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【农业】种植观赏植物美化花园  Beauties in the Garden: Growing Ornamental Trees and Bushes   2011-04-19
  This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

【财经】中国再升存款准备金率  China tightens liquidity to tackle inflation   2011-04-18

【综合】东京电力:9个月内解决核危机  Timetable in place for reactor shutdown   2011-04-18

【科技】更便于使用的新型鼠标光标  A Better Computer Mouse Cursor for the Disabled   2011-04-18
  This is the VOA Special English Technology Report.

【艺术】“太太团”、电视选秀有害女生成长  Wags and X Factor: Why girls are behaving badly   2011-04-18
  Girls’ behaviour at school is deteriorating due to the appeal of Wag lifestyles and reality TV shows, according to teachers.

【政治】联合国呼吁利比亚停火  UN Calls for Cease-Fire in Libya   2011-04-18

【财经】美国预算案通过,但争端才刚刚开始  Fight Over Spending Is Just Beginning in Washington   2011-04-16

【财经】中国高铁运营时速上限将降至300公里  China responds to high-speed rail safety fears   2011-04-15

【财经】G20财长会议前夕各方分歧加重  Divisions widen on source of fragility   2011-04-15

【财经】中国一季度GDP增长9.7%  China first-quarter GDP grows 9.7%   2011-04-15

【财经】中国通货膨胀率激增  China’s Inflation Rate Up Sharply   2011-04-15

【法律】埃及将前总统转移到军方医院然后收监  Egypt Moving Former President to Military Hospital, Then Jail   2011-04-15

【金融】金本位终结30年后,黄金依然闪耀!  Gold Keeps Shining, 30 Years After Nixon Ended Gold Standard   2011-04-15
  This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.

【军事】美军高官:中美两军关系有望改善  China navy less aggressive, US says   2011-04-14

【财经】东京电力公司总裁公开道歉  Tepco president puts up a sorry show at ‘apology news conference’   2011-04-14

【科技】研究:大学生对现代科技上瘾 犹如吸毒  Student 'addiction' to technology 'similar to drug cravings', study finds   2011-04-14
  Withdrawal symptoms experienced by young people deprived of gadgets and technology is compared to those felt by drug addicts or smokers going “cold turkey”, a study has concluded.

【法律】白俄罗斯安全部门拘捕5名地铁爆炸案嫌疑人  Belarus Security Detains 5 Suspects in Metro Bombing   2011-04-14

【政治】北约外长在柏林会商利比亚问题  NATO Ministers Meet in Berlin to Discuss Libya   2011-04-14

【教育】推动更多印尼人到美国留学  A Push to Get More Indonesians to Study in US   2011-04-14

【财经】中国企业大举海外发债  Property sector drives China groups to borrow overseas   2011-04-13

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