T here are few things that make me feel grimmer than reading about happiness. In the past few years, an entire library of dismal titles on the subject has been published including, in escalating order of duffness, Happier, The How of Happiness, Happiness Now!,Delivering Happiness, Authentic Happiness, The Happiness Makeover and Getting to Happy.
没有什么比阅读关于幸福的书更让我郁闷的了。过去几年出版的关于幸福的书籍足以摆满图书馆,标题都很凄苦,按无用程度从低到高排序,有《更幸福》(Happier)、《如何幸福》(The How of Happiness)、《幸福趁现在!》(Happiness Now!)、《实现幸福》(Delivering Happiness)、《真正的幸福》(Authentic Happiness)、《幸福大变身》(The Happiness Makeover)和《达到幸福》(Getting to Happy)。