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【综合】妇女“多劳少得”让社会蒙受损失(作者:希拉里‧克林顿)  Women’s Work-More, Earn-Less Plan Hurts(By Hillary Rodham Clinton)   2011-03-08
【综合】埃及法院维持冻结穆巴拉克财产的决定  Egypt Court Upholds Decision to Freeze Mubarak Assets   2011-03-08
【政治】内塔尼亚胡:以色列想在和平协议中获部分军控权  Netanyahu: Israel Wants Partial Military Control in Peace Deal   2011-03-08
【农业】食品制造商担心新型玉米影响其产品口味  Crunch Time for Food Makers Against New Maize for Fuel   2011-03-08
【军事】利比亚濒临全面内战  Libya closer to full-blown civil war as ro-regime and rebel attacks intensify   2011-03-07
【财经】中国首要任务:抑制通胀  China targets inflation with stability focus   2011-03-07
【政治】日本外相因接受外国人献金辞职  Japanese foreign minister resigns   2011-03-07
【财经】投机者大举押注美元下跌  Traders ‘short’ dollar as currency loses attraction   2011-03-07
【娱乐】威廉大婚在即 英国民众办派对狂欢  Britain prepares for nationwide royal wedding bash   2011-03-07
【资讯】英国3千万人用Facebook 占总人口一半  Facebook 'used by half the UK population'   2011-03-07
【财经】联合国:女性农民可能是缓解饥饿的关键  UN: Women Farmers Could Be Key to Easing Hunger   2011-03-07
【政治】联合国高级核官员批评伊朗和叙利亚  Top UN Nuclear Official Criticizes Iran, Syria   2011-03-07
【军事】卡扎菲部队寻求扩大控制区  Gadhafi Forces Seek to Widen Grip   2011-03-05
【综合】利比亚互联网服务中断  Internet Access Blocked in Libya   2011-03-05
【军事】中国增加军费开支令邻国担忧  Beijing's Buildup Stirs Fears   2011-03-05
【财经】通胀问题将成为中国人大会议重点  Inflation To Color China's Congress   2011-03-05
【资讯】新浪拟大力投资微博  Sina banks on microblogs in China   2011-03-04
【财经】欧央行暗示下月加息 市场震惊  ECB hint on rate rise jolts markets   2011-03-04
【科技】英国防部解密UFO档案 可免费下载  Britain releases UFO sighting and policy files   2011-03-04
【科技】科学家声称,地球可能要迎来第六次大规模物种灭绝。  Scientists claim that the earth may have to usher in the sixth mass extinction o   2011-03-04

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