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【法律】刚果军人被定罪群体强奸  Congolese Troops Convicted of Mass Rapes   2011-02-21

【法律】巴基斯坦法庭推迟对关押的美官员作出裁定  Pakistani Court Delays Decision on Detained American   2011-02-21

【娱乐】全球最高女模特,腿长1米如摩天大楼  Highest in the world female models, legs like skyscrapers 1 m   2011-02-21
    At 6 feet 8 inches, model Amazon Eve has already been named the world's tallest model by the Federation of World Records,and she is set to take her career to new heights.
  身高6英尺8英寸(2米零3),伊芙·亚玛逊已经被the Federation of World Records承认为全球最高女模。而今她的事业又将走上新的高度。

【医疗】你知道睡眠中的奥秘吗?  The mysteries of sleep, you know it?   2011-02-20

【综合】中东呼吁政治改革的示威活动继续进行  Calls for Political Change Keep Protests Going in Mideast   2011-02-20

【政治】也门举行“愤怒日”集会  'Day of Rage' Rallies Staged in Yemen   2011-02-19

【军事】巴林军警夜袭广场示威者  Military seizes control in Bahrain   2011-02-18

【法律】中国呼吁美国公平对待中国企业  Beijing appeals for fair treatment from US after Huawei deal denial   2011-02-18

【综合】遭环保人士围堵 日本暂停南极捕鲸  Japan suspends whale hunt after chase by protesters   2011-02-18

【娱乐】获得伴侣支持 目标更难实现?  Supporting your partner's goals in life 'is demotivating and makes them more lik   2011-02-18
  You might think a gentle nudge from a loving partner would help you stick to your plan to redecorate the house or get in shape. But a supportive other half with the best intentions can actually demotivate us, according to a study.

【综合】茅台海外价格大幅下跌  China’s high spirits unwanted abroad   2011-02-18

【财经】可口可乐公司否认配方遭泄露  Coca-Cola says secret of its recipe still intact   2011-02-17
  Coca-Cola Co said on Tuesday that its flagship cola recipe is still secret after nearly 125 years, denying a story by a public radio show that it has uncovered the formula.

【财经】西方拒绝朝鲜粮食援助请求  West resists N Korea’s calls for food aid   2011-02-17

【财经】海外投资者仍看好中国楼市  PE unfazed by China property “bubble”   2011-02-17

【法律】巴基斯坦法庭推迟对关押的美官员作出裁定  Pakistani Court Delays Decision on Detained American   2011-02-17

【财经】海外对美国国债需求飙升  Foreign demand for US debt leaps   2011-02-16

【综合】苹果将对订阅内容收取30%分成  Apple unveils subscription service in App Store   2011-02-16

【财经】英国提高个税税率 1/4税收来自1%富人  Top 1pc of workers pay quarter of all income tax   2011-02-16

【综合】英国首相府迎来新任“第一猫”  Happy as Larry: new Downing St cat to fight rats   2011-02-16
  British Prime Minister David Cameron unveiled the newest recruit to 10 Downing Street on Tuesday: a cat called Larry with a "very strong predatory drive" for catching rodents.

【政治】柬埔寨要求区域观察员监督边界  Cambodia Wants Regional Observers to Monitor Border   2011-02-16

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