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【娱乐】研究:太快乐的人容易早死  Happy people die younger than their more reserved peers, study finds   2011-05-20

【军事】北约空袭利比亚,击中8艘军舰  NATO Destroys Eight Libyan Warships   2011-05-20

【财经】国际货币基金组织前总裁或周五保释  Former IMF Head Could Be Released from Jail Friday   2011-05-20

【综合】国务院:三峡存在“亟需解决”的问题  Beijing Admits to 'Urgent' Problems with Three Gorges Dam   2011-05-20

【政治】中巴重申友谊冷落美国?  China gives Pakistan show of support   2011-05-19

【政治】西班牙青年抗议活动升级  Capital hit as Spanish youth step up protests   2011-05-19

【财经】伊朗总统可能主持下月的欧佩克会议  Iran sets stage for tense Opec meeting   2011-05-19

【政治】菅直人:日本需彻底改革核电监管  Kan calls for reform of nuclear industry   2011-05-19

【医疗】和同事和睦相处有助长寿  Getting along with colleagues could help you live longer (but you don't need to    2011-05-19

【娱乐】威廉大婚英国公主“马桶帽”网上拍卖  Bids soar for princess's   2011-05-19

【财经】日本经济重陷衰退  Japan falls back into recession   2011-05-19

【财经】日本借助中国才能复苏  Tokyo has no option but to cleave to China   2011-05-19

【综合】盖特纳呼吁IMF任命临时总裁  Geithner calls for interim chief at helm   2011-05-19

【综合】卡恩辞去IMF总裁职务  Strauss-Kahn resigns from IMF   2011-05-19

【政治】巴基斯坦总理争取中国投资  Pakistan PM Reaches Out to Chinese Investors   2011-05-19

【法律】美军调查向韩国倾倒有毒橙剂报告  US Army Probes Report of Agent Orange Dumping in Korea   2011-05-19

【财经】2025年:美元不再独霸?  World Bank  sees end to dollar’s hegemony   2011-05-18

【财经】日本商界批评政府“草率”言论  Tokyo rebuked for ‘rash’ Tepco remarks   2011-05-18

【娱乐】香港艺术展花落谁家?  Art Basel buys Hong Kong art fair   2011-05-18

【综合】报告称新兴经济体将推动全球增长  Report: Emerging Economies to Fuel Global Growth   2011-05-18

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