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【政治】美移民官在墨西哥枪击事件中1死1伤  1 US Immigration Agent Killed, 1 Injured in Mexico Shooting   2011-02-16

【财经】中国强劲需求推高大宗商品价格  China pushes raw materials to highs   2011-02-15
  Iron ore, oil and copper prices hit highs on the back of strong demand from China, which reported on Monday a surge in commodities imports last month.

【法律】意法庭因嫖妓丑闻起诉贝卢斯科尼  Italian Court Indicts Berlusconi in Prostitution Scandal   2011-02-15

【财经】中国1月CPI同比增长4.9%  China inflation hits 4.9 per cent   2011-02-15

【政治】中国铁道部部长被解职  China’s railway chief dismissed   2011-02-14

【军事】埃及军方为民主过渡设定时间表  Parliament dissolved as Egypt’s army promises polls in 6 months   2011-02-14

【财经】中国拟在哥伦比亚建造铁路  China in talks over Panama Canal rival   2011-02-14

【财经】通胀担忧导致美欧加息预期提前  Inflation fears lead investors to bet on rate rises   2011-02-14

【政治】喀布尔炸弹爆炸袭击2死  Blast Hits Afghan Capital, Kills 2   2011-02-14

【财经】奥巴马将提交联邦预算案  Obama to Present Federal Budget   2011-02-14

【政治】穆巴拉克辞职  Mubarak swept from power   2011-02-12
  An overwhelming wave of popular protest swept Hosni Mubarak from office on Friday night, forcing Egypt’s veteran president to hand over power to the army, in the second Arab revolution in a month.
  声势浩大的民众抗议浪潮周五晚把胡斯尼•穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak)赶下台,迫使这位掌权30年的埃及总统向军方交出权力,这是阿拉伯世界在一个月内发生的第二场革命。

【科技】诺基亚宣布与微软结盟 采用Windows平台  Nokia fails to convince on Microsoft pact   2011-02-12

【娱乐】英国人爱宠物胜于爱恋人  Love me, love my dog, say Britons   2011-02-12
  Britons are famously devoted to their pets but a new survey ahead of Valentine's Day shows their furry friends may be standing in the way of love.

【综合】春节是否应重禁烟花炮竹?  China Nurses Fireworks Hangover   2011-02-12
  Like a college student emerging battered and bleary-eyed from an usually vigorous Spring Break bender, China has come through its latest Lunar New Year holiday wondering whether or not it might be time to consider abstinence.

【政治】穆巴拉克拒绝下台  Defiant Mubarak cedes some power   2011-02-11
  Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak gave a defiant speech to his nation on television on Thursday night, and attempted to wrap himself in the mantle of the protesters on Tahrir Square.
  埃及总统胡斯尼•穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak)周四晚上向全国电视观众发表不甘示弱的讲话,还企图把自己包裹在开罗解放广场上的抗议者的衣钵中。

【财经】亚洲证交所谨慎回应欧美合并浪潮  Asian bourses in tepid reaction to mergers   2011-02-11

【医疗】小时吃得好 长大后智商更高?  Food for thought – diet does boost your intelligence   2011-02-11

【娱乐】情人节爱心美味甜点DIY  Valentine's Day recipes   2011-02-11
  Homemade sweets and candies are always a pleasure to make and to receive as a Valentine's Day gift.

【政治】埃及总统穆巴拉克辞职,民众欢呼  Crowds Jubiliant as Egyptian President Mubarak Resigns   2011-02-11

【政治】拜登:穆巴拉克辞职是历史性关键时刻  Biden: Mubarak Resignation 'Pivotal Moment' in History   2011-02-11

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