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【医疗】专家称:童年快乐的人中年更幸福  Experts say: happy childhood, middle-aged people happier   2011-03-01

【政治】德国部长在抄袭丑闻中辞职  German Minister Resigns Amid Plagiarism Scandal   2011-03-01

【财经】美威斯康辛州长将出台大幅预算削减  Wisconsin Governor to Unveil Major Budget Cuts   2011-03-01

【科技】知识产权与合作催生创新  Cooperation, Intellectual Property Rights Support Innovation   2011-03-01

【综合】国际社会在利比亚问题上表现出团结和决心  International Community Showing Unity, Determination on Libya   2011-03-01

【政治】台湾拟放宽对大陆投资台湾的限制  Taiwan eases rules for China investors   2011-02-28

【综合】美国扩大逃税调查范围  US probe into tax evasion widens   2011-02-28

【娱乐】金酸莓奖揭晓 《最后的气宗》揽5“奖”  “The Last Airbender” crowned worst film at Razzies   2011-02-28

【综合】上海通用汽车公司召回23万3千辆汽车  Shanghai General Motors Company recalls 233,000 cars   2011-02-28

【综合】狂人是怎么炼成的  The Making of a Strongman   2011-02-26

【财经】美国农业部:高粮价仍将持续  USDA says high food prices will continue   2011-02-25

【财经】中国拟在未来5年新建45座机场  China plans airport building spree   2011-02-25

【军事】Reports: Libyan Troops Open Fire on Protesters  据报道利比亚军队向抗议者开枪   2011-02-25

【政治】示威者聚集在开罗要求军方实现改革承诺  Demonstrators Gather in Cairo to Press for Promised Reforms   2011-02-25

【财经】香港拟发行首批通胀挂钩债券  Inflation-linked bond debut for Hong Kong as prices climb   2011-02-24

【财经】全球贸易恢复至危机前水平  Global trade gets back to pre-crisis levels   2011-02-24

【资讯】印度男子娶妻39位 子女近百  Indian man with 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren   2011-02-24
  A 66-year-old man in India's remote northeast has 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren, all living under one roof.

【综合】奥斯卡预测:对眼负鼠选波特曼当影后  Oscars 2011: Heidi the cross-eyed opossum backs Natalie Portman   2011-02-24
  A cross-eyed opossum called Heidi, who has filled the void left by psychic Paul the Octopus, has predicted that Natalie Portman will walk away with this year's Best Actress Oscar.

【娱乐】4000颗钻石打造世界最贵手包  4000 to build the world's most expensive handbag Diamond   2011-02-24
  "The Mouawad 1001 Nights Diamond Purse" was on display at the Doha Jewellery and Watches Exhibition, Feb 20, 2011.

【医疗】专家揭秘:人死后为何会‘灵魂出窍’  Expert Secret: Why after death,   2011-02-24

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