buy a limited number of extra bags.
英国家庭面临“每年只能扔80袋垃圾”的限令。扔的垃圾超过80袋的家庭得自己将多余的垃圾送到垃圾站去,或是另外花钱买数量有限的垃圾袋。 | |
【综合】金酸莓奖提名揭晓 《暮色3》领跑 'Twilight', 'Airbender' lead Razzies with 9 noms 2011-01-26 | |
Vampires, werewolves and airbenders lead the pack at the Razzies, an Academy Awards spoof that hands out prizes for the year's worst films.
年度最差影片“金酸莓奖”本周一揭晓,“吸血鬼”、“狼人”、“风之子”大出风头。金酸莓奖也被称为“恶搞奥斯卡”。 | |
【法律】前越南央行行长涉嫌受贿 Hanoi’s former central banker in graft probe 2011-01-26 | |
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【财经】英国经济去年末季意外收缩0.5% UK output data throw shadow on US figures 2011-01-26 | |
The British economy shrank in the final quarter of 2010, a shock contraction that casts doubt on the strength of growth in the industrialised world and the wisdom of early fiscal tightening.
英国经济2010年最后一个季度出现了收缩。这一令人震惊的收缩让人们对工业化国家的增长力度与及早实施财政紧缩的智慧产生了怀疑。 | |
【医疗】女性请病假多 “妇科问题”最常见 Women more likely to take sickies 2011-01-26 | |
Women are more likely than men to take sick days and are happier to give an embarrassing excuse for taking unplanned leave, according to a new survey.
一项新调查显示,女性请病假的次数比男性多,而且她们更乐意为临时请假编造令人尴尬的借口。 | |
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