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【综合】密西西比河洪水泛滥  The Mississippi River Floods America’s Heartland   2011-05-14
【科技】研究:学习乐器能让性格更刚毅  Study: Playing music as a child helps you stay sharp in old age   2011-05-14
【财经】中国大举购入日本长期国债  China lifts Japanese bond holdings   2011-05-13
【财经】中国收紧政策导致全球金融市场波动  Commodities seesaw after China tightening   2011-05-13
【资讯】埃及数千人要求改革与和平  Thousands Demand Reform, Peace in Egypt   2011-05-13
【政治】利比亚反对派与美国官员会晤  Libyan Opposition to Meet With U.S. Officials   2011-05-13
【科技】五月天空将现“六星连珠”奇观  Six planets align in May but no doomsday is foreseen   2011-05-13
【资讯】“你代表自己的形象:”通过社交媒体求职  'You Are Your Brand:' Using Social Media to Find a Job   2011-05-13
【财经】中国艰难的抗通胀之战  China slow to silence roaring tiger of inflation   2011-05-12
【法律】北京故宫博物院展品失窃  Jewel thieves strike at Beijing’s Forbidden City   2011-05-12
【财经】投资者担忧中国经济前景  Doubts over China recovery hit sentiment   2011-05-12
【军事】基地组织警告将发动更多袭击  Al-Qaida Warns of More Attacks   2011-05-12
【财经】中国银行再次提高银行准备金率  China issued another order to increase cash reserves   2011-05-12
【综合】本·拉登在日志中敦促追随者攻击美国  Officials: Bin Laden Urged Followers to Attack US   2011-05-12
【教育】一所教学生们健康饮食的学校  A School Where Children Learn to Eat Better   2011-05-12
【娱乐】戴妃车祸纪录片引争议 即将在戛纳上映  Princess Diana death film stirs up Cannes festival   2011-05-12
【财经】中国4月份贸易顺差大增  China trade surplus surges to $11.4bn   2011-05-11
【体育】国际足联再陷贿赂丑闻  Football’s top body hit by new bribe claims   2011-05-11
【财经】中俄限制燃料出口  China and Russia impose export restrictions on fuel   2011-05-11
【财经】中国4月通胀高居不下  China inflation slips slightly to 5.3%   2011-05-11

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