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【财经】中国将放宽日本食品进口限制  Beijing to ease Japan food restrictions   2011-05-23

【财经】资金涌入新兴市场债券  Bond fund flows signal shift   2011-05-23

【财经】中国国开行申请入股美国私人股本集团  CDB seeks to join TPG stake purchase   2011-05-23

【财经】英德支持法国财长出任IMF总裁  UK and German support makes Lagarde top pick to run IMF   2011-05-23

【书评】书评:马多夫的魔法棒  How Madoff cast his spell   2011-05-23
  The Wizard of Lies: Bernie Madoff and the Death of Trust, by Diana Henriques, Times Books, RRP$30
  《骗人的魔法师:伯尼•马多夫与诚信之死》(The Wizard of Lies: Bernie Madoff and the Death of Trust),作者:戴安娜•亨里克斯(Diana Henriques),Times Books出版,建议零售价30美元

【娱乐】美国流行宝宝“性别揭秘”聚会  Is it a boy or a girl? Cut the cake to find out... How 'gender reveal' parties a   2011-05-23

【科技】太阳系外发现适宜人类居住星球  Habitable extrasolar planet found   2011-05-23
  A planet 20 light years away is the first outside our solar system to be officially declared habitable by scientists.

【科技】詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜,时光机器?  Is NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope a Time Machine?   2011-05-23
  This is the VOA Special English Technology Report.

【科技】中国承认三峡工程缺陷 批评人士反应强烈  Critics Hail Admission of Chinese Dam Flaws   2011-05-23

【医疗】两性相吸 奥秘何在?  The Tricky Chemistry Of Attraction   2011-05-23

【综合】三峡集团审计发现问题 将整改财务  Three Gorges Dam To Revamp Accounts   2011-05-23

【法律】联合国特使:缅甸当局继续侵权  UN Envoy Says Rights Abuses Continue in Burma   2011-05-23

【政治】欧盟制裁叙利亚总统  EU Sanctions Syrian President   2011-05-23

【金融】谁将继任国际货币基金组织总裁?  Who Should Be the Next Chief of the IMF?   2011-05-22
  This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.

【政治】奥巴马第2次中东演讲支持巴勒斯坦诉求  Obama, in Mideast Speech, Supports Palestinian Demand   2011-05-21

【财经】中国消费者大举投资黄金  Chinese take lead as buyers of gold bars and coins   2011-05-20

【综合】日本震后衰退程度超预期  Disaster takes toll on Japan’s economy   2011-05-20

【财经】宏碁:今年大陆营收将跃升70%  Acer soars ahead in China as global market share slides   2011-05-20

【综合】法国人:卡恩被捕系抹黑阴谋  French suspect smear campaign lies behind NY arrest   2011-05-20

【综合】卡恩已获准保释  Strauss-Kahn to be released on bail   2011-05-20

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