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【教育】《野马新闻》校报使苏族学生与其社区紧密相连  A School Newspaper Links Sioux Indian Teens to Their Community   2011-04-07

【政治】海湾合作委员会将请求也门总统辞职  Gulf Council to Ask Yemen's President to Resign   2011-04-07

【政治】美国议员仍就预算问题僵持不下  US Lawmakers Still Deadlocked Over Budget   2011-04-07

【娱乐】调查:两个女儿的家庭最和谐  The key to a happy family: Have two daughters for fewer fights, less noise and h   2011-04-07

【财经】中国再次加息抗击通胀  China lifts rates again to combat inflation   2011-04-06

【资讯】《消费者报告》考虑进军中国  Consumers Union eyes Chinese readership   2011-04-06

【资讯】怎样真正鼓励艺术创作?  It’s mad to give my heirs rights to a student lit crit essay   2011-04-06

【财经】美国预算讨论继续进行政府可能关闭  US Budget Talks Continue as Possible Shutdown Looms   2011-04-06

【综合】日本就韩国关切排放辐射水作辩护  Japan Defends Release of Radioactive Water on S. Korea Concern   2011-04-05

【军事】巴博躲进防空洞陆军司令吁停火  Gbagbo Hides in Bunker as His Army Chief Calls for Cease-fire   2011-04-05

【医疗】自动水龙头病菌滋生成为免疫力低下人群隐患  Why Hands-Free Faucets May Be a Risk to Some Hospital Patients   2011-04-05

【科技】脑机接口技术帮助残疾人活动更自由  Brain-Computer Interfaces Could Mean More Freedom for the Disabled   2011-04-04

【军事】利比亚叛军向布雷加发动新攻势  Libyan Rebels Make New Push in Brega   2011-04-04

【财经】美国就业数据好转 股市与美元走高  Stocks and dollar perk up on strong US jobs report   2011-04-02

【财经】菅直人:不会将东京电力国有化  Tepco will stay private, insists Kan   2011-04-02

【军事】科特迪瓦国内冲突代价巨大  In Ivory Coast, the Great Cost of Conflict   2011-04-02

【资讯】微软向欧盟起诉谷歌  Microsoft files EU complaint against Google   2011-04-01

【财经】玉米和大豆价格飙升  Corn and soyabean prices jump on supply concerns   2011-04-01

【财经】G20南京会议关注人民币  Sarkozy urges G20 to hasten monetary reform   2011-04-01

【科技】彻底稳定福岛核电站“需要数年”  Stabilising plant to take years   2011-04-01

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