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【财经】中信证券与法农贷成立全球经纪公司  Crédit Agricole and Citic to create global brokerage   2011-06-11

【综合】拉加德:支持中国在IMF扮演更重要角色  Lagarde ‘confident’ about IMF job   2011-06-11

【军事】盖茨警告北约未来岌岌可危  Gates Says NATO Could Face 'Irrelevance' in the Future   2011-06-11

【综合】为防用工荒 欧盟鼓励家庭主妇当上班族  Brussels sends memo to Germany, Austria and Holland ordering women to get jobs   2011-06-11

【政治】中朝计划在朝鲜共建两个经济区  China starts work on enterprise and trade zones in North Korea   2011-06-10

【政治】叙利亚难民涌入土耳其  Syrians flee to Turkey as world powers struggle over next move   2011-06-10

【财经】中国中小企业遭遇“钱荒”  China’s SMEs face severe cash crunch   2011-06-10

【财经】中印汽车市场增速放缓  Asian car sales falter as global pressures grow   2011-06-10

【医疗】致命大肠杆菌爆发成为欧洲经济最大隐忧  E. Coli Outbreak A Top Economic Worry For Europe   2011-06-10

【军事】美国要求北约成员国增加防务开支  US: NATO Members Must Pay Fair Share   2011-06-10

【医疗】俄罗斯将对欧洲蔬菜解禁  Russia to Lift Ban on EU Vegetables   2011-06-10

【财经】中国股市:新股不败神话破灭  IPO fails as Chinese investors bust myth   2011-06-09

【财经】中国投资日本长期国债再创新高  China’s buying of Japanese government debt at new high   2011-06-09

【政治】欧盟加大对叙利亚施压  Europe piles pressure on Syria   2011-06-09

【财经】中国房地产泡沫开始泄气  China Property Bubble Starts To Deflate   2011-06-09

【娱乐】美日游客锐减 澳大利亚寄望中国  Australia Seeks China's Tourists as U.S. Visits Wane   2011-06-09

【综合】中国无力挽救全球增长放缓  No Chinese Relief For Global Slowdown   2011-06-09

【政治】朝鲜威胁披露与韩国的秘密会谈录音  North Korea Threatens to Release Recordings of Secret Talks With South   2011-06-09

【财经】中国外汇官员警告美元风险  China official warns on dollar risk   2011-06-08

【财经】中国提议开发巴基斯坦水电  China’s $15bn proposal to dam the Indus   2011-06-08

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