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【资讯】国务部长克林顿就国际互联网自由问题发表讲话(全文) Remarks by Secretary of State Clinton on Internet Freedom 2011-02-05 | |
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【政治】罗纳德·里根总统:欧洲自由的象征 President Ronald Reagan: A Legacy of Freedom in Europe 2011-02-04 | |
![]() | Washington — Many people will celebrate on February 6 the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ronald Reagan because he played a major role in ending the Cold War and promoting freedom in Europe. In fact, many of Reagan’s policies outlasted his presidency and continue to serve U.S. interests to this day.
《美国参考》Jeanne Holden 从华盛顿报道,许多人在2月6日那一天庆祝罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan)100 周年诞辰,因为里根为结束冷战和促进欧洲自由发挥了重要作用。事实上,里根的许多政策在他离任后仍在延续,时至今日还继续为美国的利益服务。 |
【政治】奥巴马总统指出暴力和镇压手段不能平息埃及动乱 Obama Says Violence, Suppression Will Not Resolve Egypt’s Unrest 2011-02-04 | |
![]() | Washington — President Obama said violence against peaceful demonstrators and the shutdown of information sources will not resolve Egypt’s political unrest, and he repeated his call for the Egyptian government to immediately begin an orderly transition process that includes a broad section of the Egyptian opposition and addresses their grievances.
美国国务部国际信息局(IIP)《美国参考》Stephen Kaufman和MacKenzie C.Babb从华盛顿报道,美国总统奥巴马说,以暴力手段对付和平示威者并封锁信息来源将无法平息埃及动乱,他再次呼吁埃及政府立即开始有序的、有广泛的埃及反对派参与的过渡进程,并解决他们的种种不满。 |
【财经】埃及经济问题并非特例 Egypt Not Alone in Its Economic Problems 2011-02-04 | |
Egypt is the biggest of the nations hit by recent protests in North Africa and the Middle East. One of the causes of this spreading wave of popular dissatisfaction is a lack of economic progress.
埃及是最近北非和中东地区遭受抗议活动打击的最大的国家。这波民众不满蔓延的原因之一是经济方面缺乏进展。 | |
【政治】美国就穆巴拉克立即辞职一事与埃及会谈 US in Talks With Egypt for Mubarak to Resign Immediately 2011-02-04 | |
U.S. officials say the Obama administration is in talks with Egyptian officials on a proposal for Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to resign immediately, and turn power over to a transitional government headed by Vice President Omar Suleiman with the support of the Egyptian military.A senior State Department official said a scenario "under active discussion" is the prospect of Mr. Mubarak stepping down and taking up residence in Sharm el-Sheikh, on the Red Sea at the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula.
美国官员表示,奥巴马政府与埃及官员举行会谈,讨论埃及总统穆巴拉克立即辞职,并将权力移交给得到军方支持的副总统苏莱曼领导的临时政府的提议。美国国务院一位高级官员说,他们正在“积极讨论”的一种可能情况是,穆巴拉克下台并移居红海南端西奈半岛上的沙姆沙伊赫。 | |
【财经】全球食品价格达创记录高水平 Global Food Prices At Record High 2011-02-03 | |
The United Nations says world food prices have risen to record levels. The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization said Thursday its monthly Food Price Index jumped 3.4 percent from December to January. The index is now at its highest level since the FAO started measuring food prices in 1990.
联合国说,全球食品价格已经上涨到创记录的高水平。联合国粮农组织星期四表示,该组织1月份的食品价格指数比12月份上涨了3.4%。这个指数现在处于联合国粮农组织1990年开始衡量食品价格以来的最高水平。 | |
【社会】亚洲人用焰火、礼物和祈祷庆祝新年 Asians Celebrate New Year With Fireworks, Gifts and Prayers 2011-02-03 | |
Asian revellers from Hanoi to Pyongyang welcomed the arrival of the Lunar New Year Thursday with fireworks, prayers and family reunions.
从河内到平壤,亚洲国家的人们星期四以燃放焰火、祈福和家庭团聚的方式来迎接新年的到来。 | |
【政治】穆巴拉克的支持者与反对者在开罗冲突 Mubarak Supporters, Opponents Clash in Cairo 2011-02-02 | |
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【政治】美国将同苏丹关系正常化 US to Normalize Sudan Ties 2011-02-02 | |
The United States says it will normalize diplomatic ties with Sudan once the results of south Sudan's independence referendum are certified. Deputy U.S. Secretary of State James Steinberg says the United States will also address Sudan's placement on the list of state sponsors of terrorism. teinberg made the comments during a press conference in Khartoum on Wednesday, after meeting with Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Karti.
