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【经济】石油价格上涨影响世界经济  How High Will the Price of Oil Go This Time?   2011-03-11
  This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.

【资讯】日本发生8.9级强震  8.9 earthquake occurred in Japan   2011-03-11

【资讯】日本地震和海啸造成数百人死亡  Hundreds Killed in Earthquake, Tsunami in Japan   2011-03-11

【资讯】海啸到达美国西海岸  Tsunami Waves Reach US West Coast   2011-03-11

【综合】日本发生强烈地震,经济前景雪上蒙霜  Quake, Tsunami May Only Add to Economic Struggles for Japan   2011-03-11

【财经】中国股市4个月来首次收盘超过3000点  Growth hopes holding sway as beaten-down airlines rebound   2011-03-10

【军事】卡扎菲轰炸叛军控制的石油设施  Gaddafi bombs oil tanks   2011-03-10

【财经】中国不会发生金融危机?  Prospect of bank crisis in China dismissed   2011-03-10

【财经】西班牙信贷被降级 欧洲债务担忧加大  Europe Debt Concerns Grow as Spain's Credit Rating Is Cut   2011-03-10

【财经】中国汽车销量增速正在放缓  Carmakers warn of China slowdown   2011-03-09

【政治】日本抗议中国直升机抵近日本军舰  Tokyo protests after Chinese helicopter buzzes its warship   2011-03-09

【财经】利比亚央行行长神秘失踪  Libyan bank chief sparks mystery   2011-03-09

【科技】双语能使人更聪明吗?  Are People Who Speak More Than One Language Smarter?   2011-03-09

【资讯】英年轻人热捧社交电视 边看节目边评论  New TV and social media trend among the youth: study   2011-03-09

【政治】中国媒体普遍欢迎骆家辉任命的报道  Chinese Media Generally Welcome Reports of Locke Appointment   2011-03-09

【教育】倡导学生自主学习的国际小学课程  Teaching Children How to Think Internationally   2011-03-09

【财经】芭比败走中国市场  All-American girl fails the cute test in a tough Chinese market   2011-03-08

【财经】欧佩克部分成员国悄悄增产  Members of Opec quietly lift oil output   2011-03-08

【政治】马英九:台湾将对中国大陆扩大开放     2011-03-08
  Taiwan is only “a quarter to a third” of the way through opening its economy to mainland China, President Ma Ying-jeou has said, indicating that he intends to expand greatly a free-trade agreement that Taiwan’s opposition says has already gone too far.

【娱乐】声音低沉的男性更可能出轨?  Women fear men with deep voices are more likely to cheat on them, study finds   2011-03-08
  Men with deep voices are more likely to cheat on their partners, women believe.

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