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【财经】美国加紧稀土矿开发  US under pressure to fill rare earths gap   2011-05-11

【医疗】慢性疾病成为一些国家即将面临的灾难  Chronic Diseases an 'Impending Disaster' for Some Nations   2011-05-11

【娱乐】威廉凯特带动“姐弟恋”婚潮  Rise of the bride who's older than the groom, after Kate and Wills set trend   2011-05-11

【综合】美国将“放宽对华高技术出口管制”  Geithner hails ‘progress’ in China talks   2011-05-11

【军事】也门冲突升级,至少二人死  At Least Two Dead in Escalating Yemen Clashes   2011-05-11

【娱乐】施瓦辛格与妻子分居 25年婚姻或将终结  Arnold Schwarzenegger, wife Maria Shriver separate   2011-05-11

【军事】美中对话谈及军方沟通  Clinton issues blunt greeting to Chinese army   2011-05-10

【综合】巴总理借本•拉登之死向军队施压  Pressure on Pakistan army   2011-05-10

【教育】英青少年对未来收入太乐观 欲25岁前买房  How teenagers 'think they will be earning £60,000 at 35'   2011-05-10

【财经】微软将收购Skype  Microsoft in talks to buy Skype   2011-05-10

【政治】老挝选举中涌现出更高学历年轻议员  Lao Elections Produce Younger, Better Educated Legislature   2011-05-10

【资讯】密西西比河水位达到有史以来第二高点  Mississippi River Rises to Second-Highest Level   2011-05-10

【科技】苹果超谷歌 登顶最具价值品牌榜  Apple usurps Google as world's most valuable brand   2011-05-10

【法律】美国:本•拉登死前一直策划恐怖活动  US claims bin Laden had key terror role   2011-05-09

【科技】苹果成全球最有价值品牌 超越谷歌  Apple becomes the world’s most valuable brand   2011-05-09

【财经】欧盟将修改希腊援助计划  European officials to revamp Greek aid   2011-05-09

【教育】英国:过半父母不赞同学校开性教育课程  Sex education should not be taught in schools, say more than half of parents   2011-05-09

【综合】美中举行经济和人权问题会谈  US, China Discuss Economic and Human Rights Issues   2011-05-09

【政治】巴基斯坦否认卷入本.拉登案件  Pakistan Denies Complicity in Bin Laden Case   2011-05-09

【科技】加拿大研发“纸手机”有望引领新潮流  Researchers demonstrate flexible epaper phone   2011-05-09

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