美国说,一旦南苏丹独立公投的结果得到认证,它将同苏丹建立正常的外交关系。美国国务院副国务卿斯坦伯格说,美国还将解决苏丹被列入支持恐怖主义国家名单上的问题。斯坦伯格星期三在喀土穆同苏丹外长卡提举行会谈之后举行的一个新闻发布会上做出上述表示。 | |
【资讯】奥巴马总统就农历新年发表声明 Statement by President Obama on the Lunar New Year 2011-02-02 | |
I send my best wishes to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and all who celebrate the Lunar New Year across the United States and around the world.
我谨向亚裔美国人和太平洋岛屿居民以及全球所有庆祝农历新年的人们表达新年祝福。 | |
【社会】社交网络让情侣更早发生性关系? Social networking leads to sex faster? 2011-02-01 | |
![]() | Nearly four out of five women and three of five men say they believe texting, Facebook and other social networking tools cause new couples to jump into bed faster, a survey released on Monday showed.
周一发布的一项调查显示,近八成女性和近六成男性认为通过短信、Facebook网站、以及其他社交网络工具联系能让刚刚交往的情侣更早发生性关系。 |
【综合】海外华人迎新春 悉尼同胞庆兔年 Year of the Rabbit gets Sydney hopping 2011-02-01 | |
![]() | Sydney is hopping with excitement ahead of Chinese New Year celebrations, with more than 600,000 locals and overseas visitors set to welcome the Year of the Rabbit.
中国农历兔年春节来临之际,悉尼繁忙中洋溢着喜悦之情。超过60万当地居民和海外游客将在悉尼共迎兔年新春。 |
【体育】分析:李娜单飞的意义 Li Na serves an ace by flying solo 2011-02-01 | |
![]() | Before she became the country’s most successful tennis player by reaching Saturday’s final of the Australian Open, Li Na was almost as well-known in China for her tattoo.
在打入周六的澳大利亚网球公开赛决赛、并由此成为中国最成功网球运动员之前,李娜就已因她的文身而在中国名声大噪。 |
【军事】埃及军队:不会对人民动武 Army rules out force against protesters 2011-02-01 | |
![]() | The Egyptian army said on Monday it would not use force against those staging protests to demand Hosni Mubarak, president, step down.
埃及军队周一表示,它将不会使用武力来对付那些要求总统胡斯尼•穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak)下台的抗议群众。 |
【地理】美国遭受大规模冬季风暴袭击 Massive Winter Storm Pounds US 2011-02-01 | |
Ice, snow and hail are blanketing the midwestern United States, as part of a massive winter storm expected to be one of the biggest in recent years.
冰、雪和冰雹席卷美国中西部。预计这次大规模的冬季风暴是最近几年来最大的一次。 | |
【政治】瑞士冻结前海地独裁者几百万美元 Switzerland Blocks Former Haitian Dictator's Millions 2011-02-01 | |
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【政治】埃及抗议者要求穆巴拉克立即下台 Opposition rejects new faces in regime 2011-01-31 | |
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【文艺】“兔”名人运气预测: 朱莉财运旺戴普绯闻多 Fortunes mixed for Year of the Rabbit celebs 2011-01-31 | |
Money and success are in store for Year of the Rabbit celebrities Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp, but Depp is more likely to find scandal than happiness in romance, according to a Taiwanese fortune teller.
台湾的一位算命先生说,属兔名人安吉丽娜•朱莉和强尼•戴普兔年的财运和事业运都很旺。但是戴普今年更可能被绯闻缠身,影响爱情的甜蜜。 | |
【文艺】英商家热炒威廉大婚 推出纪念避孕套 Souvenir condoms rolled out for UK royal wedding 2011-01-31 | |
![]() | While Britain has a public holiday to celebrate Prince William's wedding, one company is taking the party one step further with souvenir condoms that urge lovers to "lie back and think of England".
英国威廉王子婚期将至,除了当天被定为全民假日外,英国一家公司更是大胆推出了避孕套婚礼纪念品,呼吁情侣们“躺下来想想英国”。 |
【文艺】半数男性会原谅女友的同性恋外遇 Girl with girl cheating OK, half of boyfriends say 2011-01-30 | |
![]() | Half of men would forgive their female partner's infidelity, as long as it was with another woman, according to a new study on cheating.
一项关于出轨的新研究显示,半数男人能原谅女友的不忠,只要外遇对象是个女人。 |
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