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【教育】美国小学生对日本灾民表达关心与支持  Children at US School Show Their Support for Victims in Japan   2011-04-01

【资讯】微软联合创始人回忆录引争议  Microsoft memoir tells of Gates’ ‘rip off’ plan   2011-03-31

【资讯】谷歌与美国监管机构就隐私保护达成和解  Google agrees privacy pledge   2011-03-31

【娱乐】日本核危机催热核旅游业  Japan disaster boosts interest in atomic tourism   2011-03-31

【军事】北约指挥官警告利比亚不要伤害平民  NATO Commander Warns Libya on Harming Civilians   2011-03-31

【财经】世贸组织裁定美国补贴波音违反贸易法规  WTO Rules US Aid to Boeing Violates Trade Rules   2011-03-31

【财经】国有化传闻致日本东电股价暴跌  Tepco shares fall after talk of state takeover   2011-03-30
  Shares in Tokyo Electric Power fell 19 per cent amid growing speculation that the operator of Japan’s crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant could be nationalised.
  东京电力公司(Tokyo Electric Power)股价下挫19%;越来越多的市场人士猜测,这家在地震中受损的福岛第一核电站的运营商可能被收归国有。

【财经】财富转移提振农行业绩  AgBank chief hails rural lift to profits   2011-03-30
  A huge transfer of wealth into the Chinese countryside is driving record profits for rural financial institutions that were struggling to survive just a few years ago, according to the chairman of Agricultural Bank of China, the country’s largest rural lender.
  中国最大农村银行——中国农业银行(Agricultural Bank of China)的董事长项俊波表示,以中国农村为目的地的大规模财富转移,正推动仅仅几年前还在为生存而挣扎的农村金融机构实现创纪录利润。

【体育】印度胜巴基斯坦 进入世界杯板球决赛  India Wins Cricket Match Against Pakistan and advance to the final   2011-03-30

【法律】荷兰议员将继续接受审仇恨言论案审判  Dutch Lawmaker to Continue Hate Speech Trial   2011-03-30

【医疗】医生对治疗辐射暴露鲜有应对之策  Doctors Lack Many Ways to Treat Radiation Exposure   2011-03-30

【医疗】福岛核电站发生放射性积水泄漏  Radioactive flood in reactor tunnels   2011-03-29

【政治】卡塔尔承认利比亚反对派政权  Qatar boost for Libya’s rebel council   2011-03-29

【财经】中国工行淡化信贷风险  ICBC head plays down post-crisis loan risk   2011-03-29

【农业】辐射对日本农业和渔业产生严重影响  For Japan Farmers, Radiation Fears Mean Economic Pain   2011-03-29
  This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

【政治】在抗议声中叙利亚总统接受内阁辞职  Syrian President Accepts Cabinet Resignation Amid Protests   2011-03-29

【娱乐】“律政俏佳人”瑞茜再婚 明星好友见证  Reese Witherspoon weds Jim Toth in front of family and A-list friends   2011-03-29

【娱乐】英国准王妃低调举办婚前单身派对  Kate Middleton follows Prince William's example with quiet evening in for hen ni   2011-03-29

【综合】日本核危机升级担忧加剧  Radiation fears rise at Japan crisis plant   2011-03-28

【资讯】凤凰卫视拟推出英语频道  Broadcaster to China plans launch of English channel   2011-03-28

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