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【政治】利比亚爆发新的暴力  Fresh Violence Flares in Libya   2011-02-24

【政治】英法官为阿桑奇被引渡到瑞典铺平道路  British Judge Clears Assange for Extradition to Sweden   2011-02-24

【综合】Gaddafi vows fight to death  卡扎菲:宁死不下台   2011-02-23

【财经】中国与哈萨克斯坦达成一系列巨额交易  Kazakhstan embraces Chinese investment   2011-02-23

【科技】专家称2050年地球或将面目全非  Experts say the Earth, or will be unrecognizable in 2050   2011-02-23

【政治】法国总统呼吁欧盟制裁利比亚  French President Calls For EU Sanctions Against Libya   2011-02-23

【政治】科特迪瓦枪手打死10名亲巴博士兵  Ivory Coast Gunmen Kill 10 Pro-Gbagbo Troops   2011-02-23

【体育】伦敦奥运将展现“草莓奶油”英伦风  Strawberry flavor for London 2012   2011-02-23

【政治】利比亚反政府抗议活动蔓延至全境  Protesters claim Libyan victories   2011-02-22
  Muammer Gaddafi’s four-decade grip on power in Libya appeared increasing fragile on Monday after protests against his regime reached the capital, Tripoli, and the opposition claimed to have gained control of Benghazi, Libya’s second-largest city.
  穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲(Muammer Gaddafi)在利比亚逾40年的掌权在周一似乎变得越来越虚弱,反政府抗议活动已经蔓延至首都的黎波里,且反对派宣称已经控制了利比亚第二大城市班加西。

【综合】印度承诺改革以减少腐败  India promises broad reform to reduce graft   2011-02-22

【财经】能源类股推高上海股市  Energy stocks push Shanghai to highest for three months   2011-02-22

【综合】Libya's Col. Moammar Gadhafi violently crushed anti-regime  利比亚局势恶化 卡扎菲死保政权   2011-02-22

【体育】马里体育馆踩踏事件36人丧生  Stampede at Mali Stadium Kills 36   2011-02-22

【综合】新西兰城市地震至少65人丧生  Quake Devastates New Zealand City, Kills at least 65   2011-02-22

【政治】利比亚示威者死亡人数上升  Libyan death toll escalates   2011-02-21
  Libyan security forces fired on thousands of mourners in Benghazi, the oil-rich nation’s second city, on Sunday as Muammer Gaddafi’s regime sought to quash a five-day uprising that poses the greatest threat to his 42-year rule.
  利比亚军警周日在班加西向数以千计的哀悼者开火。穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲(Muammer Gaddafi)政权正试图镇压一场已经延续了5天的大规模抗议示威,这场活动对其42年统治构成了历来最严重的威胁。班加西是石油资源丰富的利比亚的第二大城市。

【娱乐】名人文化让世人感觉更渺小  Global celebrity culture is fuelling our crippling 'fear of insignificance', war   2011-02-21
  A generation ago young people aspired to become lawyers and doctors. Now they yearn to be the next Oscar winner or celebrity pop star.

【娱乐】威廉王子发婚礼请帖 众多明星在列  David and Victoria lead celebrity guests at royal wedding   2011-02-21
  At every wedding, there is always one glamorous guest who risks upstaging the bride.

【资讯】中国社交网站人人网计划今年赴美上市  China’s Renren plans US listing   2011-02-21

【综合】如何切断一国互联网?  How Can a Country Disconnect Itself From the Internet?   2011-02-21
  A five-day Internet shutdown in Egypt failed to stop the protests that forced President Hosni Mubarak to resign. But it raised a technical question. Just how were Egyptian officials able to shut down Internet service in their country?

【科技】超色超级稻2年内投入生产  'Green Super Rice' About Two Years Away for Asia, Africa   2011-02-21

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