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【军事】利比亚国家电视台声称已经有48人死于战火  Libyan state television said 48 people have died in war   2011-03-20
  According to the latest Associated Press reported that the U.S. and European Union troops have been hit by cruise missiles and air strikes Gaddafi's armed forces and air defense. Libyan state television said, 48 people have been killed in the fighting. But this information needs to be further verified.

【军事】盟军开始军事打击卡扎菲  Allied forces began military strikes against Muammar Gaddafi   2011-03-20

【政治】奥巴马总统与美国高级官员讨论利比亚问题  Obama Meets with Top Aides on Libya   2011-03-20

【财经】中国央行再次上调银行存款准备金率  Beijing tightens bank lending reins   2011-03-19

【综合】菅直人:福岛核电站险情“非常严重”  ‘Battle against time’ at damaged plant   2011-03-19

【军事】国际联盟对利比亚军队实施军事打击  International Coalition Strikes at Libyan Military   2011-03-19

【政治】克林顿国务卿就制止利比亚暴力与国际伙伴磋商  Clinton Working with Partners on Response to Violence in Libya   2011-03-19

【综合】各国对日本核危机担忧加剧  Japan nuclear fears intensify   2011-03-18

【综合】日本加紧努力冷却福岛核反应堆  Emergency workers scramble to gain control of Fukushima plant   2011-03-18

【综合】东京人体验“时艰”  Tokyo faces up to blackouts and rations   2011-03-18

【教育】美国公立学校和公共建筑张贴《十诫》引发争议  Debating the Display of Ten Commandments in Public Schools and Buildings   2011-03-18

【财经】七国集团联手抑制日圆升值援救日本  G7 Sinks Yen; Helps Japan   2011-03-18

【综合】日本首相:核局势“很严峻”  Japan's PM Says Nuclear Situation 'Very Grave'   2011-03-18

【政治】克林顿国务卿表示支持突尼斯向民主过渡  Clinton Offers U.S. Support for Tunisia’s Transition to Democracy   2011-03-18

【综合】联合国安理会通过在利比亚设禁飞区的决议  U.N. Security Council Approves No-Fly Zone over Libya   2011-03-18

【科技】日本继续致力于处理福岛核危机  Workers Continue Efforts to Prevent a Nuclear Disaster in Japan   2011-03-18

【综合】日本继续致力于处理福岛核危机  Workers Continue Efforts to Prevent a Nuclear Disaster in Japan   2011-03-18

【综合】中国暂停审批核电项目  China suspends approval of nuclear plants   2011-03-17

【军事】西亚北非政府打击民众抗议  Arab spring threatened by winter   2011-03-17

【综合】分析:日本核危机仍未缓解  Fresh nuclear concerns hit Japan   2011-03-17

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